this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

That one might be good on race servers but we can't stack rockets on DDNet, can we ?

Unless some pro racers really enjoy it, it'll be a decline


@ proracers help me please!

It will all depend on if you can stack rockets at the spawn on DDNet's race servers

And if they enjoy the map

why u need to stack it with kill

u can do it with touching startline

well this map is fine

thoose 2 things u marked are definetly fine

since its just a triple rocket to filter out noobs u could say

i wouldnt decline this map either looks fun enough, with some fixes is ready to go

it doesnt really hinder the gameplay at all since most of old hard maps use that stuff on maps

ill probably take a look at this tommorow to see how it plays


try to fix those things that pipou pointed and the last part

Zzz first 3 parts sucks

last 2 parts too

You are asking him to edit the map, then it won't be the original

- the first and last one are the same

I'd like to see more race maps on ddnet but this one sucks

So you are all resetting it without playing lol

You aren't a racer as far as I know

i already played it

Leave it to the racers

no im not, but its fine to 1 star map ig

They have their own race servers anyway

coke thinks the same

Why are you so map and point hungry

That map is unnecessary

It's not as if we were desperate for maps

So, unless you gather racers that are loving it too much to let go of it, it's a decline



these "triple rockets" arent even triple rockets because there are little tiles at the wall so u can do multiple smaller rocket jumps xddd

i think its cool at the second long thing

u can do double and double at the little tiles again

but with triple it will be faster

i played it too

that map is a good map

i think its ok, i dont like the last part

that is true, just wanted to correct nothing since he didnt know

im pretty sure this map is on unique server

ah yeah it is

no need to rls it here then anyways

no point to have it here when its on unique

Exactly my point

4fisico is on unique


We aren't so desperate for maps

both maps on unique

gotta agree with pipou. this map isnt really an enrichment in the race category, not in difficulty nor in fun

yeah after seeing it its kinda meh

Wtf run_4default was a lot different map i think . I think there is even videos about it ... (not sure for 100%)

Maybe there are two maps with the same name :o