this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

I don't think ddnet releases maps like this anymore

i have nothing to loose


also theres no map like this

so it is a new idea

There is actually

I think nut race9

There's also a bot that shows the way

ah yes

did not know it

but this one is way bigger

Well if u tell me that my map is rejected i would understand it

but if its submitted solo 0* its ok for me too

I would try it on fun server but even then idk if it's releasable

if it gets released, only on fun

its not a real map

no actual gameplay

its ok for me

$change server fun

this map was funny to do

Jao put that other maze map on fun

the other one is ddmax

But it kinda belongs on fun

ddmax maps belong on ddmax

Other maps were put on fun too. Just saying

from ddmax?


well ddmax maps are literally the maps from ddmax

thats the point of that server


ur tileset edit is just buggy af




or u want it buggy?

i dont see whats wrong :/

look at the outlines

i will erase this

map way too easy xd

Deleted the Front layer that was useless, fixed the tiles "Better Don Asad", changed the hookable block at the left of the spawn by arrowblock


at least add fun things

With this tileset why didn't you just edit ddnet-walls and use it's automap instead of doing it all from scratch

not just a maze

because i am learning all of this ;-;

.... '-' what can i add to a maze ?

Fair enough

idk maybe dont make it some huge square

with this i learned to make a mapres, make an autorule, and an animated sun.

theres not huge squares in my map

That's 2 more things I can😂

yes but the whole map is huge square

= boring

i like squares

I dont really understand what u want me to do

make it a circle

this map is obviously for the fun

but it is mathematically the same

make the mandelbrot fractal

its just that a square maze isn't rly worth a release unless theres smth special to it

took me 3 days just to do this maze, i dont think its a good idea i start to do a fractal

ok but considering that this map will go in fun maps

and i played all the fun maps myself

i am not sure that my map will be the most boring of the category


you need to make it a bit special

ok sir

i will comeback with an idea

but tell me whats special in CookieCorporation :/



not everyone can create a map like that but everyone create such a maze

if i set a specific amount of time to reach certain places of the maze so its harder to end the map, is it something special ? (im talking about precises amount of times)

then you can easily cheat

just search where u deactivate the switch

I wanna say tho that's pretty cool if you made the maze yourself BCS I would just steal it.

u know smthing like to open the gate of the end u have to open switch 14 but to reach switch 14 u have to reach switch 13 and u have only XXseconds to go from switch 13 to switch 14 before switch 13 deactivates

nah not like this, more like a run against timer to go from switch a to switch b, switch b to switch c .... to the end and u cant reach end without reaching the last switch

with doors

i didnt understand that

ye but u can search where the switches are

and ?

that doesnt help u to go from one point of the other point of the map in 20sec

but it destroys the point of the maze

no bcs u still have to find the way from one switch to another '-'

its doing a maze but u only have 5 mins to do it

but you can see that in entities

but player know from where to where he goes

u know where is point A and point B

but u dont know how to go from A to B (bcs its a maze)

and u only have (ex 20) seconds to go from A to B

but thats a short distance

in this example

easier to find than a full maze

but can be way longer

i will work on this i comeback after

also :

i have an animated sun :D

but its irrelevant

this channel will stay or i re-open it tomorrow when i comeback ?



was there auto generation for making this maze ?

i used a program to auto-generate the maze, then i copied it tile by tile in teeworlds editor by myself (took me 2 days lmao)

creating a maze is very simple

u just start by a grid with all boxes with 4 walls

then u set randomly a number betweer 0 and 9 in each box

and if two neighbour boxes have a different number, u break the wall between them and u set the same number for each

then u repeat the process until all the boxes have the same number

and u have a Maze


heres a first version of the maze with the lever challenge

the lever 'n°1' will be moved

i also moved the sun to the middle of the map

and added a color env. for the tiles

do u think this could be 'special' enough ? 👀

i think it's way dumb to release somethink like this :/ , at least it will be on fun server ...

thank u they said that yesterday =-= I am improving it..

even if it was not autogenerated that doesnt change anything bcs any maze can be auto generated, even if u create one urself it doesnt add anything 'creative'

you just could have auto generated with automappers and be done in 2 mins with everything

ok but now i added something else

so pls reconsider my map thank you

We have decided as a team against the release of this map


ok :D

this proposition was not really serious anyway ^^

i will do a better one (for solo this time)

Maze tele ? With jetpack ?


