"No Longer Human" by Miss Furry

the map doesnt play smooth and the structure feels rly repetitive imo

also the parts arent very balanced

its always a small "part" to get a weapon/special tile, then a few stuff that barely justify the use of that tile/weapon into some boring gores/superjump-jetpack stuff

some parts are way too long: https://i.imgur.com/068XNTN.png

and some stuff is reaaally boring, like that jetpack part where u have to do it twice just to get a dj.. https://i.imgur.com/0SYk5gW.png

$rate design=0 balance=3 flow=3 playability=5 creativity=2 fun=0

$rate balance=4 flow=4 creativity=2 playability=5 fun=0 design=0

very boring map

$rate balance=5 flow=4 creativity=3 playability=4 fun=0 design=0

i agree with snail

$rate balance=3 flow=1 creativity=3 playability=3 fun=0 design=0

whole map doesnt play well.. there is no way instruction and many parts just feel very annoying. most parts are hard and then there are many easy things. for example: cp3 cp5,cp6, cp11, cp7 and many more. also i dont like the punish with kill if u are very far at the map. u could add more checkpoints at some parts(for example cp 12, because it felt very annoying to start so far away). some parts are very boring(Cp16,cp15, cp14 and more). first time i tried cp18, i got punished with kill at end when i was freezed. the jetpack tunezone part at end (Cp39,cp41,cp42 ) felt so annoying and i couldnt do it. tbh i think u have to make a new map and a rework wouldnt help.

$rate balance=4 flow=4 creativity=4 playability=5 fun=0 design=0

The map didn't reach sufficient ratings in balance (6 required), flow (4 required), creativity (4 required) and playability (6 required) as well as overall (25 required) and, therefore, won't be released. However, feel free to rework it to improve low rated criteria, or simply start a new map

$rate balance=4 flow=6 creativity=6 playability=6 fun=4 design=1

Balance is truly not the best, but when i consider that this map is a long map that is connected in all parts, maybe some easier parts to connect things are not that bad? (just my opinion). Still would need some changes and some fixes for skips, but I liked the map.

And the death parts shouldn't be there in the whole map