this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules:
It's back once again
wtf i thought this was released
no it got declined or maybe in waiting
i did too i thought it was that one coke t0 map whatever it was called
Was on waiting too long
it 28 right
i think i need do some, like make it grow to 29.
How is it related to the map ?
i just wanna to said it map sooo cool
Either you test and give proper feedback or you keep talking in
need my delete it?
its to prevent a cheat
Oh what's the cheat
what u mean here? how was the part done
hook a tee from middle just down
Do a paint 😄
u mean both freeze tiles or just the left one?
in t0 or 4p u can just hook in middle of the hookable
and drag down
cireme did it solo?
i already made it a bit visible with the hookable tiles
onle one up bcs u have to hook there
Lol, well you can't guess
maybe only leave the hookable that is needed
i added somthing that fits the design idk
as i said its to prevent a little cheat there, anyway have to check it once again
its more a solo jump
bcs of kill tile?
We did multiple setups and the idea is good but it's bad in the end
No, because both use the path down
ok i can add a other way up
will check it myself again
The kill tile is dangerous for nothing
The swing is far from satisfying (you can easier die as 2)
You are asking people to actually play 😄
The hook down could be longer not to cheat
Yeah the last ones have to do the part bcs of the solo
arent those silly fail parts a characteristic of new-ish t0 maps? a lot of newer t0 maps have an annoying fail part before finish. ofc only cause a lot have it, doesnt mean its good, still, these silly fail parts are what makes these maps interesting imo
I just thought you could pass 2 down right and cheat anyway
When I add it like this yeah but it's too cheatable, I will take a look tomorrow
U won't try in old version to go both down 😁
Idk, in 99% u will never hit that
Just do it with dj
yea, there are other t0 maps with way failier last parts
I tried some ways there, if I remember right ravie told me that ppl will never do the part that way I want. So I made it with the solo, with solo u have to do the part 2 times
My second idea was a setup with some kills, idk
But I used solo in that way bcs it was more t0 friendly, u can go back up there if the last tees fail the part
I'll show you tomorrow
B4 it was like the same but a bit easier
idk what to do here, i marked already
tbh that was the idea of the part, its at 50% of the map, should i still change it?
I think so
Make the drag down longer horizontally
so you can't just hook from the left
isn't that obvious what to do ?
No, the hooks aren't obvious
this too, u rly think i need to change it? its at tile 2890~ (3/4 of the map)
explained the right way of doing this already, idk we have already added a platform to sit. what should i do there (same like the other part, very far into the map, imo no problem)
The tunnel in the middle is too crowded
The platform doesn't really help
Everyone has to wait in line, 2 mn each
its 3 tiles, how can u just hook ur mate down
already said something about this
this too, idk. i want to leave it like it is
as i said, idk what to do here. i like both ideas, as it was b4 or ur new part and the solo part
all other things fixed
i forgot this, idk i like it 😄 never hit it
this too
this too
I'll look at the map after
But because you don't hit it doesn't mean people won't
I wouldn't leave the possibility to die so randomly
i moved the kill in the middle 😄
idk what to do here, i already marked the spots to hook. maybe u have a better idea
as we said in dm's i leaved this untouched for now
leaved this for now as i already said. i like the solo bcs more tees have to do it but i also like the other ways so idk what to do
leaved this bcs its in 3/4 of the map (3000tiles)
leaved this bcs its very far into the map and idk what to do 😄
u have to show the way without kill here, i dont think it makes any difference
talked already to you that i remade this (now its solo)
i like this, u can hf or jump solo if u want
closed this
Talked in-game
Waiting for the last fixes (design mostly)
Reminder : 4*
also changed the design of the map a bit
Do you still want to change anything
I will look again today
i think thats it for now, i still have time until rls to edit something 🙂
$ready 4
Awesome Coke!
Awesome my ass
tf is this shit
there are some good parts
but the rest is dogshit
my god
so we basically accept any shit that a tester gives us?
is bad
Most people who tested it had no complaints about this map.
consider the opinion of 1 against the opinion of many
what exactly do you dislike about her?
send a screenshot of a part what you dont like
Nice joke
This is bad joke
$points Kazuma
We did, just not here
(I meant in game directly)
Then mark me all the good parts and then all the bad parts. I don't think u know how 10% works, but I wait for ur Screenshots
It's not worth much but will be interesting to see it
That map is meh, not bad nor too good. It has some good parts but it isn't built in a way that is fun to speedrun nor to play in t0. It lacks room at some places, some parts are too crowded (see here : The flow is often ruined. It has tight corridors where it shouldn't and doesn't have any where it could. That map is just another so-so hh map, still better than mult0map. Coke is aware of all of it, I already told him about the issues but he loves it just as much as he loved mult0map back then. Friendly reminder : I meant to decline mult0map but Coke told me (followed by many of his friends) that the map was awesome and that it would be the new trend. I let him know what I thought of it, how bad it was and that we shall see if was right (which I didn't believe and you know the result now)
The map is 50 50. It's ok since we didn't have a hh map in a while. I felt for Coke, trying too hard to make it a good map, reworking it several times so I went for 51 49. Ravie told me if it weren't for me, he would have declined it already which is totally understandable.
