this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

think its time to give a 2nd chance and show some things i should change

and ppl became much better, map isnt that hard as it was

i will not be surprised if you pay 50 euros for a finish again

its not the starkiller-trashtalk-channel


lmao iku was the only one who gave an gameplay opinion

np for feedback

Just played the map for ~40min and I really liked it, this is well balanced and has a good flow, the length of the map really fits the difficulty (4* imo)

overall good map imo

ty for testing. what would u change at the dj? not sure how to make the 2nd part easier tbh. but i dont think its harder than rest of map. ill wait for more opinions

Well I don't think you necessary need to change that, it's at the beginning of the map so it's not that annoying if you don't get it first try, I was pointing out what I felt was off but honestly it's fine as it is

There also has been a lot of talking about the difficulty of the jetpack part being too hard, I'd like to have more opinions about that cause I feel kinda biased due to my love for jetpack


uhm yea, 1/20 tries u die there. is it such a problem for u?

d+rocket=never fail. ik jetpack is faily

fixed other 2 screens. tell me if u want some more changes

It's bad if you don't have a setup to make it efficient, it shouldn't be random

Isn't it awkward to be able to fail there ? Cireme played that one last part and said it's counter productive to slow down right at the finish line



imo the last problem with the map is this

It happens too often

Maybe make the hole only 1 tile wide or idk

But you can too easily fail

despite hooking all the way up and pressing left

Map should be good after this


id prefer the little rng to die with the killedge if other testers are okay with it

replaced kill with ht

No rng

It looks good now

I'll leave it to

Everything's good 👍

$ready 4


Have you ever played solo maps 4* or above ?

yes and im can rate it for 5*

Deal with it

okay 👌

i dont think its 4 tbh. more like a 5 map. if maps like its your death are 5* maps

It's your death is 9 years old

This map is really short and only a few parts require extreme precision

And the skills of players will keep increasing over the years so I believe this map should be 4

So harder maps really deserve the 5*

If it will increase over the years then we can update it in those years The map should be rated for a rating of 2023 rating system is kinda weird anyways tho. changes like fast fashion for example a map like triplecan is the same rating as this that map is MAX a 3*

Well, I am saying it will but it already has

People are better

The map is REALLY short

And it feels so unfair to post it as 5* when you have Examinus or Momento mori for exemple

I don't see the point of posting the map 5* rn for the reason that MAYBE it will change because the rating system sucks

If it ever changes

And if you want to compare with more recent maps, Gehenna (released this year) is 4*

And I feel like it was much harder than what I played here

Tbh, the map rating is fine, it's just that solo isn't split into novice, moderate, brutal, and insane, so there's going to be a wider difficulty range between solo maps that have the same difficulty rating. Same concept goes for dummy and race.


Anyway that's my opinion, I don't think it's unfair to release the map as 4*

I am open to discussion

Can you stop comparing every 5 star ever to Examinus? These maps are in their own league and are 5 stars only because there isnt a difficulty higher than 5 star

Just because some Starkiller guy made an impossible map only 3 ppl beat doesnt mean that a reasonably difficult map cant be 5 stars as well

What about memoria its short more than ignis and this easier for real than ignis

tbh memoria feels way easier than ignis more parts but they r very straight forward and easy

Ignis my waifu 😌

Well I gotta admit that it wasn't fair to compare every 5 stars to these maps

But anyway I looked up recent 4 and 5 stars maps

And for me Ignis really feels closer to 4*

This is the dark souls of examinus

didnt know map will be removed from rdy when posting an update


I don't think it's supposed to happen


All good

$ready 4

is 4 like 4th map or 4 star

4 stars