this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules


i dont have anything to say except for
@everyone what think about it

hmm not sure why Im mentioned but ok.. If this is an old map that was released loong time ago then it should be posted to oldschool....
however, if this is a new map then it don't fit the nowadays standards.
- very plain and simple graphics nothing that would make it stand from the crowd
- first part have simple drag parts (nothing new, nothing special)
- map looks very short it should have been atleast three times like that
- in the last part I do like that you can choose the way
- (personal opinion) I've never liked that parts are just rooms with teleports from one to the other (If ur making such a map then it should have a reason why ur teleporting between rooms like in map challenge https://ddnet.tw/mappreview/?map=Challenge)
Nova Fenice & Vita It looks like its yours first map tips for you. This map needs a redrawing:
- remove the info room
- connect all the rooms (normal ways or "snake parts" or "hammer hit" or "hammerfly" - plenty of options)
- invest time in graphics (patterns and doodads in walls maybe something like this map : https://ddnet.tw/mappreview/?map=Haunted+Dungeon)
- invest time in nicer looking graphics for freeze/tele (like round corners)
- maybe spam some doodads (trees, houses, other strange looking tees xD)
- add more parts, plenty of new parts
- don't use deep freeze as an excuse for ending a part (go forward with that deep freeze and make an unique bigger part with it)
- add a very nice and comfy start room (players love start rooms)
- try to balance the parts (the first is a good example of a part that shouldn't be added as first - 1 player will do the part, 20 other players will go forward and jump into deep freeze)
ps. by snake parts I meant something like last part on hellgate : https://ddnet.tw/mappreview/?map=HellGate+1.5


i agree with above, try to make more creative and better flowing parts instead of repeated pattern type parts

however dont worry about the design too much, just focus on the gameplay entities

take a look at recent released maps to see what we are looking for

Bad decision

feel free to write why u think it's a bad decission ?

yes why ? The channel is not closed. And i'm not insulting anyone, i'm saying what i think :

i think that because there is maps in ddrace which is a big poop