this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

keep an eye on him, we had a troll before who always writes random unnecessary comments

$ready 4

Im gonna reuse them in a map



deleted his comment
it was
I changed my opinion, don't know what's so funny about it, stop trying to troll if there's nothing to troll xd

Its not A troll just A funny thing for me

I mean how can I troll this if you didnt make A big drama about it



too hard for novice

definitely not

some of my thoughts:
- i think its a rather confusing map for newer players. cp5 for example is a bit too obscure imo
- i dont think the 'solo' at cp 8 should be faily, its a annoying way to fail & ez to fail for newbies
- imo it shouldnt be fail if at cp11 you jump in too early in the upper part
- the space inbtween cp12 and cp13 is faily, but can be hard to spot if you are not paying too much attention, i myself dont see why that transition is required, except for stupid fails
- the part after cp14 is potentially unsolvable for newer players, since that mechanic is not intuitive and sorta niche
- the part before 15 is very faily for novice players, imo it doesnt suit the map well
- cp16 is very complicated again, if the hookblock is supposed to block the cheese maybe move it a bit close since it is still possible

its not a beginner beginner map

its 4*

not 2*

but silex choice, i think its rdy and ok

but maybe i can rate this 5*

@Lady Saaviktoo hard for novice
You have not seen lavender yet 😁

oh I did when it wasn't ready

I'm confused that you find all other novice maps too hard and this one is fine?!

I couldn't play it brainless

why hook block?

just allow more ways to do the part

this part is too precise right now

@Silexwhat u think about this

Why should i allow more ways to do the part if it mess up the original idea? 😄 Hook block will stay where it is. Map has some brain parts just like the first one and like Coke said it's not a 2 map, if you want you can even do it 5 but imo it's 4*. It's definitely not moderate. I added more ht on tele 16 part since it's not a bad idea but that's the only thing i changed & the only thing i will change.

$ready 5

well currently the cheese is still very doable. if it messes up the original idea maybe move the hookblock one tile to the left

also please have a look at https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/775025341822533672/777284475050131486 if you havent already :)

I think more parts need to be more noobs friendly if you want to keep it Novice

I just showed one example

and this "cheat" way is cool imo

Have a look at moyu and compare the maps

Moyu 1* mod

Funny that you don't say anything to iris, the map is much harder and only novice 4. is probably because ravie rated it

Personally, I also find lavender harder than this map, so I thought 4* was ok

I don't because I didn't see the maps

so I can't compare

@Lady Saavikoh I did when it wasn't ready

Parts have not changed much

- it was not ready back then, I gave some suggestions and didn't see any new version
- it was long time ago and I didn't pay attention to rating

I just can't compare this map to lavender, moyu or iris

Why can't you compare new maps with new ones. You can't compare old maps with new ones, as I said a few times. But new with new goes


I can't compare something I can't remember how it looks

and I don't even know how these maps are rated

Yes this applies to lavender, but not to the others


I can't tell anything about these 3 other maps as I don't remember them at all

I played

and it doesn't feel Novice

that's all

The maps are on the official and on the test server, there is no need to remember. But it is enough, I think this map is finished and 5

I don't have to play/test/know them

We have our noob tester, the map was less problematic like iris, Iris is just outdated and not up to today's standards, don't understand why you have to release something like this in 2020 anyway.. In the past a map of mine was rejected because it was allegedly too oldschool, but this map will be released, that sounds like a joke to me. But well, if another tester thinks the map is OK then it is no problem for me

As I said, this map is not for complete newcomers, so 5*

I think it doesn't hurt if, as an advanced beginner, you have to think a little


@CøkeWe have our noob tester, the map was less problematic like iris, Iris is just outdated and not up to today's standards, don't understand why you have to release something like this in 2020 anyway.. In the past a map of mine was rejected because it was allegedly too oldschool, but this map will be released, that sounds like a joke to me. But well, if another tester thinks the map is OK then it is no problem for me
now i get why you are against iris, you are just mad because your map got declined. Makes sense...anyway why shouldn't you release a good 2020 oldschool map? If its a good map we shouldnt care about it being mapped like maps were a few years ago...

