this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

Pls stop with all these race Maps

This even have a name like itβs rls on unique server

When run_4senpa

Anyway map looks interesting, unique, fun, race, speedrun

only 3 race maps got released this year, and there's plenty of released maps what is deticated to someone

Also I dont see whats wrong with releasing race maps. Nobody is forcing you to play this map or any other map.

run_4jao when

next map

changed logo color reworked the falling part on part 4 so it doesn't stop the flow smoothened parts for better gameplay little design fixes added logo at ending

nice map i like it a lot

From the point of view of a noob (me), the map was very pleasant to play

removed unnecesarry tps

idk if tp's are necessary between these two parts, kinda breaks flow imo

since ur travelling upwards then get teled, speed reset and u go downwards

also maybe change the design a little bit? it looks like those designs of the really old racemaps

removed the flow breaker tps since i can not really create a better design, because im bad at it, I just made hookables more visible

an easy race map with decent flow and no air nades is kinda refreshing to see π

2 Unused Envelopes. Also no background quad?
Looks and plays like an old race map. Maybe can look into changing the colour of the teacup to make it stand out more? Could adjust the colour inside vs outside the map to add some variety. Hookable blocks seem too complex for this simplistic style imo.
Map is fun though.

i made the teacup more visible, and also reduced the complexity of the hookables

background can't be transparent!

why you make reactions

it's true

did you think about some marking where CPs are?

for example two similar shades of green alternately to know where the parts start and end

or dots on CTO teles

or anything, just an idea so it's fair for people playing without entities

yes i actually was thinking about it but i didnt do it

i'll try out something for it tomorrow

removed bg transparency, added cp marks

fixed bg, deleted unused envelopes

$ready 1

It's actually run_4coffee but okay