"Disability" by Silex [Dummy]
DDNet 04/12/2022 5:42 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

DDNet 04/12/2022 5:42 PM
Welshi 04/12/2022 6:21 PM

no hook

jao 04/12/2022 6:31 PM
Silex 04/13/2022 10:58 AM
itsqed 04/13/2022 11:40 AM

can do the part without dummy

itsqed 04/13/2022 11:49 AM
itsqed 04/13/2022 11:54 AM

you can get infinite jumps and go back to previous parts

itsqed 04/13/2022 12:04 PM

not sure how worth it is but you can go with your dummy that way

Silex 04/13/2022 2:14 PM


Silex 04/13/2022 2:14 PM

that 'cheat' feels very random and faily to me so i didn't change that

itsqed 04/13/2022 2:32 PM

Its not random working almost every time

Welshi 04/13/2022 2:33 PM

it looks very consistent

Silex 04/13/2022 3:10 PM

true, didn't get how you did it first

Silex 04/13/2022 3:10 PM
I.K.U 04/16/2022 2:20 PM

make some kind of sign that you should wait for dummy to land?

I.K.U 04/16/2022 2:21 PM

this swing is kinda awkward to do you either swing into freeze or dont reach the unfreeze

I.K.U 04/16/2022 2:21 PM

moving the floor down a bit would help alot

I.K.U 04/16/2022 2:21 PM

all in all good map

I.K.U 04/16/2022 2:25 PM

move this by 1 tile pls

Silex 04/18/2022 9:49 PM
I.K.U 04/22/2022 2:29 PM

replayed again

I.K.U 04/22/2022 2:29 PM

this is the only one thats not changed but if not changed still good and worth a release

Ravie 05/30/2022 5:34 PM

Don't need to use top way or hookable here

Ravie 05/30/2022 5:35 PM

this part behaves weird, if you hold D too early you get shot out at lightspeed

Ravie 05/30/2022 5:37 PM

centered doors would look nicer

Ravie 05/30/2022 5:39 PM

that's not an existing tune afaik

Ravie 05/30/2022 5:40 PM

also design feels a little empty imo, consider a simple background

Cøke 05/31/2022 6:17 PM


Silex 07/02/2022 10:33 AM

changed the things


mentioned, didn't change bg since i liked it that simple

Silex 07/03/2022 12:21 PM

changed 2 things, thanks

Ravie 07/03/2022 12:30 PM


DDNet 07/03/2022 12:30 PM
Ravie 07/03/2022 12:30 PM

$ready 2

Dragere 07/05/2022 7:42 AM
snail 07/05/2022 8:10 AM
snail 07/05/2022 8:10 AM

fixed ty no one saw that