this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

yay it exists for real


it was really short last time so i made it a bit longer

about how many minutes

o/ finally

depends on if u do the solo skips or not

you could get it in a minute if u do everything first try

i bet speedrunners will make it in a half xddd

i mean speedrunning

cause it was meant for that :))


still it could afford to be another row longer i think. since linear you can do in less than a minute


main problem is i didn't want it to be too repetitive

i dont have time to test it today but, i will look tomorrow probably







but it worked haha


is that hookthrough?

btw dont spam the sun

it barely looks different

ye it is

should be a different colour

oops! il fix that stuff

a tester can just run optimize

idk if i can


seems only tester can do it

forgot to check with hook too


yep thats wrong design

fixes: removed freeze bugs, removed excess map, removed freeze in tele, removed grass main file, changed hookthrough color, changed deep color, added deep lettering.

i think thats it

oh and the weird hook tile design thing is gone

$listo 1

also in general i think some parts are a bit cramped for t0

this hammer run is small and at the start of the map, i see people competing for the part and blocking others in this left freeze

And also when you do it in solo its a lil bit hard to hook

cus you want to hook from farther away? im not sure what you mean

i like this map though, short very simple speedrun

reminds me of linear but simpler, probably could be made more complex a bit and a bit longer

I mean when you get speed from the hookable its lil bit hard to hit the hook in the other place

meh this skip is not that hard actually but harder than the others for sure

just make it longer and add tele

then it can still be a skip but takes skill

cute map โจ

looks like a rlly cool speedrun map

I think all the hookables are intentional for speedrunners, and imo is really cool

ye i like the hookable spots, but if you make this tele longer then it forces a move like 1) hook under the bottom right spot 2) rocket ceiling 3) rocket ground and jump

would be a super cool skip

i like the idea of a novice friendly speedrun map. obviously this map is novice by itself, but it would be cool if it was speedrun noob friendly also

i dont know if that is a goal of this map though, so i wont act like it's 100% how it should be treated

agree with that should really look into fixing this

also put unfreeze on totele

2-3 tiles to long


*doodads(bushes) need to be highdetail or more like everything not game play relevant

linear was my inspiration for this map

thanks everyone for the feedback, I appreciate it

Il get down to fixing everything you guys mentioned

oh no I meant to add shields after the rocket part ;-;

it is intended for speedrunners ๐

what part are you referring to?

this drag down

the drag part or the hookthrough?

oh you mean the 1 tile freeze where the dragged person goes through?

join me on the test server

lol ok

t0 intended is laser, and the solo skip is actually easier than some of the other skips imo

tried to keep this part short and I thought with tele it would be ok. Should I make it wider? or maybe add a platform in the middle with a cp?

thanks! saw ur playthrough of luna and it looks insane

mh maybe even both

ye, but i was wondering if you cared if it was easy for noobs to speedrun also

Il add the platform in the middle ๐

hmmm... I guess so. It's definitely not a hard speedrun, especially with some of the fixes that are going to be added

might aswell make it a solo part so there is no blocking happening

Il make it solo too yeah

leave unsolo for rocket to rocket fly on noobs that cant rocket

I was gonna put the solo at the beginning of the gores (also theres shields there too)

problem is, there are already a lot of signs there, so fitting in a solo/unsolo sign in the gores is going to make it look messy

or maybe no need to make it wider

if you remove the ceiling tp it should help

ok thats a good idea

thx โค๏ธ

its intended that the whole map is soloable right xd?


think of linear


bunch of fixes and small changes

the more i play this map the more i love it. so fun to speedrun and flows really nice

thx fjp



the skips you showed me were cooler, but that upward unfreeze part always kills my runs xd


yeah i didnt even know you could do it that way until I saw you doing it

what do you do? the dj while hooked?

i think Il leave it up to the runner tho

no speed just around the corner

ti let go at the bottom and just jump

tif you hook low enough you get enough speed

for me i cant do the swing through it

even if i do the right hook down, hooking mid always bonks me on the ht

and then i just jump hooked and barely make it with no speed

oh that part

i get speed and then touch the ground and dj while hooking left

ah like using the jump and the swing together


not hook first then jump

other way

that makes sense

i think either way is doable

ye but that way seems more consistent


can you do something with the spam chat that is produce by can't hit/can hit ; can't hook/can hook etc..?


