

too dark for my taste

maybe its cause of my screens

because some maps feel darker to me, as if someone sends me a screen of the map 😄

$rate balance=5 flow=3 creativity=5 playability=2 fun=0 design=1 bonus=0

Second time I test this map I saw significant bad points about the map, which is when ever you map something with switches that are timed, it should never be punished by kill, also to mention that there are way too long parts that destroy the gameplay, after first part marked unfreeze missing, and missing 2p force.

how to add 2pforce

doesnt work

team_size 2

sv_team 2

i added that

idk what the problem is

its already intended

btw why is tge playability 2/10?

was it so terrible and unplayable?

why is the balance on 5? which parts are not balanced

3/10 flow - many parts are based that both have to do smth or to react and for example the first 2 parts. what would u miss for a good flow. or for all parts?

which parts are too long?

and why shouldnt i map timeswitch parts? if u spectate the part u should know how it works and they are not that hard.

Open to see every picture /w description.
Balance 5: Some parts are way too basic / easy compared to other parts. Other parts meanwhile get's punished by kill in a very unnecessary spot.
Flow 3: Some parts are just not for speedrunning, especially that one deeppart where hook is disabled, other than that you give players a limited time to speedrun your map with your timed switches, but since many parts including edge's I dont think it has a good flow.
Playability 2: As described way too faily at certain spots.

Edges are a point of brutal

and that are like 2 edges max

at a part

fixed the "confusing switch part" made it unfaily. and all other screens which u sent are fixed

lol maybe you should wait some time before posting updates here


are you sure that's the final one

i guess

u can test

for now its last one

$rate balance=6 flow=4 creativity=5 playability=5 fun=1 design=1 bonus=0

worstwish - heute um 07:54 Uhr bad design bad creativity bad balance bad playability bad flow Syltoox - heute um 07:54 Uhr ok explain what to change worstwish - heute um 07:54 Uhr make new map Syltoox - heute um 07:54 Uhr explain why bad playibility where bad balance worstwish - heute um 07:54 Uhr i am 2 bad to lpay it play Syltoox - heute um 07:54 Uhr XDDD


Wtf leak

mapper doesn't want the map to be released anymore