i just tested this map, i like the idea, first half of the map are brain part it's good. Some transition could've been better like 4 tee needed as the map want it to be and not only 3. The second half of the map is less good when tee split up doing their own buisness with mirror part or such
agree with cookie. 2nd half of map has a bunch of fluff that makes the map feel rly long and boring
Parts are somewhat unbalanced sometime too and not fan of big solo
$rate balance=3 flow=4 creativity=8 playability=7 fun=2 design=1 bonus=1
bonus for some cool brain parts
$rate playability=7 creativity=8 fun=2
$rate balance=4 flow=4 creativity=6 playability=6 fun=2 design=1 bonus=2
$rate balance=4 flow=2 creativity=1 playability=1 fun=0 design=1 bonus=0
4p Dummy map is a nice idea on paper, but very badly brought ingame imo. There is barely teamwork and players are just doing different parts, looks like 2 maps in 1 map for the most of the time.
"half of map has a bunch of fluff that makes the map feel rly long and boring" doesn't sound like 8 points in creativity
unless first half is really creative
Maybe he saw something new for himself
Yeah sry my rating basically only applies to the 1st half of the map which I think is worth a release. Unlike the 2nd which I hope can be deleted or reworked
$rate creativity=6 playability=5
$rate fun=3
$rate balance=5 flow=3 creativity=4 playability=6 fun=0 design=0 bonus=0
one of you here to explain a part?
nvm we got it 😃
$rate balance=5 flow=2 creativity=3 playability=3 fun=0 design=0 bonus=0
biggest issue is what
@Brokecdx-said: 4 player maps should consists mostly of parts where you have to rely on all 4 tees and work together. splitting 4 players into 2 groups where everyone just does parts on their own or doing the same parts twice misses the point of such concept completely. balance is okay, some individual parts way harder than the rest tho. first parts show that he put some thought into the map, but after that basicly everything is really basic stuff. playabilty is kinda bad, first parts are a complete mess (and no, you can't excuse this with saying it's brain parts), later parts are way too long. also "creative ideas" aren't really well implemented. flow is bad due to having to do parts twice, weird implemented parts and terrible tele placement. fun 0 cause it was really exhausting to play even with super, can't imagine how frustrating it has to be when playing legit. beginning might be a bit exciting, but after that it's just boring parts
also wanna mention that the long gores-dummy-drag parts take a lot away from flow
I guess bonus point could be rewarded for it being a 4 player map, but I think that's not fair when the implementation is bad
This map wants to do too much, I feel like you tried to implement everything. One time the maps becomes a faily 2p edgepart (Screen 1), another time you put a solo part into the map which could have probably made it as a whole solo map on its own (Screen 2). I'm just kinda missing consistancy here. The 4 player (2P-2D) idea is nice, but often times you kinda just have to do one dragpart twice, in which the first dummy just opens a laser door. (eg. Screen 3) The map is way to long imo and as the others said the 4p mechanic is barely utilized in a creative way. Imo, cut it down to the essential parts since you have some nice ideas and focus on these.
$rate Balance=3 flow=1 creativity=2 playability=4 fun=0 design=0 bonus=1
$rate balance=4 flow=0 creativity=3 playability=0 fun=0 design=0 bonus=0
playability 0 lmao
u sure dont like the map haha
ye that's not justified
I think flow 0 and playability 0 is unjustified and not fair
Playability: How well is the map playable? Are parts at a reasonable failiness? Is there enough space? Do parts work properly, are they implemented in a good way and well thought-out?
The map is not faily, every part is playable even if you don't like, they work properly. There wasn't any space problem.
Flow: How do individual parts and the map as a whole flow? Are parts well connected? Is it well speedrunnable?
Yes the map is a bit slow because you need to think for the first half of the map it is intended. After that's the way is clear. Sure it's not good but doesnt deserve 0.
so what‘s your reason for these 0 points ratings? 😛
0-3 := poor, i think its poor so whats wrong with my rating, when i played map i wanted quit server as fast as possible, i didnt find any funny or interesting part, every parts was annoying, its mapped very poorly, or u disagree with it? as brokecdx said its feel like 2 maps in 1
I agree that it's poor, but there are different levels of poor (0-3), 0 is equivalent to non-existend
it's about flow and playabilty, the other 0 score ratings are ok
ok, i was too strict with that 0 ratings abot flow and playability, but i domt think that if I change it to 2, it's like it will help the situation
you should still do it tho to keep the system's integrity
$rate playability=2 flow=2
$rate balance=3 flow=2 creativity=5 playability=3 fun=2 design=0 bonus=1
very first parts (small drag and rocket thing) are filler and could be deleted, then u did some rly nice brain parts that actually require 4 players, sadly the end looks kinda rushed and the concept of the map gets lost (its more 2x2players than 4 players stuff). it would be a real waste not to finish what u started, i believe with some more fresh ideas it could be a rly great map, u should probably keep the first half and start mapping again from there!
fun 2 because first half is 3-4 and last half is 0, so i divided it
$rate balance=3 flow=2 creativity=4 playability=4 fun=1 design=0 bonus=1
Uh, design ugly, but design is pretty don't care
Modern Duos by Miss Furry