the background looks so empty

in this map cp teleporters are not necessary, you can use normal teleporters

planned that u can do the whole map solo?


kind of boring and i dont like it but ok xD

yes the whole map is designed to be soloable

I wanted it to be simple. If it is a big problem I can add something I guess

Thats the unfreeze


no problem just asked

Oh i see

kinda wanted it to be discreet but I guess that works

And btw i dont see how that is usefull

Bcs after you have the unsolo

Ah thats true

In the rocket part

lynn suggested it to stop blocking towards the beginning for speedrunners

but the unsolo is a probelm i guess

Ye but you can go on a team


I can take it out then

no biggy

I will definitely change the first couple of tele cps to normal, but what are your thoughts on the tele in the gores?

I was thinking to leave the cp there so if they walk back in on accident they dont have to redo the part

Im not sure... Is there a server setting for that?

You can do it with tune zone but Here its better if you move it to other places

Ill give you an example later

or remake the end a bit that u dont need cp's

cool thanks

how does that make a difference?

wouldnt you still get the text?

I guess maybe it would be further apart

bcs if you fail the hook you have to pass trough again

oh i see

You mean for the solo part

yeah Il change that

I think that might give the solo part too much leeway

I dont want to let them land on the platform before they jump

idk if this makes sense but I think that would separate the upper part from the lower part, cause I feel that the two part work nicely right now

it was my bad you just have to find the right angle

fixes: removed optional solo, changed cto tele to normal tele, altered solo/hammer/hook sections to reduce chat spam, changed gores section, fixed grass bugs

for the parts you want to force hammer run for, just lower the ceiling. the second part comes to mind here

that will help reduce spam without compromising the part

For the solo part though

no, you hook and release so low there

it should still work

and if you're still worried, just allow them to throw

i dont think it's worth it to put off/on if it's to force a part

unless it's really important

the reason the on off hook is there is so that they have to use laser

instead of pulling the other person

oh huh

i think they would just hammer run

that's what i did

the hammer run is fine

its for the pulling and the part after that

where I dont want the hammer run I put the no hammer

just anywhere you think you can make the part flow force a certain move instead of relying on on/off, pls do

since for speedruns they're going to see that chat spam a tooon

yeah thats why I moved some of the places where they might mess up

like how arrow mentioned


i think you can avoid them entirely, but you can do it either way

the only reasonable one to remove imo is the no hook near the beginning

and just not force laser

cause I guess they would still have to laser the next bigger bit of freeze

I left the last hammer on/off the same

lmk if this seems fine

only problem I see is a skip with hookfly but I think thats too hard for this map

your logo and especially the "Deep" text shouldn't be High Detail need to change that

Ah good catch

Il change that too

fixed detail on logo/deep text and removed grass from unhookable area

Also for future reference, when should I use detail or not use it?

HD should only be stuff thats not game play related

expect the logo that can be none HD

Ah ok thanks

and background ofc lol but only the first layer

stars etc. ofc HD again

look again

only removed it at one spot

but in that screenshot are 2

mirror the red cross or the hammer

couldnt even tell it is a hammer

think you should rework this part

flows bad for solo runs and in normal runs you can skip the grenade anyway

if you just hammer one up

or you turn hammer off somewhere more far behind

ah i missed that one oops

Il move the hammer-off to the left but Im having trouble thinking of a way to smooth the solo path

maybe if I make the walls wider?

that would make it worse

im sorry the gap between the walls

or wait its not that bad maybe 1 lower and it should be ok

is what i meant

ye i know

i just tried it and i think it might be too easy

like it makes rocket pointless almost

or ye the gap wider if you remove on the left side 1 tile

thats what i did


my goal was to make it so that you need momentum from the previous section to be able to make it up

ye see that now

still feels clunky but im bad so idk

ye same

but its better

its ok nvm

i dont want it to be clunky tho


did you move just the unhook side of the wall or did you move the hookable part too?

