Theses sentences are a good design

you can just write "imagine you're playing a good map. Use your imagination"

this will be a good map for sure



1st april is not today

map without design is probably a joke

i dont wanna do design. maybe someone do that or map will never release.

wow this lasted so long

even longer than my relationship

this is cool map ! Its very creative ! design is better then 500 miles map 😄

Not full

look good, but what about tips, telegun wall only for one weapon and etc.

Not full . Read

Even no thanks ....

thanks, u use autofill?


u will continue?

i dont have time for it :/ and i am not interested right now , i like this map because its like tee swap new idea of gameplay

and i want to be this released too

tooooooooo hard

with dummy it is impossible

toooooooo hard

sorry for Quad HD
it's brutal.and this map have "baby step"

didnt saw :/

in end of the map ?

if the baby step is at the end that's stupid

so i guess it is at begin
im trying to help triki about having a decent balance between the parts to be more understandable, also im helping to make him a (long time consuming) good design for it. so please if you want to decline it, then say it as fast as you can, cuz i dont wanna waste days of great work because of you. 😦

will improve anyway.

(also before you ask, triki asked me about it.)

don't really test unfinished maps

the design doesn't look time consuming tbh

the picture didnt tell anything, besides only 25% of it

omg it's a copyrighted design

Need to make baby steps !

first 3 part was really bad. now it is much better