i didnt play whole map, just spectated and there only tight simple drag parts, nothing more

btw bg is poor copy of Aoe aim maps )

allmost every freeze is switches ... No they are not simple there are good creative parts , example uou get dummy in tele and he deactivates 1 from 2 switches and you get laser or grenade launcher and with this you need two clear two parts witch are possible to clear if you have correct weapon , if not then you need to go left to deactivate switch using this weapon . Yes i tryed yo make something in background something good chanced many times and wanted simple and was looking at aoe map reference , i am able to remake it .

not everyone will like every single map ...

map is not interesting to play, only annoying

its like old ddmax map

but dummy version

but i enjoyed recreating parts to make them possible to clear and enjoyed after clear them ..

i dont understand your sentence

do i change all map to this design ?

Background is the last thing I mentioned, do u really think changing background will help gameplay somehow

Imo its faster to start new map instead of fixing this

try to show the map to someone in map building process before u will get such map size like this, im sure it will help a lot

play my other maps :/ start with reanimate

have to agree with Kicker. this is map is a big mess. doubt anyone would play this besides some lonely point hunters

dunno what to tell you. have basically told you everything you need to know to make a releasable map already. don't want to be rude.. but if you don't improve your mapping style by a lot, you won't get any map released

There are definitely some cool ideas, but Kicker and jao are right, there is too many messy switches, doors etc. Try to map with less of that stuff and try to improve your structure to get "cleaner" maps that should be releasable.



i made new map and its named as texly from scratch , do i post at same post ? No one will watch because its different map now :/

You can post it here, unless you want to keep both maps in testing, in that case you can rename this one

I dont care about this map :/ its declined
New map texly . Inspired by
@Im 'corneum

why do you post it then

It already looks much better than the previous map


i forgot that i didnt tested last parts once again :/ tested one time doesn't mean that its works good enough for me .

Testing , fixing 90% done

98% done


100% retested and remaked

the next message will be '101% done' x)

