this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Do i really need to have time cps on a fun map?


unless there's a race


put some things in detail

thanks for the clarification 💪

pillory for the loser

Like it! The speech bubbles/ font size could be a bit bigger imo

Thanks! yeah looking back at it I agree... 👍

One more small note: its hard to play on normal zoom(10). I don't know if its important but you need to zoom out a bit

Increased speech bubble/font size and made arena slightly smaller for default zoom players

I dunno why but right person is now freezed at start xD

The speechbubble after the game is still small. Rest looks good, really like it 🙂

Same here :D

whoops forgot to move front layer 💀 fixed unfreeze, bigger font in finish rooms

small optimizations

cool map 👍

good map. immediately got a tie though

Right now, it's possible that that switch stays on

Otherwise it's great

Well done


(not the best screenshot but i think you get the idea)

oh that's could be problem we got stuck with quix


Moved switches left, added unhook behind tele in the start room

Thanks for feedback

The best

your map has just been released, and you now have a 2-week grace period to identify and resolve any unnoticed bugs or skips. After these two weeks, only design and quality of life (QoL) fixes will be allowed, provided they don't impact the leaderboard rankings. Be aware that significant gameplay changes may impact and lead to the removal of ranks. Good luck with your map!

Map still buggy

send the bugs

I didn't get to see many people playing, so I don't know what bugs you are referring to

I got stuck there several times

i dunno why

Just wanted to mention it

so it has something to do with tie


wait this isn't the final version of the map..

switch tile should be moved 1 to the left

Well gl with fixing^^

either I uploaded the wrong version, or whoever uploaded into map releases uploaded wrong version, but this should do the trick

idk if this needs to get re-uploaded manually or if it does it automatically

can you check now? (vote the map on a server and see if bug is fixed)

tile is fixed now. did 20 ties with dummy and it didn't happen, so I think it should be bug free... hopefully