this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

i know its probably made for newer players but it was kind of just borin and uninteresting, also the design kind of ugly and seeing as new players probably dont use entities sometimes i could barely see the tp on my screen cuz of bg

tele 4 changed bug fixes changed opacity of tele and freeze

tele bug fixes . added design ellements

good map, only found the transition from tele 11 to 12 to be kinda awkward

a good speedrun map

2nd i fixed just didn't want to post or it was othet place but anyways thank you !


tele color changed , thanks
changed slightly tele 17 design

ithink all ok

First ready set by Trial Tester. Map needs to be tested again by an official tester before fully evaluated.

good solo map

Optimized version:

Cool map

thank you
@frostribeagain !

cool map I wish we had more such simple and fun solo maps

could change tele color A 200->140, looks better to my eye

otherwise very simple 1* map, ready to me

idk but this color with alpha 200 feels not good in game.

140 looks fine if the background is dirt

but 200 looks better if the background is air

hard to pick a good color when background color ranges from very dark to very bright

I like the map. 👍 Bigger unhook tiles look like hookables to me though

very nice little map

agree, cool little map for novice people and nice for speedrun

The map is now ready to be released! Difficulty Rating: ★☆☆☆☆Optimized version attached. Unoptimized version: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1251526824714960998/1253768242820808755

your map has just been released, and you now have a 2-week grace period to identify and resolve any unnoticed bugs or skips. After these two weeks, only design and quality of life (QoL) fixes will be allowed, provided they don't impact the leaderboard rankings. Be aware that significant gameplay changes may impact and lead to the removal of ranks. Good luck with your map!

Hook_it has been set to RELEASED.