this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Cool design Savalic 🙂 although black freeze looks way better for the design and less eye strain (black with 120 alpha looks good check it out)


talked with mapper


ty mate 😄 but i dont like black freeze in this design, looks to dark for me

with white freeze its cleaner and clear to see for everyone

$ready 3


fixed skip

$ready 3

fastest ready in the west



optimize maybe?

I never use optimize because most of the time it breaks something in the map, you can check by yourself if there is no unuse image or useless layer... + the map is not that big so i wont do it just in case


ow, could you point out cases where it broke something? I want to fix any bugs with $optimize :)

the optimize resize the layer so sometime it break if you have a layer in a specific position, in luxis the mapper said me that something moved after the optimize, but in most of the case it's good, specially for unsuse image ...

I investigated this case and there was no bug the optimizer made the layers smaller, like it should. then the mappers wanted to map the layer further in some directions, but then the size of the layer was too small for that. thats why they only run the tool at the very end if some mapper does need to map further in any directions, you can simply do
or smth for extending the layers in some directions. editing is ofc only hard if you need to extend left or up

okok i see

parts are alright

but why does the map have 70% hammerhit xd

because Brutal

hammerhit players be like

Dont call Silex he might force u to redo part

check all map ...

somehow 2 layers got switched, thats why the bugs accured


First ready set. It needs to be tested again by a different tester before fully evaluated.


it doesn't work here

Old maps before the 2 ready change in the evaluated maps are a bit different I think, cuz the bot doesn't find the initial ready


The map is now ready to be released!




The map is now ready to be released!


your map has just been released, and you now have a 2-week grace period to identify and resolve any unnoticed bugs or skips. After these two weeks, only design and quality of life (QoL) fixes will be allowed, provided they don't impact the leaderboard rankings. Be aware that significant gameplay changes may impact and lead to the removal of ranks. Good luck with your map!

pls upload this version, i fixed a not 100% part - gameplay is the same

can you update, i think snail is afk


ah sorry forgot to do it

yes 🙂

hella fun to die there

just go wall and swing

otherwise this wouldnt happen