cool map. remembers me a bit of safe place but this one is easier

Why the map isn't on test servers ? D:

Now it is

Made one laser easier and made more layers HD Details, so you can turn some design elements off like the moving quads.

long blackbear with all weapons )

nice map

don't make your moving name HD (#7 group)

put spawn tile on the ground so you have dj right after spawn

Okay Kicker, but Saavik, why not making my name hd? i could put a non moving one behind for not hd if that's better. didn't notice that finish line there ๐

Removed wrong startline, fixed the faily grenade jump, added more blocks outside, added map name at spawn, put spawn on floor, put static mapper name behind moving one for HD off.

it's just nice to always have logo visible, or are you not proud of your map?

I am, but are there so many ppl playing with hd off?

:DDD woops

bg layer can be 2x2 and "auรen" deleted

why could auรen be deleted? it's in front of the player and bg is not and what do you mean by 2x2

why does it matter that itโs in front of the player

can you ever go behind it?

2x2 -> 2 tiles wide, 2 tiles high

It matters, because of the hook and weapons that could appear behind the wall when you play

wasn't aware of the 2x2, it get's extended to infinity right?


did the 2x2 thing, auรen has to stay

very cool map, i like it, please release

gogo release pls, pretty nice map ๐

map is the solo euquivalent to silex maps, everything seen already just a new order, finish it once grab the freepoints and never touch it again classic stuff no bugs found anymore except for the design looking like 1 huge bug but that is intended i guess

oh oh map has the coolest startline design 2019


Ye true Silex maps never get played twice

YoCi 24/7 64/64

YoCi > all strongshits combined

Pipou > Ravie

Pipou best concept mapper

Selix best stronghold mapper

Silex, when stronghold 7?

altho its not by silex

yeah silex just adapt crap its true when it rymes.

but this all misses the topic so ill stop here




Added time checkpoints. Moved freeze tiles closer to the wall in the middle (a bit easier hooking)

map idea is nice but it's not great for speedrunning

especially middle part

(i.e. no good flow)

Didn't feel bad in terms of flow to me, but as the creator I can't know. Thanks for the feedback. My thoughts on this are, that a speedrun map doesn't need to automatically give you the best speed. as example is run_guy_25 a popular map to speedrun, even though it's flow isn't great. But as I said, I had no flow issues with my map, but that's just for me. Anyways, is there something I should change that is keeping this map from getting a confirmation for release?

Hi, i tested your map. It's really fun to play, gameplay is smooth and design are nice. I enjoyed playing it

But I have some suggestion as player

1st screen i don't know what looks buggy. That it doesn't fit perfactly to restart on the other side? 2nd screen you just need enough upward momentum when you unfreeze with laser, then it should be no problem. i believe putting an unfreeze for dj would break the flow more. 3rd screen yes, the least flow in the mep, even though i think it still flows well if you do it right (you don't need to hit any wall that stops you) but if more ppl complain about it, i could look into it to change that part. 4th screen another unfreeze wouldn't change anything, because you need your dj to go up

Thank you for testing ๐

1st screen : little block looks behind but maybe my eyes are broken ๐

I agree, it's possible but i guess it's really faily for 2nd screen

4th screen, you can go back and then take dj back ( you can use the same way as the before part, let you fall and shoot a grenade down to escape 1 tile freeze, but it's a detail ๐

No probleme, i really enjoyed this map. I hope it 'll be realese soon

( that's break flow because the part isn't hard but still long when you aren't good for these tricks)

Thanks again, but i still don't get what you mean in the first screen. the blocks should be moving and hide behint the left and right walls. Map should be faily, different ppl have different difficulties with the parts. 4th screen, now i get it, yes you can do that, but i feel there is no need for 2nd unfreeze

Okay then my eyes are broken haha, okay I just told you what i think about, it's your map good luck for waiting ๐

Cool map!

Common ddnet situation:
Tester: Hey, there is a bug Mapper: Where? Tester: Here. Mapper: Oh, I see. Yes. No, I will not fix it

easy short maps that have no special gameplay should be optimized for speedruns since that's their main challenge

now show me the bug?
@jaoi wouldn't say it's an easy map and the challenge is only getting a good time. But why isn't it a good speedrun map? Just because the map gives you more opportunity to grind your movements, where other flow maps just let you grind milliseconds with changing a bit your grenade angle. Still if you say i have to change the flow I will do so, you are the testers, I'm just trying to justify my thoughts.

if it doesnโt flow well, the incentive to speedrun it is lower

ofc you can technically speedrun any map

Yes, that is true

any flow improvements on the way?

Wouldn't know how to improve those hooks, i thought about the grenade part, as that is the only part where i could understand that ppl don't like the flow there, but the hooks should be fine

I already moved the left freeze closer to the wall to make the hooks easier.

But if you have suggestions, just tell me ๐

well you could restructure the map if you can't improve it otherwise

I really think this part doesn't feel nice to play and having it right at the start of the map will make people not play it

Ok, do you have time to show me how you do the part on test server?

Changed the middle hook part, put one laser freeze line down, changed the part where you get grenade

I like those hooks personally, makes the map a little bit harder

Hahaha jao and i didn't see it ๐

New grenade part is good, flow is here. I wait this map release

ready or not

i didn't try last version yet, i can't know

Yes, newest version has cheat

@jaothis is ready






lol thanks
u are welcome

$decline map looks simular to backtosolo1

i said $ready

so it's $ready


$decline almost same map