this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules


Think it got deleted because I didn’t post new version 🤡

Well spotted!

But this is new version now, so should be ok

if u dont fix this map, instant decline

I'm gonna wait for fix but, the map looks too short for me, also there are no part really creative. It's better to restart a new map rather than try to fix this map during months

Actually there was only one thing I needed to fix and I fixed it so idk what the problem is

the same problems as in the old map, unfortunately no fix


old testlogs for reference: https://ddnet.tw/testlogs/show/iris

Actually it makes no sense to me that this map would be too short lol? What kind of argument is that when theres tons of short maps on ddnet, some recently released.

@DarkOortI'm gonna wait for fix but, the map looks too short for me, also there are no part really creative. It's better to restart a new map rather than try to fix this map during months
length shouldn't be a issue

I don't totally agree with this opinion ^^'

Personally I hate long maps but they get released anyway, so why are long maps allowed but not short maps?

Or do you speak for the whole community when you say the map is too short? Because no one likes short maps?

don't argue about length in this topic

Ok, I was just talking about the impression I had when I looked at her. I'll try it on tonight

Map would have been good a few years ago, but those 2nd player parts where you just drag the other out of freeze are a bit lame. also the speeder part where you have to hook the bottom is a bit difficult, maybe put the hook 1 tile higher and also everywhere on the ground. Maybe a rework of the map would be good for it, because the simple parts are quite fun.

Map length shouldnt be really a problem because you literally released a novice map that you can finish in 4sec

You actually don’t have to hook the bottom, the hookable is actually for the part under it but I noticed many people doing it the way you described it

true, you can just float on the speeders

Envelope 1 unused


There is crucial stuff you didn't change. We told you to fix (different players and testers agree on this), jao told you to fix when you uploaded the map for the first time. I don't really like this map, because it's kinda cramped. The map isn't terrible, but imo the other new novice maps did a better job. Some/most parts are okay, but i don't see a reason to work on this map, if the mapper is resistant to feedback.



I went through the map with fik yesterday and told her what things she should change and what is "optional". Idk if it's enough to get this released, but it's not a bad map and she agreed to change at least smth. I do agree that she could also map a new map, but maybe we should wait on her fix?

They can fix the map and submit the map again

For the 3rd time lol

5th time* actually

I don't know if it will be enough but i wont waste time here and the active novice testers don't want to do that either.

Then get a better testing team

I suggest you to play some of the recent novice releases to get an idea about good gameplay. I also suggest to rather make a new map instead of trying to rework this one.


Linear good solo map

Linear is not a bad map for novice. Have you ever tried playing this game with a new player?

I prefer the old novice maps over the new ones tbh

Jao agrees :0

old < new

new maps dont have gameplay, just running around

Good maps>bad maps no matter the release time, but it's subjective. I think this map with a few fixes is good enough for release, but if others dont think so, it's probably not the majority that would like it

well yea, for decent players its a "just running around", idk if for new players it feels the same as running around though


Testers don’t care what the majority would like, this testing team is lacking objective testers

u can improve this map but u dont want -> decline

I was about to but it got declined, didn’t even give me a day to fix it lol

The version I uploaded was just to fix the unused envelope

You didnt tell welf you are going to fix it, he didnt know

you had months go fix the mentioned issues we told you before

No one actually told me what to fix lol, the stuff maggi323 showed was completely new to me, no one told me to change any of that

And i showed her stuff that testers were mentioning on testing server

I guess we have to wait for a fix, but dont get your hopes too high up fik

I never do with ddnet testing 🤡

You can still try ddrock

$reset as mapper is fixing the map


i think the best way to learn how to play teeworlds is just running around tbh

thats for a tutorial map not an actual map

i think of linear as a tutorial map

Linear is tutorial and great, but thats not the topic for it. This is a more advanced map like 3/4* so its not just running

Ok, I read the old map topic and I think I fixed everything. I also changed some parts to make them more noob friendly etc, let me know if I missed something

The music isn't well looped 😦

Maybe you can find some instrumental instead of cutting the voice off

You need to cut it right after the 2nd bar

Idk how to fix that

There is one too many beat making it 5/4 in 1 bar

Did you make the loop yourself?

