this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

should i change it?¿
yes imo

maybe a drag part could fit there?

you mean a hook drag?

probably the first one


nice map

Okay thx, working on it 😁😁

I fixed the things that you told me, also i added and fix other things
I fixed various things and added some other things to

i didnt put TO10 on the ground bcs it was annoying when i used the from10

Fixed some things, I think i dont have more to add it

you just have to jump earlier

i dont think it matters bcs there are a few recent maps that use it like embedded, like Gone or C

i will fix that

yes it's hard to understand when to hook/jump when doing it for the first time (that was my problem with that part

i did it on purpose

look up mapper rules. if they did the same mistake, that's no reason for you to repeat it

do you have any suggestions?

and if i put it external it shouldn't be able to see the hook in the last part

gone and c don't use grass_main, they use colored versions of that tileset. that's a big difference. gone has generic_deahttiles embedded which shouldn't be


i meant something like this

that's something different

grass_main is included in every client

so if you put it on external, people don't need to download it

when downloading the map

if you put it embedded they download it even if they already have that tileset

in c there is a recolored version of grass main, so people don't have it so they need to download it

was my bad, its okay

the reason why i put cp 33 it was if the dummy fall and you fall to, its not possible to finish

what about putting an emergency door in the freeze? (which closes when the dummy goes into unlock so you can just press a) not the coolest solution i guess

other than that you can add another door that opens with the door at finish and a tele behind the door to the left

or just put a back tele xd (at the ceiling)

guess that's the easiest solution

its no going to look like clean

well it works if it's too easy add some tele below so you have to swing your dummy in or something like that

fixed the thing that you told me and hopefully this is it

I reduced the weight


testeamos el map con el Skai. Ahi te dara algunos feedbacks que encontramos

@FeaRZwe tested the map, and we thought this..

In general, your map is good, but you need make it more interesting. Because some parts are so repetitive and boring/no-creative parts.

The thing is if i put the cp before those teleto the dummy will appear always in 14cp so you cant be able to do the part

I put it away form each other ( infinity jumps) to prevent chat spam If I put cp16 there. To prevent a cheat, but I think i fixed so im gonna check it

Im going to check those part that you mentioned

Yeah, but looks weird. Try to put it better

Look better

Bcs i put a from-to tele

So, put both teles

i think this i will rework it bcs you'r right

i made this simple bcs if you fail the hook after you take the tele its going to be a lil bit annoying

Yeah, but is a bit meh

i agree aslkdj


can you put it on waiting (if its necessary ofc), bcs i want to rework some parts besides the ones that Skai said

If you want to rework something, yes

okay then


I think it only remains to put in hd some layers, thx btw

1.- I Put in hd what it has to be in hd 2.- Fixed some things


reworked some gameplay things and the blue teles that
@Sorahtold me, thx to
@Soapy Sandwich

Thought there were other design errors but i now see the system you used for when to use little corners.

i reworked some parts, platform support (like a tele under the platform), can fly in the "space", a shoutout

fixed some entities and added some external corners

Some little changes in cp 5 and cp 31 idk what else
@Soapy Sandwichxd

another lil change in cp5

Fixed the things that we talked, and also made a lil changes in cp 16 and 15
@Soapy Sandwich
$ready 3



should be all

Shouldn't it be „careful“ instead of „carefull“?

Yes i think


there should be way more contrast in design between tele and freeze

why is "/spec" even on?

should i put the release on hold then or will the things be quick to fix

depends on the mapper xd isnt really hard to fix so i think he will be able to fix it in time

also fix the things mentioned by genex

the switch for the finish gets used in a previous part

happy team finishing i guess 🤡



alright i think u should put the release on hold, sry for the inconvenience


I'll not fix those edges because it's part of the design if can you noticed, every pic you send follows the same patterns, i dont know how to explain it but you can figure

we knew about it and we thought its okay to have a lil skip, because it doesnt skip the hole part u know

can you explain? since i putted an endless hook off in totele 12 so idk

Lul? It doesnt Follow a pattern? Sometimes you did corner sometimes not so pls fix it

I dont realy care but there is no pattern xd

there is, every big corner (idk how to call it) that its connected with the wall has no corners

ill fix that, and yes its that a problem?

ah mb didnt see the totele12 thought u will get teleported to the previous cp

i mean its not really a problem was just asking xd

fix everything, except the cheat
There is still no pattern xd

it doesnt matter right now i fixed it anyway


why wont u fix the cheat?

your background image has 416kb, i think you can get it with much less memory.

think about how you do it, but this way it definitely has too much kb for me

(whole endless markings)


You should think about the design a little bit, as it is, it is unplayable imo

Pretty sure those edges are left without all throughout the map. Not really a bug just a design choice so should be fine.

