this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Hey! so by just looking the preview i can tell that the map doesnt accomplish our requirements for releasing maps, such as repetitive and non "creative" parts and definitely not enjoyable for players. You can take a look to a good rated maps (meaning well mapped, nice gameplay, etc...) that can lead you to an understandment of what we are looking for, since a nice map is sort of determined by objectiveness, you can ask on
#mappingwhich maps players think that have the characteristics that a nice map should have. Personally i would choose Holidays 2, Umbrella, Some Yeyous, Teeish Mine, among others. After you took a look at those, it can give you an idea of what maps are the role model to follow, ofc try to give your personal touch to it

If u have any further questions you can ask them in
#questionsand dont forget to read
#📌infowhich contains a much further explication about mapping, and the rules of it.


This command was not found.

Your map submission has been declined.

pls dont give up on making maps 😄

Thank you, I will continue to work hard.

are you sure its even a brutal?

Seems like a dummy in 4 people

I have a video of the clearance, if you want to see it .

This is a triple fly ( 4 fly ) map, but I'm really bad at making maps

I would wanna take a look yeahh if you can send it would be good

Since i playtested it with a friend and we both were clueless on why its in brutal category and why you kill people to progress

But later on we got it