this is your map's testing channel! Post map updates here and remember to follow our mapper rules: https://ddnet.org/rules

I was checking my maps and the truth is that if I liked the map the way it is, I only made a few changes to it.

Except that it doesn't have a name. :(

x: 2117 y: 353

x: 879 y: 422

x: 651 y: 211

I can’t vouch for the gameplay, but the appearance is well made, of course with bugs due to the human factor, but I would accept it✅

1958 389


yes it was very inconvenient to do

and imagine if there are more than 2 tees


Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).


-some nerf

-wrong file

i like that speed fly :c

yeah leave it as is then 🙂


-end reworked

-undeep design

Dunno if you care about this skip but:

I have no other problems with the gameplay though, I really liked it, fun map

I put a warning only if i put another hole😈

Nah, i think is ok without the signal

-desing bugs


Include a changelog alongside your map updates (preferably with screenshots).

-fix desing

same for the other 2 deep parts

they serve no purpose if u play with more than 2 people

they will just be skipped

with just 1 person being deep

there is no problem if a only deleted that deep parts and put another normal parts?

all the deep*

yea it would be better for the t0 style of the map if there were no deep parts in my opinion

i think the main problem on the map that its designed as t0 because of how many fillers there is, but these fillers are very "plain" and boring. Many parts are really cool for 2p, but the map is gonna be exhausting to play as 2p-6p team because of its length. Imo you could take a lot of 2p parts from here and use it in your other punishing styled maps. I also think would i like to play it again and again in team 0, like bit / bitd and other popular t0 maps and i dont think so. I would play play it only for finish and forget about it.
But thats me, maybe others testers think it worth release, so i wont decline it

I agree with Kicker. The whole map feels like its more designed and structured for a 2-4 people teamrun than t0.

This 4 block structure also triggers me tbh, almost every new t0 map is like that now and looks like another simple down clone

So i as understand it, i should improved the fillers, eliminated the deeps, and the 4 block estructures ( i can´t think anything about how to solve the structure)

i doubt thats possible to make fillers better because whole map is already made, u will need to adjust spaces for that and thats gonna be big pain because u will have to move ur map a lot. but no need to hurry) this is just my opinion and others could have completely other one and release the map as it is


and there is no problem with the 4 block structure?

well its not forbidden, but seeing maps having same structure over and over is meh

mmm ok

Map channel has been moved to waiting mapper.

-all fillers reworked


this map super unblanced) like mod 5 and brutal 3 on the same map. im testing with mapper and told him everything

have some problem with spacing, some more, some less. for example:

-fillers and some parts reworked

forgot spawn xd

tested it with vena and others, we think that the map has some major issues, because it's somewhat a t0 map, but some parts don't really make sense in t0, because they are made for 2 players, are you fine with reworking alot? we will put screens then, but we wont invest time, if you don't want to rework the map. you would probably need new ideas, to make the parts enjoyable in t0.


Bad design and bad estructure for this and i need work a lot

Your map submission has been declined.


