this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

"easily" but still pretty good doable

send demo of getting out there xd

i can promise u that people will do that

64 tee stack

no need

possible with a group of maybe 6 tees

btw why is it teamforced?


i asked why

oops, i'm drunk, I guess it's because it's easy to skip parts with more than two ppl

I wouldn't take that as a skip, Red. It's actually a smart way to do it and it is quite good

Yeah,this way is better

fix startline skip lol

He already know about this
i tested with him yesterday, maybe wait for the update

this map doesn't seem to know what it wants to be

thats deep

$decline mapper asked

I don't think that there is a right or wrong way to be
wtf ciniminix?

dont submit your maps when you dont want to have them rlsd anyway

I realized afterwards that this map is annoying and not good,but sorry ☹️

You can always ask others to test it with you before posting them 🙂 That way you will get some feedback before

I tested the map before, and judged that it could be released, or at least have a chance in testing

I just took a look at it and I like the parts 🙂 But i can understand Ravies opinion about the map not knowing what it wands to be. I guess the combination of "team0" parts and not faily drag parts is a bit weird, since those are often two different mapping styles. Without them i could see this map getting released. (Also there were many design bugs, not that it would matter anymore)