this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

Thanks to index ❤️

Please only tell me to change corners if there is some big inconsistency, i don't want to waste much time on changing them xD

good map

pretty fun




index found out that you can use the newline command like that xd

character \n is the ascii symbol for new-line

added missing stopper marking, added unfreeze at the prelast part, modified unfreeze somewhere in the middle of the map

fixxed the tree and some unfreeze corners

I like how freeze and unfreeze are almost exactly the same

It's a unique feature (we wanted to get some opinions on the design, based on that index might change some stuff)

fixxed 1 skip, there are some skips left where i am unsure if i should fix them and how

fun map

- improved unfreeze color
- removed useless Entites-Off
- fixed startline entity bug

$ready 4

thanks for working on the map, ravie. exemplary

Why did you change it and make it ready without even asking me? Afaik Index wanted to change the design. Why do you rush this? Can you reset the map? Also what about the cuts. I would like to hear more opinions on them (without showing them here because finding them is cool xD).


Maybe waiting is better ?

Time for Index to change the design

maybe too early for waiting. if index needs more than a week (he seems busy these days), you can still put it on waiting.

I'd rather just ready it, since I think it's ready and not give you a chance to back out once more people put time into it 🙂

personal vendettas are what we are here for

Friends of me invested their time. It's sad for them, yes. I wanted to write Map by Welf and Index. I didn't talk with him about this map. Just give us some time lol.

I missclicked yesterday, sorry, if that confused you.

I want to improve this map as much as possible before a release and i would like to hear some opinions of other testers.

there's no "personal vendetta" I thought you left the server and it would be a waste to decline this map


too early for waiting
i want to know if, just technically, i am allowed to ask for a decline on this map. it feels like i wouldn't be allowed to ask for that and i want to know my rights 🙂

from now on if a mapper wants to decline their map which was submitted to testing, they have to express themselves BEFORE their map is ready, else the release process will go on.

You have the right to remain silent

so did you ask to reset this map just to ask to decline it later?

so now i can't ask for a decline anymore, because the map was ready before? that's the logical interpretation of the rule, which seems wrong.

no i asked for my rights, i just want to know what i am allowed to do, because it felt weird, that you made my map ready without asking

it doesnt feel like i have rights

since ravie readied it because he thought you rq'ed, i think it makes sense that you asked for a reset

well you left the server to I could either fix it myself and give a ready or decline it

I've never had a mapper be mad for approving his map too early lol

you could've asked me

before doing anything

why did you rq from the server? you left the testers in an awkward situation, and ravie did what was his job (working on the map). i think he did nothing wrong

i missclicked

ravie could've asked me

he didn't

I take you leaving the server as "I don't want to communicate about the map anymore"

well you didn't ask

so i blame u

so now since you're back and want to wait for the designer, that's what we're doing

so you don't care about the cheats?

I played the map with
@Lady Saavikyesterday and didn't notice anything crucial to fix

with alternative ways 3 parts can be cheated (one cheat skips 2 parts together)

didn't wanna change this myself, but in server settings if you use
it's gonna say the message when you spawn and you can delete the whole thing in the corner

if you don't care to fix the cheats neither will I, I didn't see anything game breaking

i think i found good solutions, will change it as soon as i found time and talked to index

i want to point out once more, that you should ask others before doing something. communication is key 🙂

that's why you shouldn't leave the main way to communicate about your map

it was a missclick 😦

there are multiple ways to communicate with me

and i only left for like one day?

you could've tried to wait

well I thought if you're against it you'll come back and say it 😉

I mean ravie is right here

You left so its your fault

so i gave permission to change the map, with that missclick?

is that how your communication works?

I always have permission to make changes, I just don't do it when the mapper is here and can change it how he/it wants

why do you write "he"? i mean why only male mappers?

sorry forgot animals

I guess simplicity... Anyways, shouldnt a map be property of the mapper? So the last word before release should be the mappers

it's not unheard of for testers to make small final changes if the mapper is inactive or in this case leaves

Yeah sometimes it's easier to do a little fix and i agree that Testers should do fixes, if needed. But i didn't like the design change. You could've asked index, since he is still here.

I also disagree with the start line "fix", because for me the other one was better. is it necessairy to be like this?

I consider that an entity bug

anyway I think you're just looking for a reason to start another little drama

no i wanted to ask if it's okay to change it back

to prevent more drama

you can undo my changes and fix it however you want


also i would like to know if 4 is good. i rather think it is 3 (because others told me that it is).

no way its 4

its like unfaily?

