"Just Butterfly" by David*°Villa [Moderate]
DDNet 05/17/2021 1:41 PM

this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

David*°Villa 05/17/2021 2:39 PM

Høla again, after a bunch of changes the map is now very interesting to play. I followed your advices and added some more challanging parts. The design also got overworked, especially the tiles (thanks again to Cøke for helping me out at some points!) I planned the map as [Moderate], but with all the changes i'm not sure if it could be [Brutal*]. You guys will know better than me i guess. 1,91 MB is the best i could reduce the file size. Deen allready helped me at compromising the png-files. Yea, have fun at testing 🙂

texnonik 05/17/2021 3:15 PM

looks just_boring

David*°Villa 05/17/2021 3:31 PM

no u? Just_test_the_map_instead_of_talking.

Stab' 05/17/2021 4:07 PM

You do nothing except for hook and hammerfly, the map looks ddmax too

Stab' 05/17/2021 4:07 PM

i agree with texnonik

Stab' 05/17/2021 4:07 PM

but good luck ig

Stab' 05/17/2021 4:08 PM

oh, now i notice.. maps named butterfly for a reason

I.K.U 05/17/2021 4:44 PM

most of the parts are not good, boring and have done before better

I.K.U 05/17/2021 4:44 PM

some of the "better" parts

I.K.U 05/17/2021 4:45 PM

the idea is good but the tele luck ruins the whole part

I.K.U 05/17/2021 4:46 PM

kinda good part (only the start with unfreeze)

I.K.U 05/17/2021 4:48 PM

interesting idea but wont u need to have showothers on wich can be annoying if u dont know how to not see other teams

I.K.U 05/17/2021 4:51 PM

idk if intended or not but you can do this with 1 speedfly hammer

I.K.U 05/17/2021 4:52 PM

the hookfly part would be interesting but its executed boringly and there is way too much of it (also thoose parts look very poorly made)

Knuski 05/17/2021 4:54 PM

sorry but i agree with everyone in this channel, the map is still not exciting to play, its gonna be the same reason as the last decline. u really need interesting ones, u didnt touch many parts and just left them be like before decline and newer parts arent well done either

Knuski 05/17/2021 4:54 PM


I.K.U 05/17/2021 4:57 PM

also idk if its a good idea to spam the map with high quality butterfly pics (makes the map file size a lot bigger but you probably know)

David*°Villa 05/18/2021 7:08 AM

Well. Thats it then. Thanks to I.K.U. who really had a look at the map and wrote something constructive, instead of just saying everything was boring. At all the other guys: u should write more constructive. If u just say "maps boring", it doesnt help any mapper to get better. Unless u dont accept new mappers, then keep it up like that! In my opinion most of the new invented things at actuall maps are quite weird and annoying. In your opinion thats the new shit everyone has to play. At this point we dont agree eachother. I dont understand whats wrong about some "boring" parts like u would say. Isnt it the goal to make Maps playable for everyone and not making the maps that special that only Top100 even understand how the map works like? Wish u guys all the best, i am gonna take a break of ddnet, cause u kinda ruined my motivation playing it. Maybe see ya some day again.

texnonik 05/18/2021 8:57 AM

I sayd looks , with out even playing it

. Couldn't see any part , only hf parts

Bloodbath 05/18/2021 11:42 AM

Actually, when people said that my parts were boring it helped me a lot 😮

Bloodbath 05/18/2021 11:43 AM

imo its not their responsibility to tell me exactly how to change the part

Bloodbath 05/18/2021 11:45 AM

Also, solely the design would've been a decline imo