i moved nothing

oh lmao

i kinda like it wider tbh

leave it as it is now

but its easier

oh ok

but still move the hammer off

will do

Is it alright If I add some stuff to the background cause the more I played it the more I realised I didnt actually like the simplicity


ye go for it


ill put you in waiting

take your time


ok thx

changes: new colors, new background, removed excess blocks underneath unhook, moved hammer-off

ah ur right, and theres a bunch of beams facing the wrong way

il fix those

changes: fixed beams, removed excess decoration, changed start/finish

pls stop with soloable novice maps :3

I will never stop โค๏ธ

do you have a good star quad, cause i dont :/

they look blurry cause its just a light quad lol

Yes i have, ill send you the mapre when get in my pc

thanks a bunch

Btw its the same that i use in Nebula, so you can extract the map and use it

im on mac so I dont think theres an extract file

oh wait i do have a star quad



i like that one

nice ๐

changes: darkened colors, new star quad (removed light quad), lamp animation, removed excess tiles again

didn't I tell you not to take things from orion? ๐คจ

I swear i thought i extract it from other map, im not going to use it anymore then srry

if you extract from other maps you should still ask people who made them ๐

should I use a different quad if its from orion then?

that'd be cool

imagine beeing annoyed because someone "stole" u a diffumined white point in a f2p game to do a map for comunity

Ill try to make another one similar

thanks man

actually the blue star you sent earlier looks pretty good
changes: stars/lamps


ooh looks nice

il see how it looks

doesn't look that good tho

I think ill keep the blue stars for now, cause I like them better for the lamp animation, and I wanna save as much space as possible

thanks for the stuff tho
@Arrow, im sure ill use them in the future


Desert_doodas should be external

as the parts difficulty overally felt like 1-2 and then some complicated parts like those red squares which are kind of 4-5 difficulty xd

also about yellow square

throw + hf, i don't think nobos would have patience at the start to wait other nobos doing part.
Remember the times on "Sunny Side Up" with hf somewhere at middle of map before a bit of rework, it was a real mess and impossible to do due to newbies hooking your ass of
now look there, it's at beggining of map, imagine how much nerves will be killed trying to do that part with mass hooking in t0

the left and right red squares are both intended to be hammer runs, and I cant exactly tell what is being highlighted in the middle square, though keep in mind both players have laser throughout that section.

I agree, ill add an exclamation mark there

Il also change the stars ๐

first red square still should be changed, very annoying placement at start imo
2nd square is also throw (which u said it's a hammer run) and then the freeze-unfreeze part which probably is the hardest part of that map (u don't have laser there coz directly there is placed shields)

I agree the freeze unfreeze part may be a tad hard

i don't think that's neccesary, i just pointed out for your future maps, as i'm sure the way you placed stars takes more time than it should :D

oh lol

but probably it does affect a bit fps, not sure ๐ค

This is an obstacle for solo speedruns, putting unfreeze would make it less punishing

I expect that the majority of people who play the map would be in solo teams, though I get that the first section may be blocky for new players

Il fix the freeze-unfreeze part by adding speed-up tiles that bring you back to the beginning if you fail

idk why you expect on a ez novice map players to play in teams xd

it's way too annoying rn

the map is 100% soloable

so people who want to play solo and speedrun can just go in a team

opps speed was supposed to be set to 1

moved the floor for the last part down

stars are way too big and bright

the important part here is gameplay tho

im a big hesitant on this map cus

it seems like it was built around being soloable but doing that kinda neglected the 2p aspect of it

like u start with a hammer run thing here which i feel like isnt a good start

esp if people are noobs and cant really cross easily it would become a pile of tees

Yeah I understand what you mean

also im not really sure about this laser part here, it becomes very boring if u play it 2p acting like a noob

one guy just holds space+D and the other guy lasers him 50 times

its fun solo but it falls off in 2p

now as far as the "aaa solo map in novice category" some people hate that some people like it, i dont think that's really an issue its more of making the map fun and balanced both ways

Yeah I get that

I agree, and I did make it with the solo parts as the main ideas

Honestly I think it can get declined, its been a growing experience but I started working on some other stuff and kinda left this map

okay. yeah the solo parts actually flow nicely and i enjoyed playing it as a solo map, it's just the balance and fun of the 2p parts was a lot less in comparison


maybe you could try using some of these solo moves in a solo map because it was quite good

thanks for the feedback ๐