If I remember correctly ye but that was 2 years ago so I don’t remember how to do it anymore

Ah well you could do it again simply

Audacity should be enough

pay attention to the tempo and cut right on the 9th beat

I don’t rly know anything about music stuff so that tells me nothing 😄

oh 😦

Fast to decline, not as fast to test 🙃

Fast to complain, not as fast to fix map

Just played it

the map is just bad, don't release it pls, thx

it's simply DDMax map, have nothing more to say. The parts are not interesting at all. Unbalanced parts

The design makes me feel very uncomfortable as well

also confusing stoppers design decision

Verdict: DDMax + Unbalanced difficulty

It’s not ddmax at all


what do you mean by ddmax? for me it means alot of simple drag parts without much creativity (if used in this way, there are some good ddmax drag maps tbf).

In case you make a part like that:
- don't make it at all
- Do not use stoppers. Use hookthrough


no more ddmax maps

check it

Should be mentioned, that [Novice] maps are about good design and game feel. I mean... Design is VERY important for novice maps. The gameplay for novice could be just something to walk around and jumping over freeze sometimes, but it can still be ok to introduce ddnet for new players

the design here is bad, sorry. So it's not enough for nowadays novice standards

i think all design need accept

if map

really cool

you can't make cool map for novice with bad design


wait until noobs discover entities

someone plays with page up and to him no metter desing

its just graphic no more

Give me some
@Welfover there

Are you saying design is more important than gameplay? And why is it more important on novice lol?

Not really, but on novice design is largely more important then on any other server

I don’t agree at all, that makes no sense

anyway, do you think gameplay here is somewhat good?

Yes, otherwise I wouldn’t have posted it in the first place 🤦🏼♀️

I read it was declined 5 times already?

No, it was declined once in 2018 and then Welf declined it the other day because I hadn’t posted new version

there was already a good suggestion in the chat. You could try making another map instead of fixing this one, I see you have a lot more potential in mapping then, at least, me xD

But for novice it's not enough at all

Just look at the lastest novice releases

You think the new novice releases are better? I definitely don’t agree on that one

Design is subjective and personally i like this simple generic unhookable design way more than confusing design where you basically have to use entities because else its unplayable

Novice is the most important server for ddnet, so the standards now is really high

@fikYou think the new novice releases are better? I definitely don’t agree on that one
definitely yes

It’s just running around, sure if it’s first time you open teeworlds.. but you mean we should only release tutorial maps now or what? Only running? No parts?

That’s some ”high standards”

The parts here, as I said before, lack creativity and unbalanced

I think the tutorial maps lack parts at all 🤔

You can try balancing it and wait what the actual testers team will say, but as for me, such maps should not be released on ddnet now. Maybe some years ago

Take a look on "Harvest" by louis

It's being in testing category now

I don’t need to take a look at it, this is what I mean that ddnet only wants a specific kind of map, instead of different mapping styles

And that’s really really bad

Not at all. Different styles are important

but your style is "too old" if I could say so

According to who?

When was the last time we had a map like this? And also this map has a few things those maps a few years back hadn't, so why not release it. We had so many similar novice maps release the last months, so this is basically different, even if it's similar to years ago

(but i havent checked out the newest version yet)

You dont have to argue in map chat about that

Actually the decision about a release should be argued in the map chat


looked through the map again, didn't find anything, i'm still for a release. Maybe a tester wants to give a final statement

best novice map waiting for release

tried it but its a bit unbalanced. one part was pretty hard. Design was nice

Maybe say what part was difficult

Is that part really that difficult though?

