this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

the map turned out to be small only

Hello Agusha, apparently I have to tell you, that your map can't be released on DDNet as we don't release short race maps anymore.
Also the gameplay should be more interesting to fit our current standards.
A good recently released race map was

You could take a look at this one to see what type of race maps is release worthy.
As you probably noticed, we don't release race maps often anymore. Not only because of the low map submissions, but because there is another server for hosting race maps.
You can find them by searching for Unique in the game browser.
Thank you for your submission!

Your map submission has been declined.

Also the gameplay should be more interesting to fit our current standards. We dont release race maps? we don't release race maps often anymore. because difference between often and never is huge. and if it exist im interesting.

ye this is too short map. but u didn't say what wrong with this map on gameplay side. you just said generalities but if u give 2-3 examples will be perfect.



I named 5 „recently“ released maps to get inspiration from. There is not much gameplay for 2-3 examples, but if the map would go further like the first and only part, then it would lack of quality and fun gameplay. Just speculation so I rather advised a few maps to look at. Also race maps will still be released, just no short race maps.

I mean, you're being overly critical, and the only flaw in the map is that it's very short. And if he comes up with 20 more parts, with the same quality and then polish I think that this map can be released. Am I wrong?

I agree that those maps aren‘t the best examples now that I see them. No idea what the reasons for release were.. Maybe they were old. Grenadium is a good example tho and such a race map would be released again easily.
If there were 20 more parts like the one in the current map, then it wouldn‘t be releasable if you ask me. Thats why I intended to advise the mapper some maps to look at, but you are right.
Grenadium looks way better in quality and he should be inspired by that one rather than the other maps.

bro , i am going continue mapping the map that i was mapping after hook it ... thank you you ! 💗 sadly have a lot projects and no time for everythink ! thanks for this words . i haven't finished my own map xD