this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

Map :lady_beetle: :

i dont know how much of these are intended but i send anywyays
1: can do the left part solo, can also wait for teammate to hook from the top
2: mini-skip
3: probably can leave like that but i show anyways
4, 5, 6 are 3 ways i found to do the part probably some of thems are not intended

how tf u have tleegun here ?

maybe i used cheats

and did it by accident

i mean second video

then nvm about second

some of them are not intended

ty ;D

np good design and parts

i need more opinions and suggestions for laser part

I'm starting now

ye im watching ;d

Map :lady_beetle: :

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Changed solo

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

you didnt fix some of these, was that intentional?

we didnt really enjoy the (new) laser solo

the difficulty in this map is confusing to me. many drag parts have alot of easy hooks, but there is some time between the checkpoints, so you repeat basic stuff alot. i didn't like some of the failspots. mostly you have to spec the part to know them.

Now we creating maps where u shouldnt ever spec or use ur brain a little?


Btw faily spots will be marked

to me its just boring that you have to spec a part before playing it, its much more fun to rush into parts you don't know (at least on moderate..)

it seems like changing doors in soloparts, also affects the doors of other players in soloparts, so i guess you might wanna remove the doors in the laser/jetpack solo, but the main issue about that part is, that its too long

btw. you made a faily tune zone part, too (usually players need to experiment with tune zones, before they master them)

To me its a common thing in this game

Compared to other solos, how much sec difference?

Ye i agree its longer

But if u want me to remove all faily spots, rework whole solo, or even rework whole map again

Ye i wont do this


you can make one more checkpoint for every long solo to make it take less time, so you dont have to remake parts

seeing so many things moving and changing colors makes my brain feel good


Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

clearly will change to brutal, probably 1 or 2 * idea and parts are good but need some changes. in red i dont think the way the cp are made is good, for the start it can be freeze, and change the cp1 into cfrom 1 for the yellow rectangle, they is only this part and another one with 2 tile tele like this, maybe more coherence in all parts is better, 2 tiles everywhere or put only 1 tile here and the part i will mentionned later

OH i forgot to mentienned, but with all i will say it need a pretty big rework, so i recommand to use the gravity tune zone from the start of the map, it can be cool for all the map and create a good style and coherent, + can be cool to mix with the rocket in solo and some other idea.

the solo rocket is good, but as i said if you can try to put some gravity tune it could be fun.

better to give more space for the hook/react for moderate/low brut, so put the hook a bit upper in red, try to keep coherence, you never used a 3*3 unfreeze

already mentioned

anoying to take the sg that far. shield are not needed for this solo i dont understand the triple jump, it could be adapted as a double jump rly easily and without changing the way it work, can also be fun to add the tune for more originality/fun. also use cfrom, as alsway when cp are not needed, even more when it's in solo because if you fail the end of this solo you come back all the way to the start.

i know but he update without fix


please make my screen not vibrate in jetpack solo

the end of the part can be better, the HT is weird and you can hook from upper, the freeze is weird

good part with the tune, if all parts use a tune in way good way like that it would be perfect. the 2 tile teleports i mentioned ealier. on the right : the hook and freeze are placed weirdly, maybe put the freeze in 1 line, then the player rehook the same hookable and goes back into the wall (idk if the draw is clear

now this is bad, why do you use this jetpack boost ? it's useless for jetpack and it give a bugged effect on visual. the laser is given for only 3 shots and that it. and you change since the old version but take more time to verify and test, they is a random button that is useless now + the end (on the right, but can't see on the screen) is not done properly, you could put the unsolo in a better way since you don't need the doors.
i would recommand to again try a solo with the gravity zone, and no jetpack or at least, not boosted jetpack.

would be cool to have the tune here, without the stoppers, and the finish all the way up (because of the tune zone we never know)

all cool

but I don't like the idea of changing the concept of the entire map

we are aiming to create something completely different

with the gravity tunes? it was just an idea, i'm not forcing you. anyway, take time for this big fix, test and verify everything, gl.

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

thanks for testing ;D


Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

new solo in my opinion is great


I'm sure I missed something obvious, I'd appreciate a thorough test

I especially want to know how the shotgun solo part turned out

because I'm not sure about him

generally i fixed all above

I already fixed these

But forgot upload file xD

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

this part will make me sick really

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).


Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

something like this requires adding some things to the part because you lose speed doing this instead of swing

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

What about add sounds to objects?

