this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


That would be cool for logo animation with this . Pain and thr t apears and logo becoming normal

Fr xd

-sv_pausable 1 added

-somw arrows added

-second part fixed

map design is horrible

no offense xd, but i would just make the colors less blinding and maybe usea nicer mapres idk

i think the bg is fine, it has nice enough colors

just make better use of the hook and unhook etc

as it is its just a mess of colors everywhere, try to add some harmony or somthin

maybe add some kind of basic color, like white, or a lighter version of any nice color, then add some splats of color here and there

just some way of making the map easier to look at without dying of color overdose


Include a changelog after uploading map updates (preferably with screenshots).

-the "T" in the logo dissapear some times

-hokeables color change

-unhook color change

-bg change a bit


make a tileset in paint for me pls

Tested some parts: parts are pretty creative,i like it but super punishing and not balanced sometimes Design is hmmm xd i like the bg somehow but i think the colors are too bright

-skip fixed

-little nerf

map looks like brutal , with very anoying falls that you can do

there is definetly some cool parts



maybe u make colors of ur map more dark? because its TOO COLOURFUL, i even cant see at it with design (or do photosensitivity warning 💀)

i agree, the colors are unpleasant

You can put a tee on the edge and skip the whole part.

little skip

i would delete whole solo part, imo its out of the blue. whole map u are doing teamwork and then there awkardly faily solo part appears near end

or at least nerf it

except 2 things i mentioned above, very cool map, i really liked the other parts.
Hope u delete laser part at end at least, if u dont wanna touch the solo because of cool setup in the beginning of it 🥹

About the laser part, the truth is I wouldn't like to delete it since I did like it and I would like to see people play it, in which case I could nerf it or make it shorter and without the need for the last shot in which you need to calculate very well the laser.

Nvm i would deleted it and do another part, i forget about the weird dummys flys ☠️

-2 skips fixed

-solo nerfed

-deleted half of solo

-laser part deleted

-2 new parts added

-bg color more dark a bit

Part also seems to not work for me if the player doing the setup is still, they need some sort of horizontal velocity

Fun map though, I enjoyed it alot despite playing with dummy

-every mentiond of draggory

u can reach solo up

Damn I suck then, I couldn't get up every time i tried


Ah sg off wall too

skip fixed

U can just hold the sg up

are u able to join server?

Giv me a sec

other than the fact that this map is very punishing its very well mapped

-ht added and normal freeze jump added

-corners on ht deleted*


This command was not found.

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

littles changes on parts

Idk but test it for a while but i dont feel that faily

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

it depends on how long u are holding hook, u have to release it before touching the roof

yes depending on when you hook, when you press and from were, but then they is a rare chance of randomly fail even if you rls i guess, and it should be done with holding hook if it's made for a press forward

U can hold the hook all the way, i do that and i didnt fail anytime

no u cant, i failed like that few times too

Wtf rrly?

Ok ill fixed so 👍



-corners (by papotav)

First ready set. Map needs to be tested again by a different tester before fully evaluated. Suggested Difficulty Rating:★☆☆☆☆

could be brutal 5 as well, not sure what fits better

you can make background look way better just by adding parallax to paint marks

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

what are "parallax"


para x and para y

so the background moves when you move




Make like 3 different groups and make first paraX and paraY 1, second 2, third 3, add 1 layer to each group, add paint marks to each layer as you like

-new bg

Background got a lot better, but i'd suggest you this 2 things:
- Change paras values more consistently (right now first groups para X more than para Y in almost 7 times, second group in 5 times, third group in 4 times). Values i'd suggest are (10;10) for first group, (20;20) for second group, (30;30) for third group. Though, you can play around values but keep in mind that generally it looks better when para X and para Y has even values.
- As you see on screenshot (red represents kill tiles) bottom paint marks are invisible to player unless you fully zoom out, i wouldn't mentioned it but top, left and right sides don't have those (2-3 screenshots). So my suggestion to either fill those areas (2-3 screenshot) with paint marks or delete bottom ones (1 screenshot)


i guess the gameplay of this map is ready (at least from what other testers said about it) and it just needs a design check?

after full retest i think it's good for rls, just cut the filter because on a map failly and teamlock it's useless + annoying to redo (even a little swing)

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

-new spawn

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

-new filler part

you should make the design a bit better

maybe take inspiration from sketch, wonderfully ?

-unhook design

inconsistent 3 tile unfreeze design

-fix unfreeze tiles

dm me if you need some ideas about what you can put

imo this map should be released the gameplay is mostly awkward and its way too faily

kinda feels like floor is lava

brutal 2* yet it barely has any finishes since no one likes to play it

same goes for this

also the design is hideous

You mean shouldn't? You continued to make points against it.. :P

yes xd

i love design :<

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

forgot that lel

-new pattern in unhook; -stuff in spawn room

hookable patterns

-design errors by PapotaV

map looks ready to me

First ready set by Trial Tester. Map needs to be tested again by an official tester before fully evaluated.

-more ht

The map is now ready to be released! Difficulty Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ Optimized version attached. Unoptimized version: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1241647696419356672/1279062612633583616

worst design of map on whole ddnet


everybody plays with entities 🤷

the design does need some work

I don't think so

i do think so

5 people who care about design on insane maps:

(I do think its bad, but just dont care. Let it be some kind of mappers artistic vision xD)

wut? design still matters a bit no matter the difficulty

Ye but on novice ppl will actually play with design cuz they dont know how to turn it off, or maybe they came for the scenery. When you get to the insane level you are probably too far gone already

But it matters a bit i can agree xD

design makes whole maps personality and vibe imo

i always liked bg in open lane bc it looked like collage of colors

i tink u can leverage same effect w a paint texture

just establish simple palette

ignore unhook was trying random shit kek

design idea is definitely fun, but lots of mismatching elements so its kinda weird

i was speaking in general and adding up to conversation above, not about this map specifically 😅

Seems to be very controversial and is easily fixed so I will just reset it for now

Moved channel back to TESTING.

what fix would you suggest? i don't want to offend the mapper, but it seems like they struggle to come up with a good design.

The mapper didn’t make any recent statement on that as far as I can tell and he came up with a decent design on another map in the past
I‘d simply suggest redoing the design?

That would mean the current map design gets deleted + the map name has to be changed, since its based on the design?

can u give example of "mismatching elements" I don't quite understand it.

Slight adjustments might work as well I guess but I‘d leave it to the mapper

I mean worst case just replace the unhooks and hooks with generic_clear, automap it, change the background perhaps and ready

I looked at the design and I'll say it's vibe, but I didn't like the glass(ht) tile, it doesn't fit the design.

So if he changes the glass, that's enough for me to release

nah just fix the unhookable+hookable+hookthru matching

then itd be ok

You mean it looks like it was assembled from three different maps?


rename your map into skull and use these colors for it

I agree with you, I looked closer at the hook wall and it too is done in a different style.

I think you can see the pain . . . . . t

Decline for now, i go to rework all the design and rename the map, welf give me ideas (not the skull xd)

It's going to take me a while

That wasn’t necessary but it’s great to see that kind of spirit and motivation! 👍🏻
Feel free to repost it at any time, looking forward to it 😄


Your map submission has been declined.



i have no idea how to fix this design but i will ask a friend for help

hes already doing a design

thats great

all needed is to change hookthru and hook :/

and it wohld b ok

Sadge i liked the idea it was super unique^^ Now we probably get a standard design

I'm going to recycle the idea, so don't worry