this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

huge improve for gameplay.

for 1 star map it is ok.

i dont like only this swing

its because all wanna keep hooking it but no reason for this

if u wanna keep hook u need do second half swing more friendly and not annoying

If u dont wanna keep hooking (which i pref for 1 star map) i need do smth like this

u need move jet more up (ofc i did it fast and broke other parts) then player will auto release hook cus wanna reach jet.

so liek i said on gameplay u did huge improve well done

and u forgot "sv_solo_server 1"

- moved jet more up
- added "sv_solo_server 1"
- added freeze and unfreezw tiles where they werent

Map filename must match channel name.

- time cps added





- some changed first (rocket) part






















i like this map


i dont like how you give ninja/jetpacka nd take it away after 1 part

maybe group the ninja parts 2gether and group the jetpack parts 2gether

and maybe make the jetpakc parts a bit better, they are both the same rn

i think that isa n issue for most parts, its just the same part twice but one tiny change

for example the first two grenade parts, maybe make the 2nd one a different movement

(Cause its basically the same as the first nade part)

maybe require a double nade or smth of the sort


also make the design prettier

u can ask someone for help with that


i like first part , you could try making it longer , more challanging and interesting . just with experementing .

i would experiment more with concept with rocket and hook maybe shotgun to make good or more better parts .

anyone alive here?












- some changes with logo


you a gigajaoik

If you get a bit more speed than need ninja hit drops you into deathtiles ->, it's easy to prevent like hit in other angle, but would much better if you place here roof to reset speed for ninja

simple and fun map actually


as 2 stars maybe


idk why i think there are 300 cheats on this map

i'm not rly into solo map so i dont know the rating, but I would say 2* like arrow said


- remove unnecessary shield's
- move the switch more down
- make the kill tile straight

played it yesterday a few times, pretty fun map. imo 2* 🙂

thanks for testing

$ready 2

First ready set. It needs to be tested again by a different tester before fully evaluated.


i tested


$ready 2

The map is now ready to be released!

wdym? I can't understand

oh.. later I'll fix it. thanks for the explanation


$ready 2

$ready 2

The map is now ready to be released!


you got 2 jumps in the current version fix that pls

how did I miss it

$ready 2

First ready set by Trial Tester. It needs to be tested again by an official tester before fully evaluated.

$ready 2

The map is now ready to be released!


ill rework later

all of the above has been reworked (fixed)


i guess it is last fixes

it can be $ready now?

i dont say about switch. i just say this have a littel qol problem. ofc previus one was better

all change what u did a bit raw. i expect smth other. on next map:
- avoid doors
- give more space
- try to avoid give any stuff for 1 part.(rocket for 1 part is bad)

$ready 2

First ready set by Trial Tester. It needs to be tested again by an official tester before fully evaluated.

I can't really do anything with the feedback or the expectation; these criteria fit some maps, but not others.

Map is fun, as already mentioned.

$ready 2

The map is now ready to be released!

idk what u mean.

Exactly what I wrote. Why should he no longer use doors or map maps with little space, as well as parts where a weapon is only used for one part. Everything is completely fine.

you speak as if I advised him to place doors.

No but you advised him not to place doors

made the logo behind tee

your map has just been released, and you now have a 2-week grace period to identify and resolve any unnoticed bugs or skips. After these two weeks, only design and quality of life (QoL) fixes will be allowed, provided they don't impact the leaderboard rankings. Be aware that significant gameplay changes may impact and lead to the removal of ranks. Good luck with your map!

gg unfinishable map

wrong version uploaded


wrong version rls, map is unfinishable, can you upload this version

no no guys its legit

looks like a 2* gameplay to me


balanced part yes yes

yh i also kinda did it like that. very faily just for a 2star map


wow this map is horrible to speedrun

it is finishable xd just has a really gay shitgun

that sg part needs to be fixed, will ranks get removed?

fixed thanks

why tho? People that finished just did it first try

the map was released as old version , now it's good version :/

i mean why ranks should get deleted. Looks like last part is just very hard and first try. Wouldnt make sense to remove ranks if it just got easier

you still can do this cheat , why to remove ranks ? (or can't you anymore ?)

some other part are not the same, it was a very old version of the map