But this will make map more laggy

- changed loop sound in bg to more mild

- plat not needed, place 1 more tp maybe

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

- improved last solo a bit
- spawn > added afk room and 2 4fun rooms [blocker and kog]

how many stars is it supposed to be


good map but the parts feel slightly inconsistent

you have a lot of parts with tunes and then suddenly the parts play something like ravillion instead

I wanted to change the parts concept 3 times on the entire map

and in total, in terms of parts, it can be divided into 3 sections

parts with tunezone are from my other unfinished moderate map ;d

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).


second is intended

for dummy players

not always work

but first one ye

- first skip fixed


All in all, this map is on the edge of balance solos are need improve

I said some part are harder intened

like 10 times

It's bad when there are difficulty spikes in the map.

what spikes

is when the difficulty jumps from part to part. And when the jumps are big, it's called spikes.

spike meaning a rapid or sharp increase

Nah, I'm trying to explain what "diff spike" means.


what yes?

what what yes?

he didnt ask what ''spikes'' means, but rather where in the map there are difficulty spikes

if he ask where spikes, he will ask like "where spikes" no? not like "what spikes".


can you please stop acting as if you know how to properly speak english?

a faily solopart

a high moderate drag part

i guess its okay to put those in the same map 🤷

wtf man u talking about? stop be tox to me

i know u hate me

but stop, i trying my best

i will agree a little bit that this part to me, seems harder than some of the other parts. however i do think it is fine to have a little ''spike''

its not toxic, your communication is not good and thats a serious issue, you act as if you understand whats going on but you don't, which is really weird

i also agree that the map has balance issues, but you (triki) didn't communicate these properly, you compared a solopart (rather a filler) to a real part, which doesn't make too much sense in terms of balancing, in addition the solopart is faily, so indeed it "fits" to harder parts we started an internal discussion about wether we should force a rework on this map or not, but it's not up to you, if the mapper actually has to rebalance the map (you said that kaniosek has to do changes)

this is uncalled for tbh

nah, triki needs to learn to communicate properly, because they want to become a tester instead of pretending to understand stuff, triki needs to learn

let's move the discussion about my English over here. https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1263318419697176729/1270081526582870038

let's talk about the map. where i said this? "you said that kaniosek has to do changes"

"solos are need improve"

this is kinda lame, i wouldnt' make this faily

u should improve your start, it starts off an a kinda difficult move and the goes straight into a drag part

its gonna get kinda blocky with a bunch of tees stuck in the freeze

u should add another cp halfway for this shotgun solo

the spacing here is kinda off, if you try to just full swing on the first hookable you fail which is really unintuitive

the gap going up should be more -> to make it more obvious

lots of block potential in this hammer (like if two tees are stacked and you hammer bottom, you fail)

feel like this part would be better off as an unfaily solo, earlier in the map

maybe switch this solo and the shotgun solo? i think this part illustrates how the tunezone works better

the part after is already faily, no need to punish some guy who is afk because he needed to go grab a glass of water

since you used these tunes in this solo, i expected them to be in the parts following

but the final parts were pretty vanilla drag parts, which felt odd

the solo just feels a little out of place

the solos in general i feel need a little bit of nerfing or at least they need checkpoints in the middle of them

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

I see that you want to keep the long solos in your map, but u need to think about the perspective from a player

a lot of moderate players are going to be really annoyed that they have to play super long solo parts between drag parts

and especially in this map, solo parts seem a little unbalanced. i 1 or 2 tried most drags, but some of the solos took many more attempts

bg 10/10

- removed map mask, now it looks cleaner ;3

thank god it looks so much better now

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

- improved bg and one part

Wrong file mb

talked with mapper ig

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

let me know if everything is good about gameplay, then i will send another version with fixed teleports chronology

fixed all what we agreed with Vena and Welf

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

what u change?