GuggPaloczi was 4 too

and that map is faily

and longer and harder

eh, definitely seems entertaining around here :> should probably join dc more often now xdd anyways, dont really know whats going on here at all ._.
Soo, your design-changes
@Ravieare nice, thanks for fixing this :3 I completely agree with them))
Also I dont want to be included as an official mapper, the in-map credits right now are more than enough :p Therefore you should probably argue everything else with
@Welf, its his map and he has full permission for it :>
However, im here as silent reader now if you need me for design bashing xdd))

Alright 🙂

Just give me some time to fix the cheats

@Welfwhy do you write "he"? i mean why only male mappers?
XD what the, is this serious?

@Welfno i wanted to ask if it's okay to change it back
as an ex tester you should know mapper CAN disagree and discuss suggested changes or he/it can have another ideas for parts fixes or even say "I don't think this fix is necessary and I like how it is now"

Hello DDNet, i am sorry for this, but i want this map declined. I am sorry for all the time, that was wasted for this map, i hope everybody who "wasted" time with this map, enjoyed it. The reason complex, but i will try to explain. For me my Map Basic Drags is a better map than this one. Seeing some of my friends not having fun at "Push Them" inspired me, to create Basic Drags. With Push Them map i created a mapping style (from my perspective). This map has mostly short parts, that focus on maybe complex moves, within a short amount of time (or a combination of a few short moves). I tried to minimize the frustration with this style (and maximize the fun, because oft he unique Push Shotgun mechanic). This map is rather teamplay focussed, while Basic Drags is not teamplay focussed (that and the push shotgun are the main differences). Besides that, Basic Drags also has simple easy parts and is focussed on teaching specific moves, without making the players frustrated. I invested alot of thoughts in Basic Drags and that map kinda explains, how i enjoy DDRace (i mostly don't enjoy playing that much). Also i tried hard on Push them and Basic Drags, to make the map look as simple as possible, while actually i invested alot of time to make it look like this. This is also a thing many didn‘t even see, which makes me feel like nobody understands me. Mapping is for me expressing myself and the decline of Basic Drags feels like being rejected, because i am myself, which is a terrible thing i cannot accept. Since Basic Drags gets declined (Ravie doesn’t like it and he wont understand, why it’s good and i don’t want to fight more for the map), it doesn't make sense for me to release Push Them. Anybody who thinks, that Push Them is better than Basic Drags, should reflect on this. Basic Drags is less frustrating and right now i would prefer playing Basic Drags over Push Them.

And what the fuck Ravie. Most of the DDNet players are playing novice and i think most of ragequits are caused by players getting frustrated over the game. I tried to make Basic Drags anti ragequit, anti frustration and i am willing to improve it, if i get good suggestions. You barely play with beginners/lower moderate players. How do you want to judge over the map, without even trying to play it with a lower moderate player? Why are you doing the decisions, while you live in your own world and never try to understand, how others (especially novice players) think about maps? I would accept criticism, if it was well structured and based on experiences with lower skilled players, but not this. Yesterday i was trolling, because that map is something personal for me. I am sorry, if anybody got sad, because of that. I hope you can accept, that i am a sensitive person. I want to point out, that i do not try to cause drama, i try to minimize frustration, within my map and within DDNet. That’s why i criticise you guys, if you are just annoying towards others. This is a part of my identity. I hope you guys reflect on yourself. Please don’t make this map ready again. It can even be better, but right now i don’t want to work on this map, maybe next year. I could write even more, but this text is already too long. Have a nice day 🙂


didn't read but I hoped for release

This is also a thing many didn‘t even see, which makes me feel like nobody understands me. stop having so deep thoughts about ppl playing stupid 2d game and acting like you are the most creative human setting new trends, you don't have so much impact as you think

you build so much philosophy around your maps

I think everyone wants to make their own map special, Saavik. Even though it's a stupid 2D game for you, people put effort into it

I invested alot of time in my maps and my friends did the same. I so of course it's something personal.
@Lady Saavikwhy are you trying so hard to be annoying, rude and anti intellectual? Are you a fan of Trump? If you continue like this, you will end up as a crazy cat lady.

He really is creative and doing a loooot of impact, as well as thinking the right way. Not as regular stupid ddnet staff member, but the way game developer / game designer must think in order to make his game great (in this case - game = map)

Ravie wrote me a DM, that i am not allowed to decline maps anymore, unless it's for a "real reason", so he doesn't accept this reason. I was totally honest why i don't want to release this map and he still can't accept it. Nice move dictator Ravie. Not caring for how i feel and setting up new rules for me.

