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delete rocket

and set the tune zone so that you can draw well maybe

its nearly impossible to draw well

bullets dont last long

rip my remove weak :(

server starts lagging so fast while spaming

this will just lead to perma laggs cuz ppl will spam all the time

Maybe making it solo would be better? Could also use dummy as an eraser pretty easily i think. Although the lag is pretty bad

bug: I was able to get my dummy inside the area

if you turn on dummy copy

this looks like an extremly cool idea but immposible to execute without a nade/bullet limit cuz it absolutely breaks the whole game

this is like when people lagged out the server with "Buckle up!" but its way easier on this one

it's on fun server so no one will play it anyways

Agree with iku

💩 🌽 biggest troll ?

hi, while this is fun to use, it has the potential to lag out servers and it's really just a drawing board which you can just do on skribbl.io or some other app.