That's the kind of reply that isn't very helpful. Point out the problems and be constructive
Decisions aren't taken lightly at anytime, for anyone
Being a tester doesn't grant you any privilege, besides having the responsibility to test and ready/decline maps
Dude is barely a player (not a mapper nor a tester), yet he knows better than anyone
Yes we have already noticed that always everything must please 100% everyone when we / I map something. Strangely enough, other hh maps have been released that had hardly any parts and only bad filler 😁 I know that my maps/parts are often too hard for the normal player, but that's how I like my maps
For me it is hard to map easy parts, as they often seem too boring to me myself
You can't satisfy everyone, there will always be haters and lovers, but hh maps often target a very wide range of players. Hard hh maps are fine but there are some unwritten rules to get that feeling they convey. I agree mapping easy parts is harder than it looks
I'm curious what hh maps you are talking about ? We haven't had any in a while and I can't recall any that fit your description (at least that come to my mind)
dalbychsipivo was a map that fits
ravie told me if the parts are good the filler doesnt rly matter
so we have 32 parts in here, some of them rly big
Also, I got stormed with insults in my DMs. The guy is actually Kasus, a friend of Papotav, misstrip and tortilla
You know now the roots :D
He seems to be mad that a tester (here Coke) gets his map released despite being 50 50 (as I called it)
While his friend tortilla got a decline for his hh map
Just saying, nothing and coke got their map declined..
I wanna release killtaps
He kept repeating "tester privilege" numerous times
Didn't know we had a tester privilege
Who told him
Most of the time(I’d say 95%) maps by testers are well structured and clean design, is not perfect so requires testing ofc, but have much less problems than other maps. That’s one of the reasons why this map is being released
Tbh I think if you're a tester it's fair if your map can get released easier faster since you put in a lot of work. But please of course you will have a bias when someone you know or are associated with posts a map, that's beyond human control. That's why some procedures require anonymity and such. Doesn't mean that any shit map will be accepted ofc
Kazuma shaming me
think this map has been fully declined twice already,coke has been fighting for this map a long time
stop it pls
Not rly, I posted it and had no time to fix
Just for the record, I wanted to decline this map. It has plenty of problems that I've pointed out on the first submit, most of which aren't fixed (I guess fillers got nerfed a tiny bit, which is good but doesn't really save the map). I think we'd be better off without another map that isn't really playable in t0 nor in team, but others seem to think it's good enough so let's watch it get played for points by a few pros and forgotten. At least it has a cool design.
Exactly my thought
yes i know you like to badmouth maps of us and personal opinion has a lot of value as i already pointed out. i still find it funny that i fixed parts the way one wanted it, then the other saw it and i should change it back..the way it originally was
there are over 2000 maps, not every map has to be played every day
How is my honest feedback "badmouthing"?
it is related to all feedbacks and maps from us/myself
But I always point out basically the same things and you never listen
Is that you?
its very famous reality star
best adult content creator
one is enough
This is what happened to milky way no?
Don't know, I haven't tested or even seen that map
My point exactly, it got released then after the first week immediately was forgotten
Hh players will usually stick to the few maps they already know
I don't wanna offend anyone but it feels like similar thing to multimap players xd
They never leave that map
Not true, I see a bunch of different t0 maps in rotation, but the unfun and stupidly punishing ones are forgotten
I guess I just prefer harder hh maps
Well also I haven't been on populated servers recently due to having a ton of work so I can't judge much
But all I remember is ppl being on stronghold, back in time, days,sky
it's clear that maps that noobs can do on their own are more likely to be online than hard maps. there are still far more players who are much worse than average
I guess if you wanna keep making maps that few people want to play and telling yourself they're all noobs then go ahead
i just said that u need in some maps a pro to carry, in other maps is no pro needed
And some maps are just terrible and 99.9% of players that play it dont enjoy it and only do it for points
(insert mult0)
this map will be forgotten in a week maybe less
when tunezones release im going to make the best t0 map ever
Better try a nobo t0 map
With switches and puller everywhere
I told I'll map the way I like it, maybe you don't know how many maps there are. we have to make maps that are played 24/7 ik, but it's not the case in 99%
If u mapping a bit harder or use parts where u need brain, u filter automatically 50% or more of the players xd
tunezones already exist
i know
i want the stable release into vanilla
0.6 vanilla?
its a great map
what's this for ??
we can just pass below
who cares
who cares
who cares
so are we not gonna talk about how romkanerom‘s body seems to be stuck half way into the wall????
unimportant details
outside of the red circle (i watch youtube alot)
Just for the record, this map is already the biggest "hit" of 2023, just 3 days after its release
Just for the record, some "testers" thought it would do bad, because it actually did something unique with t0 maps.
Good map Coke. Love u. Uwu.
What is the unique thing I'm corious
holes in the map?!
Hi corious im dad.
Coke making new uniques experiences for hh maps t0 lovers I just have to say Thanks
Coke can give you a unique experience on any map if you take enough
It will prolly land on top 5 here which is kinda crazy considering its a 5* brutal
nvm, 58 finishes XD
t0 hh players really will play anything
Give em gores
This is a 4* btw, which might be my only complaint since the map is insanely faily especially in team
nah rating is fine
just too many underskilled try the map wich make most parts really hard
was that a joke or not i cant really tell
considering he finished map twice within 3 days im pretty sure he wasnt joking
the map was so bad it overflowed the integer limit and looped back to being good
map mapped by 2 negative mappers making it a positive map
Pretty sure the only thing keeping this map played was the fact that pros kept playing it because they need finish
pros play incoming confirmed?
stop being haters
biggest hit 2023
why is the channel still up
delete it kill it
why u still up
took long enough for pataros 2s channel to go down
corneum started mapping :)
Many pros had finished after the first two days but still continued playing on day 3, 4, 5, etc.
Hm, every time i've checked a teestroyer server, i've only seen it up becuase there were atleast 3-4 pros in it
I think cendren was the main one keeping it alive since he still needs finish(?)
Or am I wrong on that
Cendren didn't want to finish, he always finished for others
Ah I see
Its just a fun t0 map I like it