this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

You are 100% sure
@wsike >.<?xD

this yes

there is now spawn?


no spawn tiles

wow feicked up, going to turn on pc to fix that quick

i could've fixed that, but i guess it's too late xD

fixed, sorry XD

how im can play it

Here can skip fall not on freez fall on edge

updated version, did some small adjustments

@Deleted User you can play on ddnet test servers

ik now

so its ez skip

u fix it or no?

no but i think thats okay :s


map very cool im like it and im want to release it on game


make here

a private

on blocks


alright will do later

make tp longer we can make it solo part

added hidden room, make this part above unskipable

thx for testing ^^

This part too skip

on solo


Make here a arrow what pushes u on tp

Or just make tp

This part also can be skip

third is already fixed

first screen inst skipable, ive tried it many times

and wdym on 2 screen?

We can fail

on this part

вы оба русскоговорящие если че

А чё всмысле

а да


я зря заморачивался писать на английском

Ну короче чини ок да\

fixed missing tele

Этот парт всеравно можно пройти в соло

просто на сайте он не меняется

у меня поменялся на сайте


Ну всеравно

там можно досих-пор пройти в соло

added unfreeze on some parts

and fixed parts above

Можно скипнуть парт в дуо и соло

тут знаю, специально оставил

Я думаю такое на одобрят

А ты как думаешь?

ну посмотрим

Это новик?

Хочу новик

халяв птс

требуем джао

чтобы релиснул


и тестеров

Ну типо этот скип не такой и очевидный в соло

что бы они поставили реад

Но он возможене

на орионе вообще специально скипы поставили

Ну то что скип в дуо то ладно

но в соло

как-то читерно

я думаю

ну да

его попросят

как то убрать

хотя с тсунами также

ласт парт скипается

Я просто тестер я если что не унижаю карту или создателя карты



Чтоб не думали что я прикапываюсь ко всему

а я даже нз как дизайн добовлять :/

я вообще изначально хотел что-бы оставлять по больше способов прохождения xD

а чё

добавь тут плотик тоже

из 3 блоков

а то не красиво смотрится



or decline

on testing maps cant write on russian?



we cant speak on rus?


testers have to be able to follow this topic


u racist

no u

yes me too

testers racists

but all testers are not here

they are

Ещё было б классно добавить в секрет рум оружки и эффекты и сделать выход в просторную комнату просто квадратную

Хотя стоит ли над таким замарачиваться

не любблю такое

Ещё добавь чел лайнес

типо 1 когда на него наступаешь показывает тайм типо + или - время

забыл про них xD

ща добавим


Попробуй тут убрать 1 тп по скольку очень не удобно начинать парт

Этот парт так же возможно пройти скипом в соло

added time cps and fixed things above

Make unfrezee

Some darker or whiter

because its so bad wiew

Bad texture

changed visiblity of unfreezes and fixed screen above


тут можно было просто хукбл убрать https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/749788553537388645/749902797700595742/unknown.png


и скипнуть уже не как бе


why u dont check dms

can u keep in english? i wanted to know what you changed on the screens above

second screen hard for novice imo

umm sorry :v

i played the map with coke until ddos stopped us xD idk what to say about the parts, idk how a good novice map looks like, i guess the gameplay is fine, didn't think much about it, yet maybe short maps are a bit weird for novice, because novice maps attract more players, when they are long

i don't like these blocks, they are hard to notice (the ones with big holes in the middle), i thought they were freeze, i suggest you to not use these open blogs just on this place or?

usually on my maps i trying to avoid making more than 3 min of gameplay for novices because mostly, on my experience, they rq in middle of it (maybe thats just me). Design bugs i will catch up later, im more into gameplay rn

thanks for testing though

i was talking about the whole map, that part was just an example
i guess the issue of short maps is, that they would get played once and then the players leave the server, so your map wont attract many players, since the amount of players on the server will be low
idk what to do about this tbh maybe you are right about the map length

Welf maybe that will encourge players to finish more maps and makes it more enjoyable? as they finish more and more idk thats my intuition

well idk im a firm believer short maps > long maps

design fixes

removed freezes understone, some corner fixes, made more space for some parts

imo you can't see the hookthrough good, but still cool design

thanks for advice, ill take a look into it. Dont want to add a text here because would look strange for me

freeze behind blocks? unless its too much effort

working on it rn

- made stars hd
- reduced layer size
- added half freeze tiles under blocks where in my view they are needed
Ravie screen
- first part wanst supposed to be a filter, i intentionally added there more ways of doing so you can do it solo, teamplay, hf and so on (small optimise for speedrun) if thats dont work i can try to remake it a bit
- 2 mentioned part, i've made here 2 ways, one faster for speedrun, another easyer to do for beginners, if its weird i can change it i guess
- 3 mentioned part, agree, gave to it a small touch so hopefully its not that clumpy anymore
- 4 mentioned part, made more unhookables down to avoid that
- 5 mentioned part, hopefully you cant stuck anymore, fixed
- 6 mentioned part, yeah, i've made here more ways to make it part skippable. Added unfreeze upper to make it smoother for speedruns (?)

special thanks to Coke, Welf, Astral and Ravie for helping me testing it :D

replaced 2 ugly blocks

sheep confused

why is almost everything soloable

it's not an issue for novice maps, since either they can learn harder tricks or they can't even do these tricks xD

well most of skips i wanted to keep them and still keep some XD thanks tho, fixed like 70% of video :)

wrong version

is me sheep

Nice pfp


Because its failable

And annoying

make arrow invisible

Remove here texture of stone

Because dont cool wiew


Cool map

gave a touch to first part, added speedup on prelast part, visual bug fixes

Ты готов мапу релизить?

