this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Did you edit the maps already or they are untouched ?

i always upload the original version (aka the version i got) first to let people have an objective view

The map is clean and fun

Should be 2*


Don't forget time cps*


$edit --shrink-layers

$ready 3


DDmax? 👀

sadly it was not for ddmax, however with better graphics, fixing cheats/skips (like the one avoiding dummy drag and just use grenade) and improving the flow of the run in few places(maybe some unfreeze here and there), this map would be rly great for speedrunning and fighting for miliseconds =]

speedrunning this mostly feels like some part here and there and then hammerrun, throw, fly, repeat

he said so because the initial release was bugged and popped on ddmax.nuts