this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.tw/rules

oo beautiful design as always, looks like my computer will turn into a toaster tho

cool map but why teamforce? i can see map is nice to play in t0. there no huge cheats without teamforce except u can skip a bit in beginning maybe but thats all

and long noobfilters makes no sense in 2p forced maps

oh, its for the chinese tournament. if t0 is ok I will change it to t0

removed teamforce, changed the background in low details

really nice map

thank you !

fixed skips

I think it's better not to fix the skips at the beginning and let 2 player force instead. Maybe without noobfilter, kicker is right

But also many other parts are very tightly mapped, so rather 2 player force imo


Would you like t0 or team force?

For t0 I would then have to look at the whole map again

multiple places xd

always put 2 totele for t0

maybe i remembered the map a bit wrong, should be all ok for t0 if you want it. for me it is still a 2 player map, but have nothing against t0.

you don't care that you can cheat the first parts?


added entity off sign for all warning, put all 2 totele

changed noobfilter, more space at spawn

yea, i think the small skip at first parts is ok. i have changed a bit It's harder skip than before


it works on maps with green mark


where does the green mark come from?

bot ads blue mark, after a tester or a person with permission press it too it changes to green

in testing channels, when a person with no permissions reupload a new map, a tester can press the blue check and it turns into UP!

hm and is the testing channel created before or after the tester gives the blue mark on the initial map?

ony when a tester react

do you know if that usually works on maps from the bot?

ooh, but why does
#💤♿try_it_2exist without the green mark then, is the bot just slow?

its the first time that we try it, so no

yeah something went wrong here

channel was created after ravie pressed the blue mark

but it stays blue

use this version then

hm ok, check the map again, there are some places where u dont need a ! sign


u used the wrong version ?

try to fixed the hammer chain skip, the boat one is ok i think


oh, i will upload again

i didnt see "red" marks on this screen

oh sry

right up

u can delete all ! signs that are not important (entities off too)

right up blue one is the delete one?



but check the map again and delete the not important ones 😛


$ready 1

that u cant cheat here

nice 😀

Beautiful map bit

i fixed a little cto bug

im there

1st good job to
@bitfor the map

cause it takes a rly long time to do

and I m not here to denigrate him or his map

just giving my opinion

1st of all, if this is a 2 players map, I dont think it should be a 1 star brutal map

the map is kinda faily (a bit, not much), and long

it should be 2 or 3 stars for me

ur wrong, its high 1*

but still 1*


im looking to the whole map to dont say wrong things

for me the worst point are the death blocks, I think they are to much on the map

so it's what knuski and i thought, since no one is interested in rating or testing we have to rate/test almost everything alone. but think here 1* is ok

it could be with less death I guess

just in my opinion of non professional

and I think parts are not the sames level, there are easy parts and rly hard

*hard and faily

Shouldn't be 1* in my opinion


should be 1.5*