- Teleports fixed
- third solo fixed

- Improved BG

new logo

logo fix

added missing textures in bg

added textures in hd

its hard for us to tell you when everything is fixed, im fine now with the checkpoint placement

Sure, can i send another map ?

or is there a limit to one

No, you can submit it

nice, ty ;3

the limit is, when the discord Server have the max number of channels

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

catseye and me tested it. we suggested a way back for a part, cutting some path blocking hookables, removing some skips and a hd off thing

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

-one texture fix

Map looks a lot better than the first versions but I still would like to see some changes before I could confidently ready it.
- Can you shift the hookable more to the left? (Marked position) Would make it a lot more comfortable.
- This one is optional but it would look better if you come up from the left and don't have to walk against the part.
- Please add another block of hookables here. Doing the the part from the platform is really annoying at the moment. (Could also add some solos for these type of parts so people will block less in team 0)
- Make the swing inside the tube easier. Moving the hooktiles one to the right and extending the tube one to the left.
- This is such a random faily part that is awkward to play as well. Remove the freeze on the left while going up, extend the hookables down a bit and add a layer of unfreeze under the ceiling freeze.
- The section is team 0 focused and doesn't really fit in with the rest of the map. Either make the last part a possible solo swing as well or rework the section into some easy gores or something else.
- There is no indication for this faily spot. I'd also suggest to add some sort of platform extending from the right so you will have more time to think if you just go for the hammer directly. That should also help a bit with bigger groups where multiple players jump in at once.
- I already talked to you about this jump before but now I'll also provide you with a solution that I already tested. Increase the length of the tune zones up to 20 tiles and the space to the right of it also to 20 tiles. Remove one layer of freeze from the bottom to make it a bit less punishing and to keep it even throughout the part.
- Failing here just feels wrong if you miss going left, please fix that.
- Pretty annoying having to constantly hook the wall waiting for your partner to hit both hooks. Adding more of the tune zones would fit the map and fix that.

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

how many more changes? soon it will be a completely different map

thanks for the test, I hope it's the last one

If the changes are implemented properly the gameplay would be ready for me. :)

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

- There is freeze here and the design is a bit buggy.
- Can you add another platform at the end so you won't slide/fall off while frozen?
- Could you extend the tune zones by four so they are 20 in width and same for the space on the right? (20 wide) You still have quite a bit of space to the (top) right so that shouldn't be a problem.
Other changes are looking good. :)

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Do you want the players to fall at the last part? 😅

if they get to the end, they shoud be able to make a simple hammerfly

and from what I see there are two paths, you won't fall on one

imo the previous version was better, because this end leads to more frustrating fails. especially the players who can barely beat this map, might get very annoyed by the end.
maybe this end is fine, if you add a ground (with freeze on it) below the hammerfly, so you can save in case of a lag or you can get saved by others

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

iwant to keep it faily

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Logo colours are terrible in comparison to looking at the rest of the map. Last part is standing out of all the other parts in terms of general quality. You can choose between extremely low quality gores and slow and uncreative hammerfly. Not to mention that the last part is the most faily throughout the whole map.

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

Cool map tho

arrows in entities + jump refills would probably be the best way to indicate the tunes in the solo

I usually don't play with sound on but I can only hear sound when at the spawn. In the editor there are also tunes shown that move with the tee tho?

I really like logo colors

Also i dont really want to change third solo again

Also i think its nice

Rest seems fine to change

Or fix

U can hear it in bg when u leave spawn

Just switch map sounds to max in options

the colors are fire but dont match the map design


Its only logo

besides, the map is not in one color, so the logo may also be in another

Its a bit colorful

welf is typing

we are only asking for a design change, not a gameplay change, because right now it's confusing for entitie players, but imo it's hard to find a good solution. freezy suggested jump refill tiles, maybe only blue arrows would help aswell (indicating in which direction the tune influences your movement)

but you don't need to change that one

It's okay if you want to keep the logo colours as is. I still wanted to point out that those are standing out quite much and could be seen as odd.

So no real gameplay change at all

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

fixed all above

its not easier when u take speed ?

It's very easy to jump while standing a bit to the left then hook and walk.



Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

check now


Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

changed all above

That is still skipable but could be kept I guess.

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

Looks hard

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).


Found a couple more things, but after you fix these, the map should be ready imo!

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

about the 4th, someone suggested the HT so nobody fails if multiple tees stack there

Oh okay I see.. I guess you can keep it like this then.

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).


- improved lamps and changed runes

First ready set by Trial Tester. Map needs to be tested again by an official tester before fully evaluated. Suggested Difficulty Rating:★★★☆☆

nothing else imo

(didnt test map) only looked for bugs

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

improved logo, changed start and end line


Its meant for players to quickly get into pos

Get it?

So you can hammer after you and dummy fail

pointless anyways 🙂

Pointless but qol is greater (or how they call it)

it started with 1.65 mb of weight and finishes weighing 500 mb

but for example if you are going to do a speedrun you cant fail at the first part xd, so why would normal players would want a quicker start as you are trying to do?