It's not about my map. I realized what has to be changed, but I did not do it until today. Even if the map had good parts
I deleted it myself because I did not want to change the whole map

Ye, that sounds like a lot of mappers currently when testers are trying to change the map

I mean if the map is bad, ofc it needs a change

I became a tester and noticed that you have to change too much

There's nothing wrong with using the good parts for a new map, but unfortunately I didn't feel like it until today. With iris it was always the same, but strangely enough she was accepted after the 4th decline

I would have rejected this map 10 times, but as I said... If another tester finds the map good it is ok for me

but fikmesan was forced to fix many things


In my opinion, the map needs to be completely revised, which is no problem with this size

But because you should think more about your parts it takes a little more time

Just because someone has a few more maps online doesn't mean they don't have to fix

If you insist that your map stays as it is you should open your own server

I have often seen fikmesan get upset about ddnet and the testers, nobody is forced to post maps

But maybe she changes her way of thinking every day, like some others here

@CøkeIf you insist that your map stays as it is you should open your own server
I agree, the problem is often that testers are stubborn, ofc not all and not always, but if others think parts are good and/or the mapper can explain why it is like this, the testers shouldn't force them to change things if its already fine. Its different if everyone agrees that something is bad though. So coke since you are okay with things when others like it, im not talking about you obviously.

@CøkeI have often seen fikmesan get upset about ddnet and the testers, nobody is forced to post maps
Well, she was really upset and defensive, that's why i went on the testing server with her, because i experienced that mappers are more willing to change smth when you speak with them directly in the map. and i guess that helped. you can still say the map iris is bad, but at least she fixed the stuff she was told to in the end

I don't think she would have changed the things that I said... That's why I didn't even try.

ye maybe, but i guess if noone else had smth against anymore it should be fine though, cant be something major, or ppl just didnt want to argue about a map that got declined 4 times before lol

That's why I didn't say anything more about it, because it should be clear after 4 times of decline

I think this map is perfect for novice 5 star

Just played it with dummy (which was boring as fuck )

Many solo gores parts which are unfaily

most parts apart for like 2 are unfaily

will be a nice map to speedrun i think because of the massive spaces

Map looks decent and as Ama said good for speedunners. But I have no clue how Novice players are supposed to understand the parts. They require advanced knowledge of the game.


I played ponunamu 1 with one of my friends who started playing a few days back, and when I asked him to figure out a part he couldn’t, It’s the same thing here

The parts aren’t hard but they need knowledge

i don't understand why my feedback (https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/775025341822533672/777284475050131486) was not adressed. i don't test maps that often and its quite discouraging when the suggestions are apparently not even considered. also i think a map shouldnt be made ready by a tester if there is unadressed feedback, and i do believe that i had some valid (even if small) suggestions. if you believe that my points where too minor for the mapper to adress, please just state that instead of not mentioning it

+1 I don't understand why there is no reset when there is discussion

its defently not moderate, and i think its for advanced beginner

thats why i rate this 5*

btw iris was harder then this

Silex likes to make tricky smart parts

then rerate iris

only like half of my points were about the complexity of the map. in my other points i suggested changes

i think from 4 or 5 stars on you can expect some thought, or do you just want to have maps for brain dead ppl on novice




imo still relevant (at least parts of the points) are
- i dont think the 'solo' at cp 8 should be faily, its a annoying way to fail & ez to fail for newbies
- imo it shouldnt be fail if at cp11 you jump in too early in the upper part
- the space inbtween cp12 and cp13 is faily, but can be hard to spot if you are not paying too much attention, i myself dont see why that transition is required, except for stupid fails
- the part before 15 is very faily for novice players, imo it doesnt suit the map well
- cp16 is very complicated again, if the hookblock is supposed to block the cheese maybe move it a bit close since it is still possible

but the rules say that a novice map can be a little bit faily. i think it's not bad if you have to try a map several times

fails are obviously fine, but not annoying / cheap ones

also it seemed to me like the map tries to be unfaily, which is why i pointed out in 6. that the failyness in that specific part didnt seem characteristic of the map

