this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

- The background is too detailed and the playground not enough
- tele need to be transparent


awesome gameplay, however design elements need more contrast/recolor and the background shouldn't be in front of the tee

slightly adjusted colors, bg is now bg, fixed part 7 and 11

try putting mapname and all credits in one area

logo should not be in hd

extend this platform a block or two < maybe so u dont have to use dj to get to it all the time


moved platform < by 2 blocks, put thanks logo next to mappers logo, if I would put the map logo there too, it would kinda look messy imo

Nice map, I enjoyed it

Cp color need less alpha 😁

cp2 and cp10 destroys the flow, the rest is nice

lowered alpha of cps, changed cp2 so you have more space to jump with the speed of the first part, I'd like to keep cp10 as it is, it's fairly easy to get the angle if you practice the part enough

yes cp2 and cp10 is worst for speedrun especially cp10 is super annoying to get

other parts nice

cp2 would be nice if you could nade right away with your speed

cp10 is just boring finding the angle

imma make it better

but cp10 idk i have the angle kinda quick

lot of changes/fixes thanks to Coke

i like cp10

best map

just cp10 kinda hard

when rls

I really enjoyed playing this map, well done marcell

just the design is nothing for me personally

i dont like cp10
cp 2 and cp 10 are fine honestly, i mean cp 3 is also kinda flowbreaking like that but they're all good parts

the one i didnt like was the airnade

btw if u zooz out too much the background cuts off

Tbh everyone has their preferences and which part they don’t like

meh invisible armor (kinda)

Coke asked me to reduce bg

Same here, Coke asked me to make it like this


You can still zoom out quite a bit

it makes the part better

and because of the background, it was too big towards the bottom and too small towards the top, you could have just made it centered idk xd

Should I make it bigger? xD

i just said its too big towards to the bottom

u can, but center it pls

I mean it is already centered

Every way if you go to the edge of game layer in default zoom there are 6 tiles more

idc but u can make it bigger for louis zoom

u can make it ht, so ppl can see it in design

might look worse

idk its fine

I think it’s fine like how it is

fixed :
- part 10, made it easier to get an angle
- fixed louis screen
- some little stuff 🙂

its now ht in design, but still unhook

and why the minimalist logo hd? xd


problem is I can't put unhook, ht and armor in 1 tile

u can just revert back to unhook, it doesn't matter too much

i think u can do it with switch layer btw

I will just make it unhook then

Make it with switch layer

Shield is a tile in switch layer

put unhook again and its ready

or use switch layer for shields

Imma just make it unhook, people could be confused Why it’s ht for No reason

3 min

Oh I’m blind 😅

So you have to use dj in the part

u can put this in the stone if u want

but its annying to get over it with dj xD

i think its not needed

Alright Imma remove

ur choice

I’m also checking again for minimal design bugs


thats all

You need the unhook to get high enough

Normal double doesn’t get you that high

To get over the tele on the right

he means just remove tele at bottom

so u can prime the double when falling from last part

Oh ok I thought he wanted to remove the unhook

u can test it

how much unhook is needed

sry i mean not the whole thing

everything fixed

$ready 3

no, its 2 star xd

It’s rather low 3

u cant even finish it



make logo non-HD

what about time CP's in race maps?

still $ready


also specify what u mean by this, just saying "logo is HD" can be confusing

I mean logo is HD

and I report bugs

everything fixed, sorry about that


Should be ready now

reduced layer size+edge fix

nice timing xD

$ready 3

I think unhook should be just a touch darker, 190 190 190 looks good

adjusted to 200 190 190 so it still has it's reddish touch to it

$ready 3

Since I changed my IGN to marcell, I want to change my mapper name too, the logo has been updated to Marcell & rezee

please change mapper name to Marcell and rdy ^^

Marcell & & reeze

$change mappers Marcell rezee

hm maybe wait a bit

isnt it rezee?

or idk xd

it is

reeze sounds better


$change mappers Marcell rezee

rezee deleted

$ready 3


When I looked mappers, rezee was deleted

Yes yes I know, nvm, it was not refreshed I think



$ready 3