Imagine leaving as testing lead so you can complain about testing lead

If the system has flaws, you go against them, right?

I already considered this map ready, but you wanted to $reset it for whatever reason and I obliged. I suspected you only want to reset it to "trick the system" and decline it later, but wanted to see what will happen.

Also I wanted to warn you when declining this one but someone already declined this without a word before I got online and you were off the server.

maybe reset it and make it ready again

or release the version which I readied, since that's technically in the rules

you making this map ready was wrong, because after that i was not able to ask for a decline anymore and yes for me this map is not ready. next time just ask me, if i still want it released, as i mentioned. that could've saved us from alot of trouble.
but still you are a dictator and don't care for my feelings, that's a legit reason for a decline.

you telling me that you wanted to warn me, is not a good reason to be a dictator!

@Welfwhy are you trying so hard to be annoying, rude and anti intellectual? Are you a fan of Trump? If you continue like this, you will end up as a crazy cat lady.

Just accept my decision. Please.

then don't post a map which you don't think is ready, if you leave the server I can either decline it or fix it myself and give a ready depending on what I find suitable

imho when you submit something to a community, you can expect later to remove it cause ur feelings are hurt

I didn't know that you could do that.

your feelings are to decline the third map in a row just to be annoying to testers because you have some personal delusions against ddnet

No there are different reasons. Wait 3 maps? Push it 3, Push Them and?

You don't care for the reasons at all.

why do we have to care

you submited a map

ur delusions rly are wasting everyones time

@Lady Saavikstop having so deep thoughts about ppl playing stupid 2d game and acting like you are the most creative human setting new trends, you don't have so much impact as you think
this also

I am not alone with this view on DDNet. I want to mention, that Push it 3 was a map from Meliodafu and me and we made the decision about the decline together. I don't want to discuss those reasons in public, because you guys wouldn't care for how i feel anyways.

anyway you shouldn't have any problems with my "ban" unless you're already planning to decline your next map as well

I think it's unfair that i get punished, even if i didn't hurt any rules. Make it a general rule, then it's "fair" (or remove the punishment, which would be even more fair).
I don't plan at all.

well you lied about resetting your map just to evade the rules and decline it

and I think most people would be happy about getting a ready and not having to do anything for it

Yeah i am smart, right? (Still your fault to make it ready without asking, since i didn't know that it would happen, when i left the server, next time just ask.)
I am not like most people. Can you finally let me be myself?

feelings make it very difficult to work in a system, cause feelings are complicated

I don't think it's very smart if I knew what's going on from the start

but wanted to check if I was right

"I am not like most people." xd

i even thought about declining it, before you made it ready xD

so i felt bad when i couldn't decline it anymore

so now you will have to decide if you wanna decline a map before you post it 😄

I would really like to see this map getting released, you can argue if it really is worse than basic drags, but the mechanic is very fun to play, more people should be able to enjoy it 🙂

i would love to see ravie reflecting on himself. like he should start caring for others. it's an important ability.

I care for people who invest their time into releasing a map that is gonna be declined anyway

care yes, but having to be part of every drama is exhausting

i wanted to release basic drags

you wasted my time by declining it

next time think about it before you decline a good map

@PepeEven though it's a stupid 2D game for you, people put effort into it
oh if you only knew how important this game and the people were to me and how much love I gave to it

next time make a good map

@Welfand yes for me this map is not ready
did you upload unfinished map

And yet, you manage to call it stupid 2D game

yeah it should've been declined instantly because it was unfinished

Yeah it was releaseable when i uploaded it, but i assume, as with every other map, it would get some tests, so i can further improve it.

You didn't even ask for the difficulty before making it ready, which was also a thing i used to do.

nobody did that

with other maps

what did nobody do?

