this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

plz check new-mappingrules

u submit the novice map but this map has edgehook, aled and 1 tile gores

are you kidding


you need to look at the recent map befor creating the map

all parts are too hard for novice map

and flow isn't good, some parts are so narrow..

also one of the cp is useless I think

all edgehooks can skip xd

this map has many problem, such as the parts which are too hard for novice, the gameplay likes ddmax. u need to take a look at mapping rules and new released map

so its decline for me

Looks like an instant decline to me

Why put edge hooks in novice..

The bg is stolen from a kog map also

I agree with nova, there are too many problem with the gameplay structure, and to improve the map you should do everything again, besides is very unbalanced

This is the same guy that made “lazering” which was also a very poorly made map


xD it is