"The Portal" by grandecasada [Solo]
DDNet 06/30/2023 8:32 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

DDNet 06/30/2023 8:32 PM
.potatoeater 07/01/2023 5:57 AM

The idea of a map is good, but poorly executed. There is a lot of entity spam which is not good. Here is a suggestion for one of your parts.

.potatoeater 07/01/2023 5:57 AM

You could put the tele entities like this to prevent entity spam.

.potatoeater 07/01/2023 5:58 AM

More entity spam

.potatoeater 07/01/2023 5:59 AM

Here is a skip which was obvious at finish

.potatoeater 07/01/2023 6:08 AM

More entity spam

.potatoeater 07/01/2023 6:13 AM

The map doesn't really bring any challenge and is too short. Actual testers will tell you more, but I recommend checking this page for next time https://ddnet.org/rules/ and also examine other players released maps to get a better idea how to place everything so it feels nice and is good as gameplay

danil9901 07/01/2023 6:17 AM

does this mean the map can be declined?

.potatoeater 07/01/2023 6:21 AM

Yes, It doesn't meet the requirements of a good map unfortunately.

.potatoeater 07/01/2023 6:22 AM

But now you know what the errors are and you can prevent them on your next map submit!

.potatoeater 07/01/2023 6:22 AM

Wait for a tester and he will tell you more detailed info.

.potatoeater 07/01/2023 6:23 AM

Because I don't want to rush and be wrong.

danil9901 07/01/2023 6:59 AM

Okay, thanks for testing 🙂

Jurai! 07/01/2023 7:28 AM
Jurai! 07/01/2023 7:29 AM

parts can be skiped

danil9901 07/01/2023 9:09 AM

я конечно думал, что тут могут быть скипы, но не настолько

coke1465 07/01/2023 11:39 AM

You forgot the cheat from 6 to 7

coke1465 07/01/2023 11:39 AM

Without doing the part

.potatoeater 07/01/2023 1:01 PM

I had a quick glance at the map. Didn't examine it deeper.

coke1465 07/01/2023 1:03 PM

looks like you want to make a puzzle map, the map started well but quickly deteriorated, all the cheats don't make it better

coke1465 07/01/2023 1:04 PM


danil9901 07/06/2023 1:38 PM
  • added time cps
  • fixed all skips
  • deleted all entity spam
DDNet 07/06/2023 1:38 PM
danil9901 07/06/2023 1:38 PM

what does it mean?

danil9901 07/06/2023 1:46 PM
texnonik 07/08/2023 6:29 AM

the map is very interesting idea . map to short ! totele 2 interesting idea , totele 4 intesting idea , totele 9 interesting idea . But need to improve them ! Experement with parts , to create new parts , very briliant idea and you just made sketch , this map could be insanely cool .

Ill even try making 2 parts just to see what i can create .

texnonik 07/08/2023 6:36 AM

just recreated your part for now . i like this better you can see what you need to do .

danil9901 07/08/2023 6:46 AM

I would experiment but I don't even know how I can change some parts of the map, also I don't know what to put in the new parts

texnonik 07/08/2023 6:48 AM

just add somethink then improvise shooting somewhere and after creating part . try creating somethink and play it or play it in not intendet way .

danil9901 07/08/2023 6:50 AM

ok i'll try something

texnonik 07/08/2023 7:11 AM

i don't know actually

danil9901 07/08/2023 7:12 AM

this part looks better than my map

texnonik 07/08/2023 7:20 AM

it's your part i just played around ... i think freeze parts could be there better made . because it's seems easy . I have now idea how you could make rocket part easyer , make explosion strength higher . ( so you could make last jump easy with out double ) . But need to play it again and retest .

ill send you my version if you whant see configuration

.potatoeater 07/09/2023 2:04 PM

Если я правильно понял то вы оба знаете русский )

texnonik 07/09/2023 2:12 PM
danil9901 07/09/2023 3:05 PM


danil9901 07/09/2023 3:08 PM

почему тестеры игнорят эту мапу?

texnonik 07/09/2023 3:29 PM
gazebr 07/11/2023 8:17 AM

Чекни сколько мап сейчас в тесте + челы работают за бесплатно)

danil9901 07/11/2023 8:25 AM

та я вижу

nezox1 07/11/2023 1:09 PM

за деньги договорись

nezox1 07/11/2023 1:09 PM

5$ +- может протестят

Jurai! 07/12/2023 5:53 PM

сделай так чтоб можно было хукать с любого угла

Jurai! 07/12/2023 5:54 PM
Jurai! 07/12/2023 5:54 PM

бесячая фигня обязательно нужно целиться вправо

Jurai! 07/12/2023 5:56 PM
Jurai! 07/12/2023 5:56 PM

ещё остался небольшой скип

danil9901 07/12/2023 5:59 PM

не совсем понял прикол "небольшого Скипа"

Jurai! 07/12/2023 5:59 PM

ну обычно стреляют просто в стену потом вниз

Jurai! 07/12/2023 5:59 PM

и потом только уже в тп

danil9901 07/12/2023 6:00 PM

а, я понял

danil9901 07/12/2023 6:00 PM

завтра исправлю

danil9901 07/13/2023 4:04 AM
  • tele-hook 8 added the ability to hook from all sides (not only on the right, marked red lines)
  • to-tele 4 part skip fixed and modified
coke1465 07/14/2023 7:15 PM

u can do much more creative parts with telegun (play the map taser for example)

coke1465 07/14/2023 7:15 PM

its too short and not interesting

coke1465 07/14/2023 7:15 PM