why it should be wrong?

unplayable? wtf

Endless has a different sign, u used the sign for hook on/off

Yeah for me the color don't match and it's hard to see anything at all

Maybe it's just my screen, but I'm having trouble seeing anything at all

man for sure

im telling you more than 20 players tested it and just one told me that i should change the color of tp and freeze, and thats the reason for those to be the color they are

maybe the hook colour doesn't match


one of the thing is, its not big deal, you dont skip the hole part, and i think is like "fun" to have some tricky thing you know

i think i fix everything, i deleted the blue corners and the stoppers in cp 5

Still 1mb for no reason

i couldn't reduce it more, at least i have less weight than lobster party

i think it's enough if you do the first parts with blue tele and entities off, after that you should know what to do. so for the rest of the map you don't need entities off on this reference anymore

there are still images of which only 1 or 2 tiles have been used, you can delete everything that is not needed so that the map does not need a lot of memory.

i don't see anything that would justify the map size, because you don't use such ready made background images or you make them very small (i explained you what i mean)

u forgot switch_open 12


if u dont touch the toteles with the switches in it u will get pulled

i told you you can use switch_open and timer, but i thought you should play everything again and re-map the places where you can't easily replace it.

and u dont need a entities off sign for each back tele xd


Here is cheatable bcs of the switches ill put off switches again in that part and in the rocket part and its solved

so should i delete the "HOLD" too?

no just move it down

are you saying that should be smth like this?

if u dont want the cheat yes

i think i fixed everything, even the cheat

, also made a change in cp 23
@Cøkeidk if u are okay with the weight now


lil change in cp8 besides what you pointed

spawn wrong placed

so i guess u want it like this? (that u can cheat it). its not easy but faster

Thats the reason why i put 28 cp where it was


u dont understand what i mean

look at the screen and read again what i wrote 😛

ik but this cp allows that u can fall in tele and still rehook ur dummy in air


idk what do you call a cheat

I did it without sg

? but man you have to grab the sg anyway xd

Just jump and rehook

Idk if it is a cheat or not

so if i mark this switch should i mark every switch now?

fixed everything even cp5, the cheat in cp6 i think i will let it as it is, but can you show me how You do it?
Maybe later

$waiting for big changes

okay now im satisfied with the map


infinite jump?

i mean hook sorry

also i added some switch puller design that left

dummy 1* is not even for beginners

this is 3*

its like u say about a brutal map make this easier bcs beginners cant do it

so many points that are not necessary

okey sorry "experienced mapper"

srry if i hurt your ego

im 100% right in all the points i made, you are just lazy to even check them and think about them and fix ur dumb map

let your map be trash idc

but this map is not releasable

as it is

you think this is worth releasing ? 2 laser shots? pff its so dumb

long ass basic drags and u want to release this

and where the fuck i mentioned dummy 1 ? i said that, that part feels like that because its soooo simple for a 3. In which universe did i say that map is 1 ? and its my opinion dont take it serious, i just said that, that part for me its 1 or 2* because for me its easy.


cause this map aint for me

too easy

im puting myself on someone that is starting to play 3* dummy maps and this looks so simple map

but u are just getting cocky and defend him

and i told you ingame, idc if u accept this or not im just pointing obvious and common sense stuff

and this helps clean up that messy shit

but anyway, he is experienced he knows whats good and that this map is worth rls.

that one looks better

it doesnt rly help to prevent lag/stupid fail

you know you can cheat right side part yeah?

by going into cp and if u fail the laser with the dummy rehook just drop in again

instead of doing the "generic" only 3 laser shot

but you are pro experienced so my points are not even worth 😄 no worries

thats right

I test a lot of maps and can also sometimes overlook something, that is humanity

exactly so stop flaming on me you 2, i just took my time to look on the map and test, try to help someone and all im getting is "naaaah you are wrong, you dont know waht are you talking about "


im not a random guy that doesnt know what he is talking about

i never said anything like that, but apparently i am always the contact person no matter what problems you have. i only said that the map is ok for me

but there are small details to be concern

and I have never said that I find all the proposals crap


maybe i disagree with some points, but i never said everything sucks what u said xd

well thats how it felt ingame too, when disagreeing with everything i was mentioning

which color of hook do you used for this?
i change some things that QuiX said, that to me felt correct

besides, i would like to receive feedback about cp 7 now

Still wrong info there, should be 'push shotgun'


It felt more clean than the regular, can i let it?

i guess

even if is tele red there is no problem if i mark it with bluetile?

thats okay

i fix every point, and i found others things. about the hook on cp 32 you still can hook dummy but know its quite harder and its a waste of time

the freeze and the switch


$ready 3