this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Map :lady_beetle: :


Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

update ur map here, not in

im want do it solo not novice

Changed the Server Type to

here wo go

who are test my map?


a tester will test your map

The idea is not bad but the execution lacks. Most of the parts are rather boring and slow to play. You have to repeat the same action for several times. Also the usage of pushers and stoppers doesn't really make the gameplay better. Try to give the player more space and make the parts more interesting. I suggest you take a look at the maps "Purple Peaks" and "Purple Peaks 2" by texnonik. They also use live freeze combined with grenade.

oh i forgot

can you show what parts are boring?

Well the worst in my opinion are 4, 8 and 9 even though the rest are not much more exciting. 😅

I agree with catseyenebulous. I like that mappers are trying a rather underused feature, but the gameplay is not good. The parts are all very tight, and it doesn't feel pleasurable to play the map. Instead of thinking about which parts you could improve, i suggest you to play more maps and understand what gameplay is good. You can always ask in
#mappingfor help about "good easy solo maps" for example.

Your map submission has been declined.

pretty sure there is no startline


Can i rework map and send it again in submission maps or send there?

Can i create new map and it in submission maps or send there ?

can you do what i told u to do?