а зачем ты меня спрашиваешь, что скажут тестеры то и сделаю, мы не в силе решать. И пинговать тоже не надо, это не ускорит. Просто жди

Кривые пиксели или это так и задумано?

нашол до чего докопаться, это тайл сет вроде-бы не так страшно

Меня они просто взбесили но ок

пиксели взбесили



Есть такое

Опять же

было б не плохо добавить нивидимую стрелочку в лево

ато мона на эдже слить в фризе

ещё сделать как-то глаже текстурку фриза чтоли

Best map


🐏 Yes

there is kill button in case if they fail like that


Light image is unused

removed light, dont want to add arrows xdd


make here 1 speed of arrows

no need 10

because its annoying we dont have normal speed

if i make it hookables then parts inst needed

🐏 ok

all envelopes are unused

fixed everything above

U dont fixed pixels bruh

$ready 3

There are a lot of design problems, here are some of them

thanks will look later

It's hard to notice the difference between HT and Freeze (that's what the novice players, who tested the map, said).

will take a look later, kinda busy now with online classes


sure, take your time

- i hope i fixed visual bugs
- did some slith changes to part

dint made a easyer way to go back, dint gave a touch to welf first screen becausei dont think is needed

No one looking for it

(hit me up if you want to know other spots, i remember like 1 xD)

@Welftrolls like vasten100 could abuse this spot for blocking
you could just add ht at the end - so you could save your mate

jk it's in the after finish room

oof thanks

Не ровно

Опять не ровно и трава в воздухе нормально

Опять же какие-то косёчки


Таких неровностей на карте куча

Они на блоках земли


на поверхности

Пиксель темнее

На чёрную точку не обращай внимания это я случайно

Как оценишь мою работу

how u rate me?

i don't think that these fixes are needed XD

wtf it inst something which i have to fix lmao

third last screen lmao


Попробуй просто удалить полоску

это так не работает

и практически почти у всех мап такие графические баги сущетсвуют

У тебя типо на блоке

Если дополнительный слой полоска

И иза нее эта Хрень

не нуждается в фиксе в любом случае, ибо артефакты только в зуме

talk English here or use pm xd

ok, sorry xD

Но с травой нужно решить траблы

я думаю\



use dms instead of talking russian here, you talked russian after coke told wsike to not talk russian here xD

about grass, i've already been told to mirror them, so yeah.

but tbf it was another position i didn't screen/find


i dont fixed

О привет юзлесс щит :)

решил стать гением маппинга?) Классные тайлы и солнце выбрал

И цвет

Привет и спасибо :D

Кстати чем-то издалека напоминает ту карту с цветочками)

С такими же тайлами


Аааа, понял, те же камни

Странно, что их так редко юзают

Камни топ ведь

Ты без автомаппера ставил их?

waiting for mapper? nothing happened since 14.09. 😅

fix ur map 😛

I'm at hostel, will do it when I get to home

Ты без автомаппера ставил их? @skua#3060 да

fix, dint added unhookables on mentioned upper bcs would look ugly :(

Alright, thanks, will fix it when i will be at home

Did we talk about the difficulty, yet? 2*? 3*?

I would say 3*

Agree with Savalic

I feel fine with 3*

Will fix tomorrow, im tired from work

I guess its okayish now

fixed "real bug"

anything else?

When rls

Why do you always have to ask when release is, a map is ready when it is ready. Asking does not help. Help to test maps and maybe it will be ready faster. But even if the map is ready now, look how many maps are ready, it takes at least 6 weeks from ready to release
okay 🙂

Yeah im fine with it

Will add unfreeze

added unfreeze as mentioned by Welf

I like this map, good design and gameplay that was my opinion about somethings, gl.

Hi, thanks for test, first screen are intetional bcs would look ugly with corner. Screen two, will not add because they can unfreeze with hammer at floor. Screen three, intitional. Screen four, wdym by mistakes? If you mean corners, then its intetional xD. And last screen, im fine with that cheat since other way is faster

$ready 3


Omg saavik, read thread before shitposting at least

I asked in tester channel, but nobody is interested in this map


So I make this Rdy on my own feelings

well as shown i asked in this channel earlier, so everything was fine.

Thanks, finally <3

it was a joke

asked in march D: