this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

that was plan no to , to let people suffer if bad , if testers want to i will add .


fixed mentioned

bg fix cp3 harder tele new spawn

mayb set tp tile?

big abyss


it's was set already

-corner fixed -shield skip fixed -abyss fxed -cp 7 skip fixed -cp 8 fixed skip -cp 5 changed part -redesigned bg , now it's clean

-deleted cp12 ( test )

cp7 missing freeze

-cp5 rechanged part -cp5 added unjetpack

cp8 removed top some freeze

You can take cp6, then return and get jetpack using teleporter


wrong version

grassmain is game and front freeze marked unjetpack changed end

hook missed entitites and freeze

speedup deleted switch deleted changed start changed end changed cp 9 start

edited a bit start , end (skip) cp2 and cp3 removed rocket

missing tele corner at spawn parts

fixed above

why you need extra hook there ? you can't complete part like this !?

i can i just always hook the hookable there if u dont want it there its fine


$edit --shrink-layers

forgot to redownload last version

changed missing unhook at end of map added , changed 3 last unhooks to different unhook delete some trees in bg at start and end made dark quads for end of the map

tele bug fixed at start created new over map dark sides


changed bg again

changed bg again moved map right side


$edit --shrink-layers

$ready 2



its bots fault?



fix corners

Imagine not having good corners smh

$ready 2