this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

when you get at start you can join /team 1 then back , by some tees you could stuck them together and hammer at same time . do it twice and you can fly across map left side to end of the map .

but there is solo part

it looks like one of your first maps, everything is mapped too tightly. the parts are outdated and boring, there are a lot of cheats in the map, the kill tiles absolutely don't fit in this map. think before you start mapping what kind of map you want to make, there are some playstyles thrown together that don't fit here also look here : https://ddnet.org/rules/

i dont think u can fix this map, since u have to rework all



after you get out of solo and before you start you can change teams


then i start making a new map


show parts in
#mappingpeople will tell it's good or bad !

ok thanks

if my new map is done can i give it the same name ?

ich kann die map noch verbessern kannst du mir paar tipps geben wie ich es besser machen kann?

hab gehört du kannst gut mappen

Ich bin Arrow

join test server