
Map 🐞:


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this, (and a couple other parts I'll send later) felt particularly annoying and time consuming for no reason. Shooting down a hole for 10 seconds isn't super fun or engaging, felt particularly annoying when I passed one, and couldn't even hook the other guy across had to shoot him for another 10 seconds too

both tees just kind of hold inputs the entire time and that's it

it seems to me that this is not a reason not to accept the card

I'm a little confused by what you mean, if you're saying to decline the map I never said I was declining it that was some other person (besides, only testers can decline maps)

just trying to give some constructive criticism

here's an example of what I mean

I just communicate through a translator, I don't know English well. I wanted to say that these places are not very boring.


im not even controlling the tees there, the part has you either hold shoot or hold left jump and shoot at the same time for 30 seconds

Okay, can I change this part?

yes of course, the idea here is that you can improve the stage until the testers are satisfied, I do want to point out though that I'm not an official tester, just a player, and I'm just giving my opinion on the map you created, the testers might have a different opinion to my own

The fact is that my computer is turned off, I will be able to make changes to the map only tomorrow

that's totally fine! most maps take a couple months of testing before making it to the servers

Wow, I thought it would take no more than 3 days

I do want to point out that I'm noticing a lot of inspiration from older maps, with parts that would fit maps like multeasymap and learntoplay, try looking at more recent novice maps and see the type of parts those have, as mapping standards change with time and some parts might not fit the current standards

that said I think you did a great job at dividing the parts in such a way where both tees do about the same amount of parts, and neither has a particularly long time of waiting between their parts, which is a common mistake with first time mappers.

I'm not gonna tell you to rework everything, as I'm not a tester, but I do think that if you changed the map to be focused on this mechanic of one tee having laser and the other not, shooting at each other from windows it would be a lot more fun


the desing is also very dark, it's hard to tell freeze from teleport, and unhookable tiles blend into the background a lot making them hard to see

I will definitely change this part tomorrow

Don't despair too much, you've got infinite potential, and I can see you put a lot of effort, and understand a lot of the basics on what makes a map enjoyable to play. Best of luck with this map, and with any future ones as well :D!

Thank you, but when will my card be checked by a tester?

if you have any mapping questions, you can always ask on
#mapping, and for any questions about the testing process on
the testing team isn't very big, and they're all people with their own lives outside the game, so it's impossible to really say, they'll get to testing your map as soon as they can though

Okay, thanks for the information.

listen to any feedback (even one that is not from testers)

as for when, that depends, testers are testing in free time so expect it to take some time (we test more on weekends for example)


When I change my card, will I need to upload the card file to this chat?


OK, I've never used them, but I'll use them on this map.

I just forget about it or don't pay attention

they're a requirement for maps nowadays

don't worry lol I do too sometimes

I'm even glad that someone liked my card, because the last two cards were rejected almost immediately. In this map, I took into account all the mistakes that were written to me. The biggest mistake was the size, the narrow space.

Here is an updated version of the map

This moment is more suitable for old-school cards, but not for novices.

no, it's novice

yeah, here it's not really forced since you can do hammerfly

repetitive sections:

i'd avoid these, a very cliche part that's in so many maps by now

if the tees got through the previous part, they will already know how to use the laser, so this is just a timewasting part

the map structure and spacing is very good, so good job on that

however, some of the parts are too reminiscient of older maps and aren't too fun to play -- although some of your parts are very solid and are fun to play

here are the parts I liked:

these all have decent flow and are good difficulty for novice

they might be a little simple, but that's not really a worry as long as the rest of the map is very solid

however, everywhere else needs some work. i'd like to see a tad bit more creativity or theming to the map, and the parts not highlighted need reworking or big fixes.

don't give random powerups if they're not needed -- for example, the infinite jump section felt a little out-of-place

design also needs some more contrast -- not everything should be blue

otherwise good map, it needs a large amount of reworks to be releaseable so i'll decline it for now, but feel free to submit whenever you have the reworks fixed.

i suggest you take a look at recently released novices to get a better feel of what we're looking for, you can use them as inspiration as well

map probably would have been accepted if released years ago

try to make parts that require less special tiles (like no-hook tiles and a bunch of lasers + shields), they will make the map seem more natural and flow better

yeah, the spacing and all of that is really well done but there's just a few too many frustrating / bad parts

Okay, I'll take into account all the mistakes and create a new map in the coming days.

dont rush it take your time