this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

I'm sorry for resolution

its 4:3

Nice name

sv_team 2

why is your tee so wide

video reminds me of the other fullspeed maps like reflect and momentum but this looks a little more relaxed

rename to Essential 2


seems like map goes down

when will you guys say something interesting xD

^me and my dummy plqaying downway by rezee

it goes down ye


my youtube channel goes ''map name''

map good



wide rezee walking

bruh 4:3 btw

also the map goes down

not right

pretty weird to me :/

yall trashtalking my 4:3

leave me


when 2:1.5

if you are going down with the resolution like the map is going down

very good design


u can just undeep your dummy in part 1?

u have to change every deep jump spot since u can undeep your dummy at all of them. this will also able teamfinishes


Tat's a kinda devastating point

But if he changes it to normal freeze, it wouldm't make any difference I guess

it would make a difference tho

Just put a 0 second activator for undeep where the dummy is supposed to be at that point

idk how to do that
@Im 'corneumLOL

Similar to the Startline. Use switch layer


add "sv_team 2"

or map is broken with t0 bugs

y will do that


fixed : servers setting, design bug, fixed deep with switches thx

ez fix



idk if they all work

u want to fix all of these skips?
whole map skipable (each part)



the mapper does not want to fix the whole map