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its possible but yeah its a kind of confusing. i will improve this part

and i will fix the corners and skip, also the begin part will be changed

thank you

Awesome ! keep doing this nice maps ^-^


should be hookable ?


yea it should be hookable


spawns are not marked like in the maps before

CP 2 here if somehow both go down and you get one back up

so he gets that CP again

flower on stone

thanks ! fixed

looks the same in that pic ?

i added unhook

oh ye oop

thanks, this move is acceptable

oh, i will try this one

thank you ! i raised the ground so you can easily jump to touch the top without dj

also removed the freeze behind the stopper

i will fix


fixed this move

oh ok

qed said that it can be easily go through so i made it longer

still think its doable lol

yeah, but its super hard for a moderate

the left wall unhook and it would be even harder

idk , are you guys all so good at this gores swing?

it can stay

the part isn't long so even if you skip it it's ok

it's a way for real pros

oh not , bit will make a yeyou franchise

jeez, bit u consistently make the most amazing looking maps

changed a annoying part

idk if its my monitor or i see the map too bright

🤔 ok i will try to make it darker, but not much

changed a bit

It looks good to me, I don't know if it's because I'm in daylight


endless part

thank you!

added unfreeze

the swing in first screen is impossible or not worth

the corners are correctly placed

oh ye i see the pattern now my bad


now its saveable


thanks ! fixed



$ready 5