What if no1 rank failed 1st part 3x and you can fail it max 2?

Its useful sometimes

normally when speedruners want to have first rank if they failed or do something "wrong" the just restart 🙂

and btw on the whole map he uses 1 tp for every part so is not consistent

the map difficulty is not balanced but is getting progressively harder, and i like it. I was doing something similar on my new map

i don't understand any of your suggestions


is quite clear to me

and simple

2 to teleporters are better for a consistent setup, you suggest to remove checkpoints? they have a purpose (it would be annoying otherwise)

have you checked the map? literally you have that setup in 1 place, which is the most irrelevant part of the map. im suggesting to delete the cp in that place because is not usefull. The part is quite easy, and you can do it as slow as you want to reach the upper part, meaning you dont need a safe point if you fail, and the gore part is quite easy as well

You could also turn on spec mode so players can change the strong/weak hook

i tested the map multiple times. spawning at the same spot as your teammate (the dummy in the drag part) can be annoying because you can spawn on top of them.
that additional cp for the gores is nice for inconsistent players (it's frustrating to repeat the drag because your teammate failed the gores). removing the cp on top might lead to weird things, if you fall into the cp tiles from the gores

this is not just my opinion, i talked to another tester who also didn't understand your suggestions

1) as i said "literally you have that setup in 1 place, which is the most irrelevant part of the map." so he has to be consistent 2) y but the map is hard enough to not have that cp, if the mapper wannts to keep it its okay

i dont understand what you mean by 1 so you agree that it would be weird without the cp but you still want to remove it? the cp was added because it was suggested by me

I'm that tester 👋

bro we are talking 2 different things at the same time, is not hard to understand the meaning of the sentence 😂

as a tester we do suggestions, to me i wouldnt put a cp because is not that hard to do that gore, but if the mapper wants to keep it is his decision

quite easy to understand 🙂

i still don't understand you. you didn't explain after i told you that i don't understand. i'm also just telling you that 2 testers disagree with your test. quite easy to understand 🙂

then read again because i explained 3 times already, im saying that i would not use that cp because the part is not that long and not that hard, jesus christ is just a cp man, im just giving my point 😂 as everybody else (regular players and testers).

and if the mapper wants to keep it then he keeps it, im not giving him an order

I asked about an explanation for this screenshot. not for an explanation about removing cp teleporter 2. i just think that removing cp 2 would be a big mistake, because it would mean alot of frustration for learning moderate players (in t0 you might play with much less experienced players than urself).

i'm also not giving you an order. im just telling you that 2 testers don't understand your test

here you said "you cant" while you meant to say "you can"

which leads to even more confusion


i misspelled

i didnt noticed

for me the rest of the map looks fine (gameplay wise)

good job 😄



I think whole map is fine

you need to optimize the map tho

as i said here

Nah i optimized it already

i think this would be a good change actually


Its impossible to miss this cp

U have to hit it

it doesn't matter much but i feel like it makes sense. it's just a weird spot

It just look weird

But it works well

i think your solution was fine

Map looks like 1.2 mb

Don't exaggerate and compare your maps to mine, it looks so much diferent

Bro its like 200 kb

is really easy actually, just lowering the resolution. Remember no everyody has a good conection

I don't want to change anything anymore

I'm sick of it already xD

agree among yourself what I should change

srry if it looks bad, the photoshop version that i have sucks ass D:

tho you can slice and stretch it in the game, so should be good

Don't change anything and maybe this map will be released, maybe not. We're just giving tips on how to improve your map.

Bro i changed already almost whole map

Wtf are u talki g about


Btw it was already ready


Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

logs: logo update + some stuff was not HD

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

First ready set. It needs to be tested again by a different tester before fully evaluated. Suggested Difficulty Rating:★★★☆☆

The map is now ready to be released! Difficulty Rating: ★★★☆☆ Optimized version attached. Changelog:
Unoptimized version: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1265344802946289747/1289238591456936019

for protocol: freezestyler and me readied it (we tested the map with kaniosek on the server before)

it says "removed 2 layers" "removed 1 layer" instead of just saying 3?

