this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

Ow, hm I thought the speeders would've worked. I will redesign that Edit: I mean like never happend to me

Why is this a dummy map? Its a solo map but you have to wait for dummy to open doors

Yes and no, I combined dummy with race, 1v1 dummy 🤷♂️. If u aren't faster than ur dummy then u get fu*ked. Dummy blocks ur path if he faster than u, or if he reaches end before u

it is that other "new" type of dummy genre, but it is dummy

Fot the concept I'm not agains it, but we souldn't have to wait for the dummy to finish the race, on the contrary to be able to kill him and finish the map would be better

Also I don't know if there are dummy map that finish in team at the moment

Just rocketfly has teamfinish

Ah yes yes

Sorry sorry

but they shouldn't probably

Actually now that u mentioned it, haven't thought about that double finish. I will definetly get rid of it

Here u dont actually have to wait for it at any point. More likely u gotta arrive/be faster than him to be able to finish

Ah yes, but you still need to kill dummy manually

Ah yes u are right hmm then I have to add some switches and a kill tile for dummy at the end, so if u make it u unlock team, pass through the switch and dummy goes in kill tile

Yeah I will probably fix tomorrow all the in-race changes direction

Dark, here u ment the missing freezes or that is a bit confusing?

How so? U need switch 12 open


you just go left , or there is switch somewhere to close that door that leads up

oh ye i see

switch 12


big brain mapper


Im trying to fix this but idk

but i don't get you need to do almost everythink 1st try , to beat dummy ?

Mm nah thats why i made beginning parts so easy cause idk hooking parts are kinda basic, it all depends how fast u do first parts if u stop or not etc

Also didnt made parts that hard, laser is nothing crazy either, nade parts...once u get the hand of it pretty easy too. Only last parts are tricky

Made speeders at the first section easier and also the last section of parts (it now has 2 force, before it was 3). Now should be easy to get a lead on the dummy so u have more tries on laser and nade parts. If testers says its too easy and u get alot of advantage on dummy then i will put back to 3
I fixed the fail of Yto, at the nade parts
Fixed the entity freeze and i lowered the ceileing so it doesnt match to much with the "fade design"
Fixed Texnonik cheat on laser
Fixed DarkOort screens about speeders affecting player (not all needed just 4 important ones)
And i fixed ending of dummy (i hope is fine that bit)

done, fixed all and made so u dont need to wait dummy

+1 for the concept

looks like cool concept didnt rly test much gameplay tho

i feel like the hookables are kinda lost in this design? they dont really match the rest

imo smth like this would match better? idk

Yh I thought of green too when i start mapping it. Then i changed it cause i thought ppl will get confuse with bg xD 😂 but i can change it !

Could you check if this is what you meant louis? also changed it on blue and red section made it similiar to it

ah i just meant changing the unhook texture/image to match the "pixel retro" feel :p just a suggestion tho

for some reason i thought that was ur entities lmao xd i dont have that mappre (and actually yh i like those blocks more) xD

Changed the blocks, and fixed a fall speed glitch that made u teleport to end (freezed)

tele 5 goes to 5 and you stuck ( if you don't go up )

Changed Texts fonts more "retro" style.
Nerfed a laser part, last hook of beginning parts and 1 part at nade section.
Moved tele 5, 1 down
and increased the alpha of freezes of each section to be more visible
edit: and i also added a non HD bg and made some other stuff HD

fixed non-HD bugs in transition

Nerfed more parts.
added directions at the beginning of red section.
added a better turnoff position at one of the grenade parts.

Nerfed the speed of dummy more, and i tried to smooth more the parts at the end. Now map should be a bit better

really cool 😄

fixed a remaining sneaky switch ^^

Hmm there is already a hitomi map called Retro 0

Sorry ^-^

Changed slightly the part at tele 15 Added Cp's 4, 5 and 8 Edit: and changed some signs

Sorry, some extra small details ^-^

Made 2 parts less annoying

Some changes thx to DarkOort (i think its last update)

122549 invisibles or blanks removed

$ready 3


♥ yai

+15% fps when I compared


there is no "switch_close" setting

switch_open i[switch] Whether a switch is deactivated by default (otherwise activated)

there is?*

im gonna do the test but im sure close works too

Thanks Saavik ! ^-^

$saavik 3

Mega true, oof and thats a bit hard to fix..... hmm

should i just move the position in which the dummy gets tp to?

like before the end where it activates the block at the end

well where should the position move to in your opinion?

$ready 4/3

$ready 3


lmao everyone just ignored this xDDD

As usual

its retro 0 not retro

why is sv_pausable enabled

is it? 😮

yes i fixed it

also i dm u


why is deepdly enabled?

still too equal

does this mean i can call my next map Aim 0?

yes ofc!

aim assist 1.0 by aoe