I think we shouldn't accept Welf's behaviour and accept his maps as he doesn't take it serious and asked for declining 3 maps in a short time, as Ravie said, to prevent it from happening again

"ask for the difficulty before making it ready"

3 maps? i only know 2 and one of those 2 was from melio and me
i used to do that, to avoid further issues/discussions after a ready

deleted-channel is shit and <#772426680799199242> is very good

imagine submitting a map, getting it ready and not releasing it to avoid discussion

neither of them are shit, i like push them more, but the other one should be enjoyed by people on that skill level

There are more maps made by welf than yours, Saavik. Most of them are really enjoyable

So not accepting someone maps, it's quite rude and pointless

you still didn't tell me the 3 maps XD
i mean i asked for the difficulty, so we agree on a difficulty, instead of changing it after it was ready and to make clear that the map is close to ready

what are you talking about

About you don't wanting to accept welf's maps

only one

you are so wrong

I really enjoyed this one, I liked the idea of Watch your time, I had nothing against Comeback

From what it seems, you sometimes had problems with Welf himself, because at the time he turned into testing leader, you left testing team. So let's not try to make this personal

that's right, but I don't care who is the mapper when I judge it

the map

wtf why decline if was $ready, where new rule "cant decline map if its ready"
@jaodo smth they dont respect ur best rule

Timeline : ready => ask for reset => reset => decline QED

it's not jao's rule, testers have voted

I would just release both of his map and him to see how fucking delusional he is

Spending to much time with people that care about Personal opinions from others is stupid

In the basic_drags thread i defended Welf but this is just retarded and i think ravie was right both times

With declining basic_drags for mapper leaving for personal reasons and ravie not wanting to rework it design wise

Looks like Welf just spends too much time with meliodafu

im sorry about the hitler stuff didnt take in consideration the fact that welf left the server

I don't mind xd


[6:17 PM] DarkOort: Timeline : ready => ask for reset => reset => decline QED

well that new rule seems useless then

if any mapper can still ask for a reset when his map is rdy just to get it declined then?

i dont think it can be reset for no reason, the mapper needs a good reason like "i found a bug" or "i want to add some parts"

but he can lie

and then get it declined?

welf had a kinda-good reason because ravie changed stuff while he was out of discord

nah, if they lie and they're like "sike i just want to decline" we can just not decline it

he can post a new version

with randoml shit part

then tester wont rdy it

and he can say "then decline"


i guess it's up to each case then

seems like easily abusable

if it's obvious they're lying i think we can revert the changes

idk, testing needs solid rules, but most things are up to testers' 'intuition' (forgot the word i want to say)

No, I reset it the first time, because it was a version of Ravie which was ready and not the real version of Welf, so I could understand that Welf wanted to get the map out without modification that he didn't want. I didn't see the big chaos he was going to do afterwards, I'm sorry about that.

After I confess that for a map I don't give a toss about it, other people will be able to make much better with this mechanism if you like it so much

I don't think anyone else with enough skill to make a decent map would post it just to waste our time and not have it released, this is some welf 700iq logic

push_jao )

You can release this. I think it's the best for the players to release the map and idc anymore about the other stuff, since i will quit tw. I took Ravie's version and changed 2 parts:

I will leave, when the map is ready and then, if you find stuff, just fix it by yourself, if you feel like doing that.

No thanks

(if you don't release this, you only punish the players, not me xD)

Just release with mappers name Popcorn

That is exactly the sentence I said. But I think the train has now left the station. I don't know exactly what ravie thinks about it, but I wouldn't waste another second on the map after this whining

Why are u against your own argument?

And why do you want to punish me, even if i don't care.

You sound really crazy to me.

We should not make decisions, because of personal feelings like this (your feelings have weird reasons). You are a staff member and should make decisions based on what's better for the community.

Personally I don't care if the map is released or not XD I just say that I wouldn't put any more time into it after all this whining

So why are u here wasting ur time?

I saw that the deletion of the channel was delayed again, so I had to speak my mind

since releases take much time, this channel might survive til 2021 🏳️🌈

If you want to leave tw swing no big speeches and do it, it is just one game of many

where is my big speech? i made the decision today.

i want to leave gaming, because it's time wasting.

What are you still doing here ?

id release it but im not gonna fix any bugs so it should be ready

it feels like releasing this last map is fair. probably because i shared it to alot of friends and they would enjoy it. i didn't think that much about this decision.

reset the channel

ravie fixxed the bugs already, i will fix bugs, if needed, until the map is ready

ravie has 5 days to reset the channel dw

it doesn't have to be ravie


@lady snotvik why dont u just join testers again instead of always telling testers what to do in channels

it was just a suggestion

$ready 3


very exhausting to play with this barely visible tele imo

@louis@lady snotvik why dont u just join testers again instead of always telling testers what to do in channels
I'm not very active and I am allowed to test as a normal player


should be 🆙

Prety cool ideas but i think you can create a lot more creative parts , when i played i had 1st time impression in one part, ow you can do like this now , it's already is realy cool so would like to see coool parts

bot is bugged

this map is online