*like -> as if

i think the map is ok, maybe you should have a look at iris, it is worse mapped and has harder parts. In addition it only got 4*

but don't waste too much time, the map will be released on sunday
@PatigaI added more ht on tele 16 part since it's not a bad idea but that's the only thing i changed & the only thing i will change. .
i saw your and Saavik's feedback, that was my answer, my opinion is the map is novice like it is and i won't change more things, that should be my last statement on the map. Also it's not my decision now anymore to decide about novice or moderate, i would be happy about novice and imo it is, but that's the testing team decision sooo .. i'm out.

@Patigabut don't waste too much time, the map will be released on sunday
fair, the main effort i put into the map was before the $ready though

I think it's good that you care about the map but as I have already said and explained I think the map is ok for 5*

fair, although i wouldve liked to know why my point 4:
the space inbtween cp12 and cp13 is faily, but can be hard to spot if you are not paying too much attention, i myself dont see why that transition is required, except for stupid fails is not simply adressed. it is a very stupid fail which isnt really intended to be a fail by the map, so why even do it in the first place? removing the few freeze tiles is a very minor change
what i honestly really want to know is why you don't want to fix the skip at cp16. if it is against the idea of the part and if the skip-prevention isnt going to be removed, why not just do the skip-prevention properly by moving the hook-block one tile to the left?
do i have to do it with screenshots and so on like the other testers to get a response? is the problem that if i say cp12-cp13 its much easier to have a screenshot than having to open the map? if so, i will gladly do that because i like to get response to my feedback :)

The thing is that noobs like stupid fail parts 🤣

Thats why they play multimap and not The New 1 star maps

better use always screens

I think on my opinion novice server needs new somehow faily maps, it's way more interesting for them and more challenging if they can fail

@Patiga@Cøkebut don't waste too much time, the map will be released on sunday
it's not in

Iris by fikmesån release on Novice on Sunday at 3pm CET , am i wrong?

it feels like many here assume that i think the map is too faily. however, most of my points were about stupid fails, not 'normal' fails
oh you meant Iris

this is personal opinion
looked at the map again and I didn't notice anything that needs to be fixed

well thanks for the screen
@Silex, please also add a random hookblock somewhere at cp16 :p

imo this is all going terribly wrong here my feedback wasn't supposed to be agressive
@Cøkeif you looked at the map again due to my feedback, then i appreciate that a lot. however from my perspective 'I didn't notice anything that needs to be fixed' doesn't explain why the (invisible) hookblock in cp16 shouldnt be fixed. please understand that im fine with releasing the map as-is, however please tell me why my point is insignificant enough to not be adressed (it doesnt have to be thorough, only enough for me to understand)

i'm okay with doing the part at cp16 solo since it makes it more challenging for speedrun but i'm not okay with help from other players hooking from where the hookblock is, it's nearly impossible and i placed it there because it looks better in design, also it's nothing we need to talk about that big since i said i don't want to change more stuff so i don't understand why you keep going

that is exactly what i wanted: an actual response to the point i made. thank you for that. now that i know where our misunderstanding is, i can now adress it: i went to the part again and tested once more. with strong-hook it does seem impossible, with weak-hook however its very doable:

if its fine to you that it is as doable as it is, then that is completely fine. the point i made is that its not 'nearly impossible'

thanks again for talking it out, i really do appreciate that

share that gameskin

ops, didn't know that cheat and didn't know you mean it like that, thanks for showing, sorry for misunderstanding, fixed it

thanks for fixing it :)

$ready 4

the map is now 4 again because the majority of the testers (those who participated) are for 4 ... +Compared to iris I think this map is easier



god dmnt

pls rerate this map.

i think not


voting already done

i mean i played it trolling silex and we still finished without even trying so i think 4* is ok or maybe lower