this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules


porn in the unused images

add sv_solo_server 1 in settings

wtf afk map

Tomorrow I'll delete unused places, totally forgot about them

those will also be removed by the bot, at the end with
, or if you tell a tester to do

Lmao, guess I should add 2 tiles freeze more

So I don't have to do that now?

nah, unused envelopes and so on also get removed automatically


Troll map

Konsthings? If u can't beat the map by afking then it's not "konsthings"

fix skips and balance the map, first half of the map like novice and second half way harder and faily

- mark laser blockers where u need it


Well, first half is faily too. But sure, I'll try to balance.

i dont think these stoppers' marks are useful. They crash map's design

next map please make "afkstii" map, the longer you stay afk the better score you have. Timer starts when server detects u are afk and if you use your mouse or make any input or quit the server then score is saved. Maybe for next april fools day ^^


best idea

fixed skip.

u can afk on last part

fixed skip found by deathman

reduced size


still 2mb to big

u dont need high quality text and tees

well, I tryed to compress png but ddnet doesn't accept compressed png files

He means lower the quality of the picture. Don’t lower it too much tho I’ve done that mistake

well, i wanted to do that if compressing won't work

Gameplay doesn't work well here. Parts usually don't have enough space for comfortable play. Puller parts don't work too well, in the first one I kept hitting freeze on my way back up and in the second one it's hard to land on the platform. The last part was probably the best one but also lacking some space. I don't think there's enough content worth saving to do a rework, so I'll decline this before someone makes you waste time on fixing design.




Ertee best maper

There is a way to do the puller part. Just jump one time and go on it, then go right - if it is too close to freeze I was always able to make it more on right. Second puller - I was able to make "a way" in air to show how tee should swing and make the platform longer (more tiles to the right). Last part - I could make more space, also thats a solo map - can I ask why does it need it? Just curious. There are maps which are more tight. No offense, just I would like to know before my next mapping tries.

Everything feels like just barely enough space to do the parts, in the speed parts I always go too far over stuff and in the tunnel parts it just feels tight.

it just feels tght'

Nothing you cant fix. I played the map and enjoyed it. I agree that you need to make the parts more constant, so its not that annoying. I would do minor changes to the map so its more playable and after that its a good 2* solo map imo. (+the map needs to get balanced in difficulty at some points) but i would not decline it that fast imo its fixable

But thats just my opinion.

Every map is fixable with enough work. There are problems that cover this whole map, I don't think that is worth reworking. But ofc it's still ok to rework and repost the map later if the mapper really wants to.

i bet you wouldn't like to see one map 2, 3, 4 times only because "dumb" mapper wants to keep it up and they post it with changes instead of posting on $waiting channel. Well there are my last words - I and any other mapper dont have to be declined because I "must be too bad mapper to fix my work because I have no released maps". I only please for something like help and believing in skills.

Next one is going to be better. But dont decline it after one see