for the people who will play the map it is difficult yes

or better said for the people it is meant for

add unfreeze there

so you don't have to hammer

For the part coke mentioned, if you dont want to change the part completely maybe speeders in the corners instead of hammer might male it easier too?

i think the hard part is to catch <.< the timed catch

But if there is unfreeze the part might get less annoying, 1 catch should be doable because you dont need movement, only reactions

agreed, but it's not as bad if you don't have to do something before it

Yikes, won’t be mapping novice in the future since apparently u have to keep in mind that noobs are lacking brain cells completely. I can fix the unfreeze but I see no reason to change the other part. Would also appreciate if testers could just tell me everything I need to fix instead of telling me something new again whenever I post new version 😒 Never ending testing shit.

but this part is too hard, made me rq

Happens when you’re useless shit

yes thanks, other part looks fine

Maybe explain why it was so difficult? The combination of hook hammer and then jumping? I guess it can be difficult

At the end of the map you have fixed very stupidly in my opinion, instead of simply removing the stoppers you have added 2 new ones xD

? It's a classic part, which I'm pretty sure fik can put here something else and easyer than this , I saw it on a very big amount of maps. Its unbalanced compared to other parts, for example the beggining, you don't need there any hard movement. For newcomesr it's a real problem. I've saw too much struggling from newbies doing such parts, as example I can take a map "newbee", it has similar part to this, quite easyer, and it still took a big amount of time for them to do it :x it's not noob friendly, atleast for me

We have more grown view to this, but trust me, someone who plays ddrace for first time, parts like these will be a real nightmare

this isnt for first time players

atleast beggining is, idk if making half of map braindead and another half harder is a good choice for novice maps

its normal that difficulty increases throughout a map

but for me it looks like a big gap between them?

@CøkeAt the end of the map you have fixed very stupidly in my opinion, instead of simply removing the stoppers you have added 2 new ones xD
that was my idea, i liked the stoppers, because thats a theme in the whole map. With the new ones you can just go back if you have to.

Also to the issue with unbalanced parts: imo if a map has a certain difficulty with easier parts thats no problem, because it's refreshing to have an easier part after difficult ones, just the rating should be right then. Atm everyone here wants to make parts easier, but maybe it wasnt intended for complete noobs and should be a little challenging with easier parts between?

Good that finally something is fixed after 5 declines 😄 Different as I would do it, but it will be fixed xD

so you firstly feeding them with easy parts at beginning and then making them rq with some harder parts of which they most likely will not be capable to do?

If the rating would be right easy parts at the start is not really feeding. If a map is mod 3* but has a brutal part at the end, that would be feeding. But maybe my problem is that i dont see that part as really difficult because i played ddrace for too long. If you say you rq and could do everything else, i can understand that

i'm not a new player, but there was someone before, "Laschira"


Map was tested with players who now have experience (70h playtime) the part I marked was too hard for them. They are able to finish kobra

for such a small novice map the difficulty curve is already pretty steep, nerfing one part won't make the map "braindead"

well ok

You have to distinguish between new novice maps and old ones, this is just an outdated map

for me it's a good map, even if it's old, but this part just feels like it has too big impact on this map comparatively to others /shrug

I'm willing to release it as long as there are no unbalanced parts

I personally would have decline this map and suggested to make a new one, but if other testers think the map is OK I don't mind either

Laschira and ripp are beginners who test novice maps for us. They found all novice maps good so far. Except JP and iris. Jp was too heavy. To iris laschira said: the map is weird.

im ok with releaase but pls pls plsss plss plss put freeze in cracks

i agree with louis. i think this makes the map look like oldschool.

fikmesån won't fix the cracks, she never does and I ask on every map

Fixed everything, including the cracks..

