this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

Chain'd with a new name, enjoy.

you just change the name or a few other things of the gameplay?

only name

otherwise it was rdy i guess

atleast testlog says so

forgot to delete the old logo

due looks similar to the colour of the hookable

- ht transparency moved from 150 to 80

How you guys would rate this map 3 or 4 β ?

you have some corners attached to the chain on some parts

and idk why the ht looks very dark, maybe put some more stars so can be seen through

occasionally when you fall and jump you touch the jump refill and jump twice without wanting


- fixed 2 screenshot
- fixed 5 screenshot (speeder)
- fixed 6 screenshot but in a different way
corners are fine to me jump refill is also fine to me

there are not time cps

after this is ready

as 3β

$waiting for time cps

- added time cps


$ready 3

map is 4* for sure

3 hours and 1 player finished

I asked coke, knuski and on test channel same for 3

Si i went for that


they didnt play from the start

why would you put max speed on it i dont get

Both did

To slow down the fall

And itβs ok

sometimes it doesnt slow you down lol

yes indeed


π π π π π π π π π

I tested several times and it didnβt happend weird

well then i probably faked the vid

I think i have gotten slowed down 1 time. Really bad part. This time i got EXTRA speed. Nice.

Also map feels way more 4 than 3.

max speed on stopper should rarely be used, it is really buggy

I dont see why speeder is needed. Just map it so we dont have to hook sideways / not so awkward then we dont have to be slowed down? Like making the unhook tile he sits on Hook through.

was going to post the same rn lel

is this map gonna get fixed or hwhat?

I'm not in the spot to make any decisions here.

i mean you should map the fixed version but testers should agree aswell yes

You can

But the ranks will be deleted, well in this case just 1


Does changing speeder strength fix this issue?

I would have to test it, but imo to fix the part the speeders should be earlier on the fall, just maybe

if you do manage to fix it, upload it to the channel and ping me

i dont think u should delete a rank if the map is made easier

yea, u should give him -10 seconds

But is not to make it easier but to change a bug that idk why is there


This should do the work.

the part is really bad rn xD but it fix the issue

this fix should do it but its kinda bad

i tested wth konsti too

If it's bad, do you have better fix then?

he could use tune zone so the fall doesnt look bad but idk if he wants
@AVA Flippo
No xD

Part works fine for me with the speeders rn, whats the problem with it?

in general no problem, but to me the speeders make the part bad

Why? You just fall down.

idk to me feels a bad fix but works fine

then take it like this

its ok now



pls rerate to 4*

every single part is basically 1 try

more than 3 days has passed and still only 1 finish

from one of the best player

so are you sure this belongs to 3 when corneums maps (that are 3) have about 30 finishes at this point

nobody is playing the map lmao. its not a hard map its just a bad map


like you track 100% of ddnet serv to see if anyone playing this

somtimes im looking whos playing. and the highest amount of players ive seen in this map were 2. and one of them is always a dummy

still harder than 3*


Δ°f we rerate it to 5, maybe more peoplr will play dat to grab points π

nah, maps fine x)


can finish this map