
Map 🐞:


one sec

"Angel" by чмоня [moderate]

im always forgot to put time cps

stop speedrun mapping, start line skip, parts are not much develop, clasic parts, classic drag and finish the side of the map is too big for a short map like that colors of the design are still confusing

play recent map to see how could look a maps releasable

Okay, what color should the sky be for a pleasant passage?

color is the least of your concerns

u have like 4 declined maps by now

take urself time

a year or smt


getting 1 number off isnt an issue

im creating my map for over 2 months now and it still has only 1 drag part

he say short map is okay

short map is bad

u are just wrong

he didnt say its ok, he just didnt said anything. if a map can be completed in half an hour, its ok lenght

3 hour

bro are u minddead?

first map "dark_fantasy" im did 8 hour

3 hours is too long map.

I was coming up with the parts and the style

if u made a map in 8h insta decline

even testers would struggle to make a map in 8h

take yourself atleast 7 months

Why is it taking so long?

dont have a real reason

I don't feel unwilling to create maps, it's like a hobby for me.

if u really take yourself time (preferably 15h a day) then you can finish the map in a month

im dont know which background should I use

you can customize your quads by right clicking the corners

Can you give me some advice on the style of the map?

starting mapping with a novice map is easiest

im know, but i didnt know how change color of background

thats how you do it too

nope, im use pictures for a background

you can, but pictures are often ld so when u stretch them u get pixel sky

to avoid that you can use your blue quad and rclick on the corners

how? im try create background by yourself, but didnt know how change color of background

😭😭😭 told you 3 times already

you can tell me how, I'll take a long time to make a good and high-quality map and then I'll send it to you.

you say only "you can"

im not really good at mapping but sure if you want to collab


you can change the colour of the corner however you want

just right click it

😭 I want at least one of my map to be released, I don't understand what to find fault with, I can fix the map so that they just release it.

i unfortunately dont have time do guide you trough. you can watch a quick tutorial and improve yourself https://youtu.be/t0ljtNtiijU?si=eA1MA0JQ2VDBpdPo

then the sky is cosmic, then there is no variety, then it hurts the eyes, then the map is more in the box.,

im watching it

im create maps 4 month

take yourself time

how much do yu play a day?

I don't want

well, if not, bad news

12 hours when the whole day is free

then take yourself 5 months


I'm sorry to bother you, but let me make a short map, and you just advise me what it takes to be accepted, or tell me the maps that you accept and I'll analyze them and do something similar.

dms if yu do so

what means dms?

direct message

you can also just make the map and ill try sending you a remake (that aint no way gets accepted, but ill try).

no thanks, but I don't mind if you help me.

ok, i have 1h+ time to spare, so be quick or i will nuke u

Where do we start?

p.s. , join my server if you want help



Mapping server (by mirfay)

is the name

send me invition


i can't find it


Mapping server (by mirfay) Address: ddnet:// My IGN: Mirfay is not a DDraceNetwork or Community server.

refresh ur browser maybe that helps

Rate the lobby map from 1 to 10



its darkness not darknes

could use better font


is the background 1920x1080 again


i dont find better font

I'm just for convenience, I can change it later.

use a quad instead of tiles for font

im bad create background of quads

its not a background

I won't do anything with it, it will be like air.

I'm very slow at building maps.((

dont worry! - mapping is not only a super long but hard process, constant changes, thinking of unique ways of doing X
mapping is a hobby, not something you do and learn within a few hours

It's probably faster to first finish the gameplay before working on the design in detail. Otherwise you have to change a part twice if you are working on it.


I'm worried if you don't take this map

Thanks for the advice, I will use it.


Is something funny?

good and bad news, good - im created map "Darkness" and it's going fine, I've been through this bad - map is weight 1.4 MB

Try not to use images with a large resolution. But you can also ignore it for now and try to optimize once it's finished.

you can try downscaling images and it will secure atleast 400mb after that

can i get your map?

ill send you feedback



meant kb

Ah yes. -398,57 mb map

