this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules


anyway yeah i fixed cheats, made parts different and stuff removed noob filter, tried to balance it more etc

Obviously like somone said before, i do not have experience in mapping Insanes, and i'm not even sure if this makes insane (maybe brutal5) or something idk

would like feedback at least

this map is unplayable as it is rn. its full of tight, annoying aleds. its impossible to understand wheres the way or what u have to do in any part. and after u figured any way out u just notice its unplayable tight spaced/pixel perfect stuff. everything in this map feels random. like why is there 1 stop with tele, and endless? it doenst fit with the rest of map. also map is still full of cheats and i dont get why its 2p force rn. i dont think its possible to make this map playable

i agree with starkiller, test your map again and again, the gameplay have to much problems, and specialy about cheat, most of the part are cheatable and the old cheat is still possible (you have to know that we can go throught kill tile with enough speed) and same for stoppers, i think, you have to close the map to prevent cheat. in term of gameplay, dont force to much aled, it's boring and dont fit the rest of the map,
example of a single part, with many problem (and i only pointed big problems but there is much more)
red: cheats blue : bad to do green: that what i mean by still cheatable

it's the same on many other parts, so i wont do everything.

good thing i can say is : good structure, and the map have a good style, continue to map with basic entities, and not endless or other thing like this, test a lot your map and ask friend to play it with you, and care about cheats.


nvm the cheat in green is not possible because of the unfreeze time, but they is so many way to cheat on the map

also, for the start, put normal spawn insteed of speeder -> tele 1 (it cause problems of bounce in team) and care, we can touch the first tele without cp

ok xd

ty for test

Plz make a new map 🙏🏻

bro ive made so many

i dont know how im still so bad at it

You’ve submitted this exact one

Like 3 different times

ive submitted this one


this second one is very different from first version ;-;

Try to look at already existing insane maps, so you can either get inspirations or see how its done, most importantly taking in consideration the flow of each part and the transitions between one another (this is most important, because if this arent present, the part is either annoying or stupid). Since Vena mentioned that there are so many cheats, first map the intended way and then start testing the part 100 times, search for cheats and if the part can be improved or not (NEVER rush a map if u are beginner, you get experience by mapping slowly and being good at creativity/flow of the part). Vena also mentioned aleds, aled spam is boring, the trick is cool but is boring xD

thanks for feedback