this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

have fun

what are the white rectangles hiding?

2 caterpillars





i wonder what catepillar3 will be.......

1mb unused stuff

empty tiles from winter_main idk why it did some white stuff for it

you gonna be caterpillar3


caterpillar 3 will be inside a nice spider

$edit --rotate --rotate

.01kb less nice

$edit --rotate --rotate

no u

.03 more



bot afk again nice

nah it only listens to testers


huh, weird that it actually grew

didnt even go back to the size before the first rotate oo



$edit --shrink-layers



well they didnt get shrinked the first time and i made them extra big

$optimize only does --shrink-tiles-layers

so game layers stay untouched

ahye ok

so it did shrink game layers now ?

ok nvm

i checked the wrong file and thought it didnt

hm but shouldn't the second tiles layer be smaller? it still looks too big for the tiles


winter_main didn't get moved back to external

$edit --shrink-layers

wait what

why only 1.13kb now ? which file did it pick

oh nvm you uploaded something

$optimize --shrink-layers

$optimize Ravie

nah bot not the map :(

u can upload real caterpillar after I'm done breaking this

this map 4 hours later:

what upload real

its somewhere he already

this is my test map


when will u set aside ur differences and collab on caterpillar3

$optimize --shrink-layers


i feel like im being personally attacked here

me too

:( ok i go back to work

:( bye !

$optimize --shrink-layers




could you load this one?

$optimize --shrink-layers

can you try if the problem is still there?

$optimize --shrink-layers

$optimize --shrink-layers

yup seems fixed

this map looks really weird when I download it

what's weird?


the invisible unhooks are my fault

yeah thats it

lemme try something that will offset the layer a more odd amount


$optimize --shrink-layers

do we still need this map?

I dont really know why the 1 got declined and the 2 didnt got declined yet

its only for command testing u big brain

o sorry xD

Im nobo, what do u want from me

well currently we don't need it but it will be handy if we run into any issue again

if we wanna keep it in testing maybe replace it with an actual testmap


Please don't decline this one

the evaluated channel is quite full and we can only fit 50 channels in one category

There are 26, I think it would be ok. Until another 24 maps are in, learath2 should have solved the problem or not? 😁
no, hes on vacation

can I ready it?

Why dont to delete evaluated maps?

waiting for bot fix

any learath stans


Delete manually?

its not only delete, its going to the archive



An internal error occurred

An internal error occurred



An internal error occurred







seems like you guys having fun with this bot xd






works fine

ye works fine

nice green checkmark in not ready maps...





ha decline got declined