$ready 4

finally ready

its more 5*

more like 1-2* but ddnet rating is fucked up it seems

this would be 1 star like a year ago, if this is now 5 star then what will happen to novice server lol? u gonna move 100 maps to moderate and make them like 4 star moderate, and then what would happen to moderate ratings? would they become brutal and then what about current brutal maps? 🤔

isn’t it better to make a complete brainless beginner server and keep novice the way it is lol

3 Star max

If not 2

People who dont understand steam players shouldn't write shit at 4am

u do realize that 5* is same rating as maps such as planet venus right?

You do realize that these maps are gonna be moved to 1 star moderate

u mean like 100 maps? they cant all be 1* lol thats gonna be unbalanced as fuck


The rerating is smth i thought about as well, cause when you move those more difficult novice maps to moderate, doesnt the moderate ratings get crunched together? Its good to have a few simple novice maps, but if this is novice 5, its getting really crunched in moderate, just look at Guhimbarwa being mod 5 (yeah my map, but i dont know all the other map names lol). Imagine the skill differences in those 5 moderate ratings. Maybe a new player server isnt that bad, or dont make all of the novice ratings so braindead. Its ok if new players only play 1-3 or smth. But this shouldnt be 5 lol

Can you explain why some novice 5 stars are harder then 1 star moderate and 5 stars moderate harder then 1 star brutal .

Sure, cause every map is different and you can't perfectly rate them in difficulty, cause sometimes they are faily, but does it make them more difficult? Some get easier with more players...it's difficult to rate all those 1500+ maps with only one rating system which stands for "difficulty"

Never 1 or 2 star hahahah

You don't seem to know how beginners play

It may be oldschool, but the map was never online and is rated like a new novice map

For me 5*

Ok so what’s your plan for novice server? Since most released maps that are 2* or more are way harder than this map

Don't compare oldschool maps with new maps

All maps should be rerated, but this is a lot of work. I think you know how many maps there are

If you do this for novice many maps slip to moderate and if you do it for moderate many maps slip to brutal

I think it's ok, but maybe we should introduce an oldschool list for each server

But that’s absolutely stupid, why re-rate every map on ddnet when you could just make a beginner server??

A lot of maps are wrongly rated as you surely know

This applies not only to the Novice Server

That’s true, and those could be re-rated, doesn’t mean whole rating system should be changed though lol, rating a map like this 5* would mean that we would have like 5 maps left on novice server?

There was even a forum thread by aoe to rerate the maps like 5 years ago

I think a rerate is a good thing

But I don't care anymore because there is no real system behind it, and when I ask other testers I don't get an answer from most of them anyway

It is difficult to rate maps with just one star category

The testing leader does not test maps that are too hard, that's sad enough

I think we need a lot more testers, but unfortunately relatively few people are involved in testing

Well, there are at least some non testers that occasionally test maps, like me

And you don't want to be a tester?

As you can see, as a tester you do not have to be very active

Why should i become an official tester? It doesn't give me anything. I like to help sometimes, but i don't want to have to test maps, cause it takes the fun of playing them after release. But maybe a few more people should just know that they can test maps without being a tester

There is a server message that tells you this every day

@CøkeAs you can see, as a tester you do not have to be very active
Yes and in the past i got the tester status without even asking for it, but idk im fine without it as well

@CøkeThere is a server message that tells you this every day
Well, I have a few thousand hours on ddnet and probably never noticed that message 🙂

I know that the status does not bring much, but still more than a normal player

Wow, this map is really not good. No creative parts, no uniqueness. Just plain simple standard parts mapped very poorly. Block festival in t0. Unbalanced, too. The feedback in this channel is very negative as well. x)

yes its very outdated but ravie thinks it's a good map.. When a other tester rly think it's rls able im ok with it 😁

But I also think that ravie should always let such maps through in the future, otherwise it would be unfair to the others with such maps

People on my server enjoyed the map, idk what you experienced, but i had another experience

in my opinion there's nothing wrong with this map, a good novice experience

hm actually i went to the map and saw alot of noobies stuck like 5 min or 10 on the left side where i said it was to tight xD but well they can pass it i guess