this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Map :lady_beetle: :

норм мапа

i can see your intention with the map, but this rather feels like a mashup of individual map-styles, you have the laser start, an rng jump, a part requiring precise movement and hook timings, and a gores part.
1: the part feels completly random, you can't time it properly, you can neither hold right or properly stop inbetween. parts shouldn't be RNG-based. 2 & 3: the way this is mapped is hard to play with it's current design. the tile opacity is set to 120% and you can't properly see how to get through it. you could easily fix that by either adding corners so you actually see them, or rework the design in general:
4: what is that for? feels completly unneccessary :P
i dont "hate" the design, but it feels bland, you have black grey and white and they dont blend in properly. the map is also far to short,
you should look for: consistency: you have screenshot 1 which is completly random and deadly, which would frustrate many players immediatly. size: the map in it's current form took me around 30 seconds to complete, that is not only way to short, but given the difficulty unfitting for DDNet imo.
spikes tend to be very hard to handle and map with, you could extend everything, use tele instead of kill, work on the design and add some flow to it, the entire map feels hacky and way to punishing at the moment. A hard map should be hard by design, not forced to be hard by adding RNG or killtiles everywhere.
good luck!

ok ty


i'd suggest you grasp your current idea's and work on them. Your intentions werent bad! and i assume this is one of the first maps you made. espacially short maps are better redone than fixed for months

Your map submission has been declined.

Good luck with your next map! Please try taking care of the above-mentioned feedback in the future 👍


the freeze opacity is set to 120% 🧐

that's 100% then?

atleast 110%!



freeze 🧐

i didnt see that lol

i'm dyslexic!

dont know what you mean, it clearly says

Oh, must be Welfs fault then.

map 10/10

i wait release

keep waiting...


Map :lady_beetle: :

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

i remade the map

this flow's much nicer, good job!
there are still a lot of flaws, espacially on the map design part
the map was already declined so i'd suggest trying to add more content to it, make the design nice and clear, and submit it once you're sure the map is similar to already released maps, this increases the chance of it becoming released! i'll attach some screenshots of design choices i personally dont agree with:

oh, ok ty

i remade the map

Map :lady_beetle: :

im looking ur map if u join i can explain u everythink



talked with mapper

u can decline this

eh triki?


Map :lady_beetle: :

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

i remade the map

its already declined 😦

try working on it more and see some recent solo maps


да жалко:(

its bad( have a lot more new problems