(might be a bug? just wondering)

nice find the function to remove unused stuff is called twice in the script. something inbetween those two calls must've made one of the layers more empty ^^ My best guess is that there were rotated air tiles somewhere in the map, which got un-rotated inbetween

interesting xD

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

2 entities bugs removed

The map is now ready to be released! Difficulty Rating: ★★★☆☆ Optimized version attached. Changelog:
Unoptimized version: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1265344802946289747/1289238591456936019

i think second tele makes this solo too easy now

compare to other solos

meybe its better to remove it ?


I don’t understand what you mean

i mean cp in half of it

Ah yes the first part is nerfed heavily but making it one tp would look odd structure-wise in my opinion

Current version of it should be fine but feel free to change it if you want to, append a screenshot of how you changed the part then

can be as it is

I also think it's good as it is, all the other solos have a checkpoint in the middle as well.

- Fixed corners in 2 parts
- improved structure for one part + added missing corner

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

The map is now ready to be released! Difficulty Rating: ★★★☆☆ Optimized version attached. Changelog:
Unoptimized version: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1265344802946289747/1289238591456936019


why did logo change ?

on the left, the old logo

on the right, a new one that is not on the map

You wanted to use the right one?


purple one

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Optimized version attached,
@catseyenebulous. Changelog:

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Optimized version attached,
@catseyenebulous. Changelog:


Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Optimized version attached,
@catseyenebulous. Changelog:

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Optimized version attached,
@catseyenebulous. Changelog:


bad bot


Was it the original color the bot keeps changing it to?

I entered the test sever and the logo color was from the previous version instead of the newest one

everything else seems fine

Okay. Looks like the bot is somehow resetting the logo to the old one.

Need your expertise. Why is the bot changing the colors of the mappers name? Seems like back to an older version. https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1265344802946289747/1291077677687509115

do we need to add the additional tester roles to the bot, to tell it to also take maps from them?

What does "take" mean? Upload to our test servers you mean?

when it goes through the messages of the channel, to find the most recent version

ah, to $optimize I mean

Ah, is this about /optimize?


It will take whatever the latest pinned message is I believe from non-bot author

So this one

shouldn't it also pin the uploads from testers then?

I think I know why

We might have hit the channel pin limit, so the bot stopped pinning messages

ow, sounds plausible


Let me see if there's an error to catch this

discord moment

fork discord

like teeworlds

maybe the bot could just save the links to messages with map uploads

i think the bot should start unpinning the oldest messages excluding the first "@ this is your testing channel"

and then there is like a menu to list all uploads

bot too dumb

or unpin the messages without any changelogs

bad bot


can just save pinned message links to a list and unpin them when the list hits 50

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Fixed. The bot will simply unpin the second last pinned message if the 50 pin limit is reached.

thanks for the quick fix

Can you check if this the latest version?

Cant now

after work

good bot

good bad bot


its good

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

fixed chains

were different in different parts of the map

sorry for the confusion with ready

The map is now ready to be released! Difficulty Rating: ★★★☆☆ Optimized version attached. Changelog:
Unoptimized version: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1265344802946289747/1291428665300881429

Not your fault. :)

I think it looks good now.
@murpi@patigaThank you two!

Added animation for logo and changed one part

The map is now ready to be released! Difficulty Rating: ★★★☆☆ Optimized version attached. Changelog:
Unoptimized version: https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/1265344802946289747/1295046374005542973


Watch coke appear After rls xd

design should be playable

your map has just been released, and you now have a 2-week grace period to identify and resolve any unnoticed bugs or skips. After these two weeks, only design and quality of life (QoL) fixes will be allowed, provided they don't impact the leaderboard rankings. Be aware that significant gameplay changes may impact and lead to the removal of ranks. Good luck with your map!

- gg you jinxed it.

there should be cp4 in stoppers

i already fixed it

I found a few more design bugs

I will post a new version tomorrow

Can you describe how it doesn't work well?

well.. i mean in t0

if you get dragged through part and then you want to do it and fall into tp, you will be taken to freeze

Oh yea, got that. Thought it was the part itself which wasn't working.

nono i meant cps exactly

Post-release updates need to be uploaded manually. Please reach out to an administrator.

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Optimized version attached,
@catseyenebulous. Changelog:

- fixed part above
- fixed design bugs i found

Did you also fix that on the last part?

wait what


i didnt wait

Post-release updates need to be uploaded manually. Please reach out to an administrator.

Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

Optimized version attached,
@catseyenebulous. Changelog:

how long do you have to wait for changes to be introduced? 😅

Map should be up.