this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Map :lady_beetle: :

Your map submission has been declined.

they is more solo than duo parts, the gameplay is old and DDmax and not interresting enough, look other map on the game.

it's a $decline

vena I see that for people like you its just hard to grow up also stop writing lies theres no such thing like ddmax gameplay. Its only in your childish brain. Little star shine shine.. =]
Edited. I first wrote vena (letter v) from big letter but lets face it you don’t deserve any kind of respect ^^

Omg, At first everything was fine, but now the map is more for solo, I don't understand your logic

if it's for solo category, you post it in the wrong category + still have some duo parts

and the solo parts need more developement

And what do I need to do for you to accept my map?

first, play other maps, check how they are done, then take your time for your map and try to compare with other maps. test it a lot in lan, or with your friend, then post it and if it's good enough it will be rls

What if I do it but you won’t accept it again?

it mean you need more work/experience in mapping, a good map will be rls and a map with lake of experience, work, test wont be accept.

i will accept if it's good

Or you can set a different difficulty so that the map is accepted


the gameplay is not very good, it's way worse than the current standards, so no

thats why we suggest you to get more game knowledge, about what feels good while playing


I don’t understand what’s wrong with the map, I think it’s quite comfortable to navigate

If I make a ddmax map and remove the flaws in the levels, will you accept it? but the design will remain the same

it's hard to say, that question is very complex, it wont help you if we tried to answer that

i just highly recommend to play alot of solo maps, to understand whats fun and enjoyable before continue mapping

it's very long and boring

so you think that your map is better than the released maps?

I don’t think so, but I think that my map is no worse than others

so i suggest you to try making a map that is not "long and boring"

but I already did it

Okay, I'll try to remake the map

Hi just ro make it clear you cant make a ddmax map because theres no such thing. „ddmax maps” are just maps that were released on ddracemax. With that said theres no such thing like ddmax style, ddmax gameplay or any other stupid thing. As of ddnet continues ddracemax legacy then theres no significant change between old maps and newer maps. They are all the same you take a tee and drag it to the other side of the map. Yes maps did improve over years but overall the concept haven’t changed, you do exacly the same what was done 10 years ago 🙂
If there would be something like ddmax style or gameplay then all maps released up to this day would be counted into it….. so yeah kind of nonsens.

im remake my map. I hope that everything is in order and this card will be accepted
Map :lady_beetle: :

to all those who made F4 you are confusing overall concept with improvement (thats a normal thing for those who have problem with reading with understanding xD). The concept of gametype (ddrace/ddmax) never changed its still the same. Maps only improved over the years and thats a normal thing. Purple Panic 5 is a normal ddrace map like lots of others released on ddnet and on ddmax the only diffrence is that it have simplier parts from more recent ones.
btw. before ddmax overall number of maps and most popular were "ddrace" maps which were based on only dummy drag parts something like here(yes imagine a whole map concept based on that one part and made next to each other with tiny changes and variations):

however it was a lil bit diffrent because the parts were rly big you had to drag a tee down and watch out on lasers, bullets and kill tiles and most of the time you had ninja and endless. It was fun for like first 5 maps but later it started to get boring and we changed that =]

you didn't change any of the fundamental flaws of your map nor you do what we tell you to do, so this isn't enough

I changed the whole map

I looked at almost 20 maps

I don't understand what else needs to be done

is this you? https://ddnet.org/players/Macros531/

just an example, in your map you copied a part from run_guy 25, that map is 10-15 years old, it seems like you dont understand all that, but every experienced player will know, that you just stole the idea and made it worse, its just not enough and that's just one example, it would be a waste of time to explain everything, if you are not cooperative at all, you can ask for help in
#mappingat least finish 20 solo maps before posting a solo map again

I said that I looked at the maps. but didn't pass these maps

we told you to play other maps

" so i suggest you to try making a map that is not "long and boring" " I made a map that wasn't long or boring like you said.

you failed because you didn't listen

so i suggest you to try making a map that is not "long and boring"

just tell me what you don't like about this map?

vena already told you, but you didnt listen, so why would you listen now?



just say

just say

just say

jusy say


just say

Or take the map like that

if you do that will make things worse, mapping takes time, just look newer maps and try to be creative :))

Just say 😰

if u dont understand why the map/parts are good or bad, u shouldnt map, period

Please, don't be offended by our answer, we're trying our best to help you. Just look at the start of your map. There's already so many problems :
- No background (this is the default one)
- No tile design (always the same and boring grey tile, check this to learn more : https://forum.ddnet.org/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4020)
- Inconsistencies in corners pattern (red circles)
- Text everywhere.
- Too small area (just imagine the mess with 20 tees here).
- Doodads makes no sense (tree stump on unhookable ? WTF ?)
- First part is skippable with hammerfly
- Solo tiles, but no unsolo.
- Useless "Pvp zone" added in your update (there are block servers for that).
And the most important : your gameplay is very bad. It comes from old run maps. It's outdated, boring and frustrating. We played it a million times. (You would NEVER see this kind of gameplay in any recent map. That's why we suggest you to look at new maps, not old ones.)
You'll get every tip you need here : https://forum.ddnet.org/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2420 Kepp trying ! Mapping takes time. It's hard, and require a lot of knowledge. We'll be always happy to give you feedback.

please don't be annoying and spam, you already received necessary information about your map from testers

did you maybe happen to look at ddmax maps

Hii Deeper uwu

https://i.imgur.com/kBENy5o.png https://i.imgur.com/q5lMrv7.png the textures 💀
